a couple of weird issues

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hello there fellow M&Bers,
i have suddenly had some dodgyness appear in my game of warband and i was wandering if any1 could help me out a bit.
firstly, all the food i have or can buy give +0 moral points, which would be bad enough, but then in my party moral report it also gives me -30 for not having any food, even tho i have plenty in my inventory. and then to ad insult to injury, for some reson my characters face has reverted back to some kind of bald chinless default, and i shed a tear every time i have to look at his hairless ,alien-chinned face.
if anyone has had or knows a fix for any of these problems, your help would be greatly appreciated

thanks a bunch guys and gals

may the force be with you :smile:
Looks like your games scripts and files have been bumped over a little. A question for you though, did you happen to try to mod the game in any way? Another explanation might be that your game is very long, in ALL games longer games tend to have more issues. e.g. Oblivion at 20 hours is less glitchy than 200 hours.
no i haven't tried modding it, and yes i have been playing the same game for a while now, i am on day 782. but relative to what can be accomplished in the game.. this is still really in its infancy. quite draining.
i own two towns and a bunch of castles, was going to start my own faction, but with constantly low troop moral, i cant lead an effective army into battle. so you think there is a way to remedy the issue or will i have to start again, with the fear of more glitches again.
curses to the m&b god for being such a glitchy b**ch.
well through fear of not finding a fix and due to the shakes i was starting to get because of m&b withdrawal symptoms, i have reloaded a previously saved game, but lost about 40 days of sarranid slaughtering.
i was going to start a new game on uber difficult with realistic save setting.. but with a glitch like this present, i think realistic save settings would be like stabbing yourself in the face.

but i'm still up for finding a fix for the glitches if there is one, and then i'll fast forward in time again.

ciao for now. :smile:
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