The game crashes when I attempt to take the first quest in Zendar. If I hit ignore, the program exits, and when I hit retry, my computer reboots. Is this a known bug? If you need my save game file, please let me know. Thanks.
I'm having the same problem after doing a clean install of 7.04.
This is happening with the first quest dialog with Prescan.
This sometimes happens when clicking the dialog choice that is I think "I've decided to reconsider your offer" and sometimes at the next menu when choosing "Alright, I'll escort the caravan"..
Here's the error text:
The game crashes when I attempt to take the first quest in Zendar. If I hit ignore, the program exits, and when I hit retry, my computer reboots. Is this a known bug? If you need my save game file, please let me know. Thanks.
I have had the same problem with the most recent version (.711). It would crash the program. I found that once I leveled up and got some more units (caravan guards perhaps) I was able to see the job and get started doing it.
There does appear to be a bug causing random CTD's in conversations. I've had it happen once so far (when talking to Borcha) but other people have reported the same.
I have had it crash with other dialog selections, but in this particular instance. The first time I tried, it crashed me. Next time I leveled up a bit got some people to join my party and then tried it again, and it didn't crash.
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