(.710) Mounted Melee Attack Direction/Camera Angle

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Manual direction settings for attacking and blocking.

While mounted and equiped with a melee weapon, I have to look right to swing left and look left to swing right. Besides making actually trying to HIT ANYONE with something other than a bow or a lance in-F***KING-credibly frustrating, I am faced with two crappy choices when I choose to fight on horseback with a swung melee weapon.

1) Make sure I don't run into/off of anything, i.e. albino-llama-turds/boulders, cliffs, rivers, trees, allies-who-don't-know-how-to-GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY, etc. Not as much of a problem on the flatter maps, but in the 8 or so battles in which I've used a swung melee weapon so far (most of them arena battles), it's always come up at least once.

2) Try to aim and hit people.
Yeah, the mounted aiming for swinging swords seems really different this version. Its very very frustrating when you have an enemy right beside your horse, look right at them and swing your weapon on the opposite side.
Welcome to the forums, MrCoffee. :smile:

A quick fix for this is to change the option in the options section.

Control Attack Dir: By Relative Enemy Position will revert the attacking style back to the way that it was previously.

Hope that helped,

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