A duel server?

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It is.

There's an issue with the module handling duel mode though. Your health doesn't seem to reset after a finished duels, which makes it a big problematic. Maybe the developers can take a look at it?
I've set up another duel server. I'm thinking of enchancing this game type a little - make it not only for dueling, but also for practicing melee and shooting skills. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

In next patch I added auto heal and ammunition refill for agent who wins the duel.
I noticed that the score thing was completely odd. I think you only got kills when you killed someone who was actually from the other team (So, Ottoman vs Ottoman does not work, but Ottoman vs Cossack does), but I am not sure. I do know that my comrade had a score of 1-8, when he had killed me atleast 4 times previously.
Slawomir of Aaarrghh said:
I've set up another duel server. I'm thinking of enchancing this game type a little - make it not only for dueling, but also for practicing melee and shooting skills. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

In next patch I added auto heal and ammunition refill for agent who wins the duel.

I can't see the new server :O
Sorry, but I had to close it down for now. I'm doing a lot of server-client tests right now and I'm able to host only one dedic at time (I don't know why, but if I start another dedic on my PC, the first one crashes...).
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