.711 Config file change... ruins save files..

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Hello... I'm running .711 with all the updated grphics drivers blah blah blah (I know its common but I hate hearing "have you tried updating you drivers" gah). I tried turning down detail, buffer, sound off, and the pixel shader. I went to try the game and it game me a rgl error (something about /creature/ sta.... txtr.something error). I was like, okay, and I changed all of my settings back to the way I had them.. (New game worked on new and old settings) None of my save files worked on the new settings and none of them work now that I've changed back to the original settings (even with reboot, checking drivers and a few other little things)... Just thought I would mention this, I'm just going to start over (I LOVE this game but I'm getting used to it crashing to hell on me).... Wooooooooooooo Have a good one
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