82810 Graphics card?

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I've got an older system, but figured I'd give M&B a try anyway. I can get through character generation, but after that, the game freezes and gives me an error related to texture rendering. I suspect it is simply a matter of my outdated video card (intel 82810) but figured I would ask.

I tried updating my driver, but it gave my computer fits. I figure I might as well ask if it is even POSSIBLE to run the game on an 82810 before messing with the newer driver again.

The intel doesn't support hardware transform and light, and as an integrated card it is using system memory to boot.

You could try closing down all other programs before attempting to play the game. Also, make sure you have the latest direct x version (should be 9.0c) from microsoft here

The drivers at the bottom of this page should be the latest available for the card. You could try installing those
Bahadur said:
I've got an older system, but figured I'd give M&B a try anyway. I can get through character generation, but after that, the game freezes and gives me an error related to texture rendering. I suspect it is simply a matter of my outdated video card (intel 82810) but figured I would ask.

I tried updating my driver, but it gave my computer fits. I figure I might as well ask if it is even POSSIBLE to run the game on an 82810 before messing with the newer driver again.


82858 works for me so what Archonsod said is wrong.

What you can try is going into Configuration (from the M&B Start Menu) and switching off all the unnecessary options. I set my 'texture details' on about 25. You can also try reducing 'max framerate' and switch off 'use pixel shaders'. There is some another option 'render buffer size' but I don't know what they do so I won't advise you on that.
sheek said:
82858 works for me so what Archonsod said is wrong.

That doesn't indicate that Archonsod was wrong. He didn't say that it wouldn't or couldn't run, he was just pointing at some of the less than desirable traits that could be a part of the cause of Bahadur's problem. :razz:

Anyways, good tips and also good to know that the Intel82858 does indeed work.

The Intel 82810 is an incredibly old card. Intel themselves no longer support or manufacture the chipset. It does not include the capacity for hardware transform and light.
Whether it will work or not depends on how extensively M&B uses hardware T&L. The drivers are capable of emulating it to a point, but whether it will fool the game or not is a different matter. Since M&B utilises direct X 9.0 its highly likely to require features the 82810 can't provide.
The later intel IC's do have better support for T&L, although even then it can depend on the game and the system.
I can't say its impossible for the 82810 to run it. I've known the card run games which didn't support it fine on one system, and refuse to run the game at all on another. I would say its highly unlikely.
Having said that, if you have an AGP slot on the system you can pick up an old card which can run the game (such as a Geforce 4 MX 440) for about the same price as M&B
You will definitely want to turn down as much as you can on the configuration. If you turn down everything to the minimum and can get the game to run, then you can try upping some of the values there. I think with any video card/graphics solution, you gotta test it empirically. DirectX and latest drivers (that work) are also your best bet.
I run on the aforementioned video card, and basically do what they mentioned... turn down the detail ect and the dot_bitmapping... However, the key for it to work for me (without crashing) was to turn off everyting in the main menu > options > video options> except the permanent corpses... Good Luck :shock:
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