84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne [Recruiting]

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What is there to say really everone in MM knows the 84e. Well if you don't know about them then let me say that they are one of the original regiments on MM and they attract a lot fo good officers. Lately this reigment has had some changes that have made it more different but overall it is one of the best regiments around in terms of skill. For a new player to MM I would suggest that if you apply for this regiment then you will be expected to be top notch in a lot of ways. Still if you get in here then well you are grantaeed to be a good palyer in the long term.
hypern said:
What is there to say really everone in MM knows the 84e. Well if you don't know about them then let me say that they are one of the original regiments on MM and they attract a lot fo good officers. Lately this reigment has had some changes that have made it more different but overall it is one of the best regiments around in terms of skill. For a new player to MM I would suggest that if you apply for this regiment then you will be expected to be top notch in a lot of ways. Still if you get in here then well you are grantaeed to be a good palyer in the long term.

Everytime good to hear, thank you for this nice words!  :oops:

Un Contre Dix

You know, that Gamedude tried to apply to our regiment about 2 months ago, and suddenly he came back, saying that his mom had bought warband for him... ehhh. XD
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