A Castle

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i think the hero shoul have a castle (or a Keep, a tower, etc) for his troops and things.

- There it could have a prision;

- Could have battlefields (like some group would try to rescue some important prisioner or members of their group;

- You could save farmers and refuges in the map and bring they to your castle to work for you (like in a farm, or in a shop, etc...making money and food for you);

- The castle could grow bigger if the increase your group of soldiers;

- Maybe tournaments in the castle, with other knights coming to your castle for prize money;

sorry for my really bad english, but that's my suggestion.
Welcome to the forums, Luizinho. :smile:

First of all, your english is quite good.

There have been several suggestions about player owned building such as castles, farms and the like. If you would, use the search function and try to see if a suggestion has been discussed before. If you do not find one (the search function on this site isn't the best) ... look through Ingolif's common suggestions guide (stickied thread) and see if it is listed there.

Personally, I would love to have a castle. I would crush the wills of my slaves and make them work until they collapse. :twisted:

Narcissus said:
Personally, I would love to have a castle. I would crush the wills of my slaves and make them work until they collapse. :twisted:

Yes, I would to, if i got really bored.

"No food for you! Guards! Execute him! I'm gonig slave hunting!"

I would also treat them niceely to, unless I got really bored.
hey, castles would be cool even not only for the hero.
could also be a good base for tournaments like you mentioned, and maybe if you get to king status on a faction you'll own the castle.

damn that's actually a good idea (guess i won't post my usual negative feedback here :razz: )
How about a castle being a place where you can 'store' troops. That would make it something really worth having. Like the chest in Zendar to store more weapons. If you have a character who can hold a party of 30 men and you buy a castle you have an extra slot of 20 men, but you can still only take 30 with you.

It would be useful for training your army. You leave the most experienced you don't want to lose 'at home' and raise up the peasants and militia.

You would only get all 50 men if you are staying at your castle and an enemy attacks. Temporarily you would get a charisma and leadership boost (just for that battle) that gives you extra slots added to your normal ones.

That would also explain why defending is better than attacking.
I agree, it would be great to have a castle.

However, realistically only the exceedingly rich or nobles had castles, so there would ahve to be a player lead reason for you to have one. For example, you could be made a lord or a squire due to exemplary service to either of the clans. Or perhaps even you could just raid one and take it over. I think though, that if you have enough money you should be able to build it where you please, and have both sides take notice of it.

For this though, seiging also needs to be put into effect. I'm sure Armagan is doing this as it is pretty much unanimously agreed on in the forums, but I'm also pretty sure that there is a lot of coding involved in something like this. He's have to do a lot of work to make sieging consistent, but I'm sure it's in the works.

I agree that it would add a lot to the game and I also agree that it is virtually unanimous that everyone would like it.

I just want to caution you about being 'sure' that it is in the works. Armagan may not want it in the game. He might not have the time to add such an extensive element to the game. He might be forced to re-work the whole game engine to add it to the game, and deem that it isn't worth another six months or year of coding.

I'm not saying that any of that is true ... as far as I know he might already have it 99% ready to release. I'm just saying that you shouldn't expect anything other than what Armagan says, for sure, will be added.

Obviously nobody would want a 'free' castle at the start of the game. Getting one could possibly take up weeks of playing, completion of some hardass quests etc.
Other things which I'm sure we all would enjoy is the implimentation of capital punishment to your troops. I have personally lost count of how many times I wanted to tie four horses to each hand and leg of a few of my specific troops, and slowly pull them apart. However, I admit that most of this hate generates from my dumb goons dying when having probably every advantage I can think of. So it would be good to be able to torture the dead ::razz:

Jokes aside, castles would really expand the gameplay, ultimately could lead to sieges, and even building your own cities / towns ::smile: But like Narcissus said, its up to Armagan to decide whether its even possible, or whether it would be achievable in his lifetime. We must all remember, that most games have a huge team of developers within many departments dedicated to a specific part of the game, support from major international companies, and billions of other resources. M&B is created by 2 people (if I am not mistaken) and to be honest, I have thought it impossible for 2 people to create a game of this standard, within such a short time. Let alone having this game dominate every other game with similar content. There are plenty of good unanomous suggestions, but we can't expect too much ::smile:
You know, the implementation of strongholds would add an entire new dimension to the game -- and an appropriate number of problems/new dynamics to consider. This is a BIG DEAL.

It could also be potentially very fun . . . It figures very much into this topic: http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=5373

And this. . .

As well as several others dealing with economics, multiple references to Sid Meier's Pirates, and reputation . . .

Now if Armagan were to have player controlable/influenceable (word? I dont know) strongholds, the game would have to deal with it in 1 of 3 ways:

1. With some depth -- a whole different game, almost, involving estate income, construction and maintenence of facilities, etc. . . as well as being responsible for the surrounding township on which the stronghold depends (I could be wrong, but I don't think strongholds generally sit out in the middle of wherever without a local agricultural or commercial base to support them)

2. The oversized chest -- a simple interface for storage of prisoners, equipment, money, etc.

3. There was a third option, but I forgot it.
I love this game and im going to buy it. A good idea would to be to increase towns so they are full fledged and for players to walk around and discover. Yes, that would mean alot of work but it would also mean that M&B would be a full game. Players should be able to start their own town when they get a high enough rank, and over time its population will increase and when that town gets populated enough you get the option of building a castle. All this game needs is more depth into things like this and it would probably be the best game ever.
Being able to start your own town is something that MUST not happen, since it's not very realistic! Most towns sprang up at major intersections of trade routse and roads, and to start your own town anywhere you want would be terrible. In fact, there shouldn't be any towns right now because there aren't any roads either. Whine whine whine.

Note: This is a joke. A mean one. Yes, I mean you. You know who you are.
Sword sister said:
1. With some depth -- a whole different game, almost, involving estate income, construction and maintenence of facilities, etc. . . as well as being responsible for the surrounding township on which the stronghold depends (I could be wrong, but I don't think strongholds generally sit out in the middle of wherever without a local agricultural or commercial base to support them)

there are many fortress in the middle of nowhere all over the word, cause they are in strategic locations (like to avoid invasions, for back up troops, etc..).

i'm doing my major in history

and again, sorry for my lame english.
Oversized chest would be the most appropriate I mean, with some other stuff of course.

The ability to upgrade your castle (huge sums of money) not necessarily engineer it, just say, upgrade walls, or upgrade tower, etc.

Don't need to make a complicated economy, just, recruit/rescue farmers and assign em either to farm or to craft. Farmers generate food stuffs in the castles inventory and craft men generate money you can collect from a character in a room in the castle. While you can use food to feed your army or sell of in the towns. If only to help pay off the costs of the castle

It should also have a monthly 'wage' to maintain your castle. If you don't maintain this 'wage' any upgrades you have will slowly deteriorate until you're left with a barely defensible ruin.

Have a simple system to store troops in the castle, and the ability to 'store' a hero with training ability in the castle to train your men while they sit there idling. Yet another use for marnid and borcha :wink:

Should also be able to store prisoners, say your carrying around 5 enemy knights you dont' want to sell off for money, so you store them in there until some lord/count/king asks you to bring him some knight prisoners.

Of course, you will be able to pass the night in the castle free of charge.

Also generate an open field outside of the castle and enable enemy parties to attack your castle, this is where your towers and walls come in. Towers can shoot arrows thru slits at the enemy, so having good towers is a boost to your men as they fight, better towers have more slits to shoot from. Having good walls will also mean that you won't have to be turning back to your castle every time its attacked. So if some lowly bandits attack the castle they will be turned back by the mighty stone walls, or be able to crash thru the simple wooden fence (this doesn't have to be simulated in actual battle, just as a script at the end of a 'battle').

About the battle, won't need to do much other than place the castle in the middle of the field, don't need siege engines or anything. Just as it is right now, you ride towards the enemy and fight below the castle walls. If you win, well, good for you, you receive some loot. If you loose or retreat then the enemy would be able to raid your castle OR be turned back by the walls, according to the wall's rating and the amount and quality of the enemy.

Also, every quality should be able to be upgraded using money. Walls, to raise their ratings to prevent raids. Towers to aid in the battle for the castle. Dungeon, to keep more prisoners. Barracks, to keep more troops. Shops, to be able to assing more peasants as craftsmen to generate money. Farms, to assing more peasants/farmers to generate food.

To get a castle, you can do it 2 ways: 1. Earn lots of money and buy it. 2. Earn a certain rank in a faction and be assigned one, but you have to do special quests like raising troops, providing food etc. to keep it. I also think you should be able to build several independent castles, but should be pretty hard to maintain all that.

Implementing castles also means you will be able to attack them. How this would happen is also simple, fight in a field, just as you can now, only that theres a structure in it, that shoots arrows. If you win the melee, then a script will run at the end, checking if you have enough troops to overcome the castles defenses. If not, then you take some casualties and are turned back, if you win, then you get a TON of loot and money, and have a % chance of taking over the castle. Which you can either sell off for a lot more money or take it as your own. This could also be implemented in quests, where you are told to take down a castle (could be randomly generated once you talk to the count as with the raiders and troublesome bandits)

Just suggesting a more doable way of implementing castles. Without having to do 'sieges', 'urban' style fighting inside a castle (complicates AI), and other problems.

Benefits of having a castle:
Source of Money
Source of Food
Place to store Prisoners of War
Place to store and train troops

Downsides to owning one:
Monthly (30 days) fee to maintain castle in shape
Having to use money to upgrade castle features
Having to remain close to the castle to defend it against attacks, at least until you get solid walls.

Advantages to gameplay:
A useful 'money sink'
Yet another style of play that can be done (you can be a roaming mercenary/knight, or have your very own castle)
A very flexible feature that adds yet another level of immersion to the game.

EDIT:Oh, and about the visual representation of the castle:

2 Representations need to be made, inside and outside.

If you enter the castle during peacetime it would load the 'inside' scene, where you can talk to the engineer to purchase updgrades, the quarter master to exchange troops from the barracks and store items, the Master Craftsman to assign NPCs to be craftsmen, the Foreman to assign NPCs to farming and see the foodstuffs.. The Dungeon Master to exchange prisoners and the Keep Manager to sleep. Maybe some others I might be missing.

If you 'enter' the caslte while there's a battle going on the 'outdoors' loads instead of the 'indoors'. Outdoors would simply be a large field with a castle in the middle. . Also, not only do you fight using the troops in your party, but the troops barricaded in the castle would be added temporarily to your party, don't need a menu or anything, just make it like its done already when joining a battle between an ally and an enemy, part of your army fights and part of your allies army fights.

The appearance could change according to what level of upgrades you have. Since you can't individually engineer each part of the castle pre-made and pre-arranged which would be a LOT easier to implement than custom built castles.

IF you REALLY want to complicate castle attacks, you can add a 'siege unit' which you'll have to tow along with your party or store in your castle. Doesn't have to appear during the battle, its simply a way to better your chances of overcoming the enemy walls when the battle ends. Of course, there would be different qualities of siege units and the better they are, the higher the chance of taking a castle, but they will slow down your party and cost a lot of money.

Sry for triple post forgot a few things.

Some changes for coherence and added some stuff.

I know coding is difficult and especially adding a whole new gameplay element, but I think the way I'm suggesting is the most doable, less complex and 'easier' to implement than some of the VERY complex Ideas I'm reading, since it uses already existing features in the game.

Woohoo I'm a craftsman
I joined your posts together, Lobos.

There is no need to have three posts in a row by the same user ... especially when the post times aren't that far apart. :evil:

While I think a castle or keep of some kind is a good idea......

I am fervently opposed to the additional suggestions that we be able to upgrade walls, have farms.. etc etc.

If I wanted to play Stronghold or Caesar III, I'd play one of those games. Why make M&B just another tactical strategy game, which is exactly what it would become of all of the above suggestions were implemented.
Lobos, dreaming is good - but i would give you a friendly suggestion, don't think too much about things that *could be in* because you'll end up being dissapointed and overfed with the whole game.
And i say that from experience.
Na, I don't get my hopes up, I read Armagan's post on suggestions, not too bad to fantasize though :razz:

Brainstorming a bit ain't evil, I don't think I'll EVER be disappointed by what Armagan does though, doing a very good job for now :cool:
Yeah just imagine.... Owning your own torture chambers.. Torturing the prisoners you captured for hours and hours and hours.... Mmmmmmm.....
The eternal screams of ultimate agony echoing throughout the night...... The blood stains of innocents...... the still-moving organs littering the floor under the anguished victums of torments...... writhing in pain....... can you just imagine it? the sweet agonising smell of living decay...... aaahhh the beauty of it all!
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