A Deeper Begining

  • Thread starter William Johnson
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William Johnson

OK so Mount & Blade *as awesome as it is* feels to me as though it starts to vaguely.  Just a random horseman no ones heard of that magically appears in the middle of a field.  I propose adding depth to your characters storyline.  So here are my ideas. BTW not all have to be with the other.  Just ideas.

1. Possibly a short childhood were you fine tune which skills you have in the beginning of your "adventuring"

2. Living in a village *chosen at random from which ever faction you choose to grow up in* Were you continue to build skills and perform mundane village tasks for your village. 

3. Choose at one point to either Remain in the village and rank up to what would be considered something like a Mayer *village elder* or Go off on your own adventures *pretty much were mount and blade starts you off now*

As you can see this gives a greater deal of character development and provides depth to an already amazing game :smile:

I believe some of my fellow M&B fans will agree :smile:

Thanks for agreeing.

PS. Thanks for agreeing is supposed to be Thanks for reading :smile: sorry.
Sorry to be that guy, but the final line of the beginning is always "Become an adventurer and ride to Calradia." So you're not born there, and wouldn't grow up there. But I guess a little modding of the text could change that.

But I do agree that MnB could use more depth. Ideally it would take the best character development traits of traditional RPG's and combine them with its already action-oriented gameplay.
So.. you basically want to be able to chose the same things that you are currently able to chose, just that you actually have to play them?

So, if you choose "Game Poacher" you will enter a mini game where you attempt to hunt animals?

Sounds great, but it would ultimately include some heavy work.. Lots of new models and skeletons, lots of other work..

But it would be awesome.

However, one should also have the option to skip it...
Well, starting out as an inhabitant, with one of the villages or towns having a slightly higher reputation would be fun, you could make the choices more like this

Faction (Decides next choices)
Town/village (Dependant on faction, decides armour, decides basic skill)
Occupation of parent (Decides weapon)
Own interest (Decides advanced skill)

So that if you hail from a village in the forest, your skills reflect this, if you are from the steppe or close to the sea, it is wildly different.
I think it would be nice if there were quest lines for lone adventurers. This will make staying alone, perhaps with a few companions, a more valid option.

janlulhannes said:
The whole idea behind M&B is that YOU are the one who makes his own story.
Well, there are a number of people who play M&B for it's great combat system, rather than for it's sandbox gameplay. I'm one of these people. I think you should still be able to make your own story, but it would be nice if there were a few quest lines you could follow (a 'good guy' quest line; a few neutral quest lines, like in the service of a king; and a villain quest line perhaps)
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