.711:possible bug regarding looting after big battles

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Often when i attack big parties and defeating them , i dont get the usual inventory and party screens after battle. Instead i go directly to a new encounter. This may be intended, but i feel like i am getting cheated from my well earned loot.

Not that big a deal ,but I would certainly like to get a reward for slaying those 37 river pirates and mountain bandits :smile:

Forgot to add version number in header: Fixed
i think that is beacuse you are still fighting the same battle, youve just gone into the next round. when youve finished them off, then you get the loot. im probly wrong tho
Maybe your right, never thought of it like that. But sometimes the secound "round" is a very small battle and it seems that you only get to loot from the victims of round 2. Maybe i just have too high expectations for what i would get from winning such a big battle.

Thanks for the reply
yeah but i think you have descoverd a bug where you only get the loot form the second round, beacuse i remember it being small 2
You mustn't exit the encounter screen between rounds or you will only receive loot for the last one. That's probably the problem.
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