
Personally, I think that proper magic would ruin the game. However, I think we can tackle this in a much more mature way than "Casting thunderbolts and brimstone" at it. I think we should have a much more sophisticated system - on a church/cathedral basis. Another suggestion like this was made using the Darklands basis. But I also think that enchanted items would add a lot more variety and spice to the game. I personally oppose bringing a fantasy/magic edge to the game, but i think that we can reach the same effect while still being historically correct. ALCHEMISTS! No lightning bolts or fantasy crap, but a new skill affected by intelligence that lets you mix ingredients and chemicals found at the merchant or as loot to make dangerous or healing potions or mixtures.
Crafting - We do need it. Then we can further put to use wool, iron, linen, furs etc.
Cooking - Someone discussed (in fact polled) the idea of hunting. I support it as a method of obtaining food and skins for furs/leather. Linking to my Crafting sub.
Land Plots - Rewards for quests can be land - build your house by cutting lumber etc. You can also do things like grow cattle and livestock.You would have to protect the herd from thieves and wolves etc.
Thief Class - Stealing from merchants etc. Special items etc lockpicks.
REPLENISHING STORES!!! We need them. Otherwise when you sell loot you fill up all the slots in their invent and cant earn n e more money. NPC's need to slowly earn money eg overnight so they can pay for wares.
Slots - Cape/Cloak: AC bonus, etc.
- Gauntlets : Already Discussed im sure.
- Saddlebags: Somewhere to store equip on your horse for weapon change in battle without having to go back to invent.
Crafting - We do need it. Then we can further put to use wool, iron, linen, furs etc.
Cooking - Someone discussed (in fact polled) the idea of hunting. I support it as a method of obtaining food and skins for furs/leather. Linking to my Crafting sub.
Land Plots - Rewards for quests can be land - build your house by cutting lumber etc. You can also do things like grow cattle and livestock.You would have to protect the herd from thieves and wolves etc.
Thief Class - Stealing from merchants etc. Special items etc lockpicks.
REPLENISHING STORES!!! We need them. Otherwise when you sell loot you fill up all the slots in their invent and cant earn n e more money. NPC's need to slowly earn money eg overnight so they can pay for wares.
Slots - Cape/Cloak: AC bonus, etc.
- Gauntlets : Already Discussed im sure.
- Saddlebags: Somewhere to store equip on your horse for weapon change in battle without having to go back to invent.