A couple of general melee combat questions

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1. Is there anything special about the different types of attacks (swing left/right, thrust, overhead swing)? I know there are some weapons with bonuses to certain attacks but other than that, is there any other reason to carefuly choose which attacks to use rather than mash the attack button after a successful block?

2. Is there any way to chain attacks together to make a series of quick strikes? For example, If I swing from right to left is there any way to immediately swing from left to right? Every time I try to do this there's a pause before swinging in the other direction and it seems just as fast as repeatedly swinging from left to right.

3. I read somewhere that if you rotate your character in the direction of the swing you can do more damage. For example, if I swing right to left, I'd move my mouse to the right so my character rotates clockwise as I hold down the mouse and ready the attack. Then I'd quickly move my mouse to the left while letting go of the attack button which would rotate my character counter-clockwise and add more force to the swing. Does this really do more damage? I tried it a few times and didn't notice any extra damage.

Thanks in advance. And I know some people hate to see the same questions over and over again so I'm sorry if these questions fall into that category. I ran a few searches and read all the stickies but if I simply missed the info while looking for it I apologize.
Okey doke, lets see here.

1. Overhead swings and thrusts have a longer reach than left and right swings. Overhead swings also tend to strike the head more often. The variation is also good for feinting which is generally preparing a swing, then quickly changing swing direction to surprise the attacker.

2. Im not so sure, sorry.

3. Movement speed is calculated into how much damage you do, im not so sure on that whole rotation thing. Of course how far your attack is through its animation is also calculated into how much damage you do.

Eg: I swing my weapon and almost right after I move my weapon it collides with the enemy. This causes a smaller amount of damage because my weapon is travelling very slowly at this point.
psychotik_koala said:
3. I read somewhere that if you rotate your character in the direction of the swing you can do more damage. For example, if I swing right to left, I'd move my mouse to the right so my character rotates clockwise as I hold down the mouse and ready the attack. Then I'd quickly move my mouse to the left while letting go of the attack button which would rotate my character counter-clockwise and add more force to the swing. Does this really do more damage? I tried it a few times and didn't notice any extra damage.

Thanks in advance. And I know some people hate to see the same questions over and over again so I'm sorry if these questions fall into that category. I ran a few searches and read all the stickies but if I simply missed the info while looking for it I apologize.

This is what I do (on foot and with a sword). I don't know if it really does more damage but anyway it means the enemy has less time to react/parry and also it helps you dodge attacks...
#3 I tested this quite a bit a while back, by turning my sensitivity to the max and doing nearly a complete 360 with one swing before it connected to the enemy. No extra damage at all. I do however my my character in the direction of the swing anyway, but mainly just for visual effect as there is nothing practical about it.
Theres ofcourse the thrust/swing damage on some weapons, this is good to know. For example: i started a new character, immediately at lvl 1 i went to the camp on world map, started fighting against the fella there, no damage was dealt, i started thrusting instead and it helped. Thrust attacks are usually good against heavily armored opponents (at lower levels, at higher levels the game comes ridiculous anyway) Thrusts negate armor 50% i think.
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