A bridge

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I think its quite unrealistic I Have to go all the way across the river to get to Zendar for Tihr. By teh time period we're dealign with, every major river in Europe had been bridged and if not then it was fordable at some point. The game should implement a simple bridge across the river, plus, think how fun brdige battles would be if it would have it sown battle map :smile:

Thanks for you time, and again, great Game. Best 11 bucks I ever spent on a game.

Boris Pavlov Grozny
YAY, bridge battles. Bridges on battlemaps would be nice too, rivers are SLOW to move through. Interesting that they are fordable all the way along though. Even more interesting that they appear without you being anywhere near one on the map. Maybe it's a creek or a stream?
They appear without you being near one on the map because there aren't any on the map. Eh?

And yeah, I guess they're just small streams since you can ride around anywhere in them. They certainly look small.
A bridge would certainly be useful. :smile:

And while we're talking about battlemaps already anyway, I justed wanted to ask why you always have a different map when you continue the previous battle (you know, when the first "round" is over, and go for the next 15 or so enemies). I don't think you'll run miles to continue the same battle. :neutral: I know maps are totally random, but still, it'd be nice to have the same map when fighting the same battle. :smile:
Yes please place a bridge over that river somewhere. I very rarely visit Tihr because it's very remote. I've only been there one or two times.
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