A cool new carry-position (if in-game carry-positions were customizable)

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Sergeant Knight
If in-game carry-positions were customizable (which they aren't), i would consider using this one, for a class of large axes:

I.e just carry it around, in the left hand, in balance near their cutting end. It looks very natural to me.

Animated version here (121 Kb)

That one might look nice in, say, a peaceful woodcutters village, and even in battles... Imagine seeing the axeman above, say, throw knives with the right hand (while keeping the axe balanced in the left hand), and then switch to the axe with both hands to go in H2H. Because that's what would happen I think.

(only, modders would need to make sure that any troop carries such axes had no other two-handed weapons in their arsenal)
make it with the "X" button, first you have this axe in this position, it gives you...no idea...faster speed or something. Than you press "X" and the character use it with both hands. Possible in my opinion.
Beobart said:
make it with the "X" button

the above "carry-axe-balanced-on-left-hand" thing would behave exactly like carry-inside-scabbard for, say, a sword:
[*] whenever the axe is "sheathed", it goes in the left hand, wielded as above
[*] whenever you "unsheath" the axe, it goes in both hands (or right-hand, if it is a 1H axe), wielded as normal.
(all this requires is to customize "carry positions" used by the game, but that's not possible unfortunately)
No "X" button or anything.
I think you should be able to specify a different carry offset if it's a throwing weapon, and then make the alternate version a 2hander. Not sure how you would prevent bots from throwing them away the first chance they get though.
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