A couple of ideas...

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Hi all! I just got several good ideas!


For every group of 5 or more men (IE: 7 Footmen), not including peasants, an NPC Captain is added. When you give orders, you give orders to the Captains. The footmen then follow their Captain. Unlike normal soldiers the Captain starts out with slightly better gear than the rest. If he is commanding Vaegir Knights he is still slightly stronger then the normal Knights. Also, you can upgrade him. When the group gains a level, upgrading the Captain has minor changes to the group. The Captain is selected by talking to the group. You can also change your Captain's armor/weapon. The cost is however, you cannot get your armor/weapon back. Also, if you give the Captain more than one of an item he will divide them among his soldiers. The Captain is kind've like a Commander. Finally, the Captain can only be knocked unconscious. However, when the amount of living men (unconsious counts as living) in his group drops below 5 he disappears after the battle. :smile:


Bandits would stalk the roads, and be invisible. The only way to see them is to find where the tracks end. However, roads are lighted and allow you to see farther, and allow you to move faster. :smile:

Armor Selection

For a fee of 150 GP per man the blacksmith in each town will give the group armor. It is the same strengh as their current armor, it just looks different. Every time they level up you will have to re-select the armor look, if you want that is :smile:. This would allow you to uncostly, uncheaply, and unub3rly make your men look like you and create a uniformed army. :smile:


Inns would be located along roads and inside you can:

Rest (5 GP)
Drink for self (2 GP, heals a bit)
Drink for party (2 per man in party, heals a bit)
Buy (Open up buying/selling window)

Also, you could easily find quests in Inns. They would be slightly crowded and many a men inside would give you a quest such as: "Bring me a keg of ale, good man, and I shall pay you handsomely!" OR "Hey, you look strong... I was attacked by the Flaming Hand bandits. Could you hunt them down for me? They might be heading towards Zendar."

Also, these Inns could be called Taverns in some places. :smile:

Named Enemies

Named enemies would be such things as "Flaming Hand Bandits (Forest Bandits)". They would be slightly stronger than normal forest bandits and would drop better/more loot. Also, the name in parentheses tells what they are, so "Naked Raiders (Sea Raiders)" are Sea Raiders, but stronger. :smile:


I believe the the world should be more alive and thrilling. Grass and shrubs should populate the interior of towns. Taverns/Inns should be filled with NPCs and tables and kegs, oh my! The exterior world should have a fine layer of grass and small shrubs while brush spreads out from within a forest. Battlezones should be slightly more colorful with small patches of grass and flowers, while shrubs and trees give hiding places to archers. Grassy fields should be around rivers, and the water should be more detailed. :smile:

Statistic Sheet

After a battle you would have the option of viewing a statistic sheet. This would tell a lot of information about the battle, and you. Such as:

Battle Statistics:
Amount of Soldiers Killed: 53
Amount of Soldiers Knocked Unconscious: 6
Unit Killed the Most: Dark Hunter
Unit Killing the Most: Lord Arathen De Trinmac (Player)

Player Statistics:
Amount of Headshots: 6
Most Difficult Shot: 5.7
Amount of Soldiers Killed: 24
Amount of Soldiers Knocked Unconscious: 3
Favorite Weapon: Two-Handed LongSword
Most of Unit Type Killed: Dark Knight (16)
Battle Begin HP: 98%
Battle End HP: 30% (68% Difference)

Of course, it would look cooler, and be better, and say more. :smile:

So, to end this:

That is my list of ideas! Hope you consider some of them!

Good ideas. Most have been suggested and generally liked by most it seems. I would very much like to see not only battle statistics, but overall statistics. Something that keeps track of kills/times knocked out/troops lost and a bunch of stuff for the entire game.
The captain idea has already been proposed a few times and I like it.

I agree that roads should have you move faster but using them means you run the risk of being ambushed by bandits. This, too, has already been suggested.

I don't think you should necessarily be able to choose armors for your troops, but I think you should have the option to create a uniform surcoat for all your soldiers to wear on top of their armor, and perhaps special ones for you and your heroes to wear.

I don't think you need extra inns, the taverns in all the towns and the Four thingies inn should be enough, once that's finished. I think you should be able to find special quests in those, though.

More variable enemies would be nice, and will no doubt eventually be added. Same goes for more world detail.

I also agree it'd be great to get more extensive battle reports after each combat and also keep an overall career track record.
Hmm... I like okiN's idea of the surcoats. But, with one difference: Surcoats for your men, and special surcoats for your heroes AND captains, and a final surcoat for you. This would allow you to quickly aid Captains in battle, help Heroes, and would allow you to look at yourself and say "No one has such a pretty coat!". Lol. Of course, why would you say that?. Lol. :grin:
i like the captains would make battles funner if they where captain but they should have better armor and stand out from there men. I Love the uniforms that would make it so much easyer if you could tell them apart just from the first look, most of the times i have to look for the green above there heads.
Matching surocats for your men, banners for you and your captains, all of this would help add some atmosphere and pageantry. It's all well and good if you want to play a mercenary captain/general with rag tag group of fighters (ala Flesh & Blood) but if you want a company of knights and men at arms (or something similar) matching surcoats are a must.

I've seen this suggested in other threads, and I agree that it would also be really cool if you could design your coat of arms too (within reason, selecting from a heraldry menu: lions, griffins, eagles, etc., picking the colors and a few simple designs like you do facial features). Probably just wishful thinking but that would be sweet.
It could be pretty simple and yet still offer a lot of variety. Pick the field divisions of your arms, the colors (two or three) of the field and the charges (lions, griffins, eagles, STALLIONS, stags, bears, whatever). Once you get done with the menu and either reach a certain level or get promoted far enough by a count or King, you get rewarded by being able to select your arms and have them show up on your surcoat and shield if you use one.

Assuming this would be too much to have the arms show up on all your men, maybe just your captains/compansions and then at least the colors you selected on the surcoats of the rest of your men.
Yes surcoats for all your men would be very nice, and maybe big colored feathers for the NPC guys helmets, and yours.

There is a armor in the game with a big red "dress" over the chainmail, is this what you call "surcoat".
I like the idea of tying the grant of arms to military (hence social) rank. I wonder if some troop types might not be restricted in the same way? How many knights would really follow a squire, a priest, a hunter or a merchant into battle?

Or is that just getting too fussy?
Lash said:
Yes surcoats for all your men would be very nice, and maybe big colored feathers for the NPC guys helmets, and yours.

There is a armor in the game with a big red "dress" over the chainmail, is this what you call "surcoat".

Yep. There are lots of styles in history, but that's the most ubiquitous one. Cloth covering or tunic worn over armor.
OddjobXL said:
I like the idea of tying the grant of arms to military (hence social) rank. I wonder if some troop types might not be restricted in the same way? How many knights would really follow a squire, a priest, a hunter or a merchant into battle?

Or is that just getting too fussy?

That could definitely make things more challenging. Say, you can only recruit low-level troops when you first start out, and can only move up the "tree" as you achieve certain ranks/reputation. I'm sure a lot of folks would hate it, but I'd like it. It would make finally getting to obtain knights/sergeant/hired blades really mean something.
I think for surcoats, all we need is a decision to turn them on, or off. Changing the picture would just be an out of game thing of editing the texture. I'm sure someone could make a "Quick and Easy Surcoat Skin Generator". Then you would have a file in with your saved game that was the surcoat texture for you and your troops. Have another texture for banners and we're all set.
Nah, we want this to be user friendly! No texture editing. It would also make it more immersive. You know? To go to the Emblemer, or Hereldry, or Emblazer. That would be fun... And choose different things, heres how it should work:

*2 or 3 Primary Colors (1.) Primary is back of coat. 2.) Primary is etching. AND 3.) Primary adds either a checkered back of coat, or a split back of coat.)
*1 Trim (Goes around the side)
*1 Secondary (Color of Symbol)
*1 Symbol

For example:


As you can see I have done this:

3 Primary Colors:
*1.) Dark Purple
*2.) Gold
*3.) Light Blue

I chose to Diagonally Split it and Reverse it on either sides.

1 Trim:

1 Secondary:

1 Symbol:

See, it can work. :smile:
Dvd said:
Nah, we want this to be user friendly! No texture editing. It would also make it more immersive. You know? To go to the Emblemer, or Hereldry, or Emblazer. That would be fun... And choose different things, heres how it should work:

*2 or 3 Primary Colors (1.) Primary is back of coat. 2.) Primary is etching. AND 3.) Primary adds either a checkered back of coat, or a split back of coat.)
*1 Trim (Goes around the side)
*1 Secondary (Color of Symbol)
*1 Symbol

For example:


As you can see I have done this:

3 Primary Colors:
*1.) Dark Purple
*2.) Gold
*3.) Light Blue

I chose to Diagonally Split it and Reverse it on either sides.

1 Trim:

1 Secondary:

1 Symbol:

See, it can work. :smile:

NO i would like 5 or six primary colors,
3 or 4 types of trim, 3 or 4 colors of symbol, and lots of symbols.
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