hello there fellow M&Bers,
i have suddenly had some dodgyness appear in my game of warband and i was wandering if any1 could help me out a bit.
firstly, all the food i have or can buy give +0 moral points, which would be bad enough, but then in my party moral report it also gives me -30 for not having any food, even tho i have plenty in my inventory. and then to ad insult to injury, for some reson my characters face has reverted back to some kind of bald chinless default, and i shed a tear every time i have to look at his hairless ,alien-chinned face.
if anyone has had or knows a fix for any of these problems, your help would be greatly appreciated
thanks a bunch guys and gals
may the force be with you
i have suddenly had some dodgyness appear in my game of warband and i was wandering if any1 could help me out a bit.
firstly, all the food i have or can buy give +0 moral points, which would be bad enough, but then in my party moral report it also gives me -30 for not having any food, even tho i have plenty in my inventory. and then to ad insult to injury, for some reson my characters face has reverted back to some kind of bald chinless default, and i shed a tear every time i have to look at his hairless ,alien-chinned face.
if anyone has had or knows a fix for any of these problems, your help would be greatly appreciated
thanks a bunch guys and gals
may the force be with you