This flowchart was originally created by Roborob, and I cleaned it up and added the levels and types. Remember, to upgrade an NPC to its next type, you need to be at least its desired class level minus 5. So, for example, if you wanted to turn a slave hunter into a slave crusher (you evil person you ) you would need to be at least level 18 (22-5). I just checked this today, it's still the same.
All this info was pulled from v.703 through the unofficial editor.
explaination of the legend & how inventories work:
Every unit has a list of items that it randomly picks from when it is created. So some units have a *chance* of pulling a horse or a bow, but don't neccessarily always have them. The game allows for some units to be guaranteed a horse or a ranged weapon, but doesn't seem to be currently using the guaranteed ranged option at the moment, so it makes sure the higher units have ranged weapons by giving them 5 or 6 bows in their item lists, almost guaranteeing a choice of a bow. Horse units seem to use the guarantee though.
Foot= This unit has no horse in its item list at all
Horse = This unit is guaranteed to have a horse
Foot/Horse= This unit has a horse in its item list, but it isn't guaranteed to have it for sure
Ranged = This unit has 2 or more ranged weapons in its items list
Low Ranged = This unit only has 1 ranged weapon in its item list, making it luck of the draw whether they decide to take it with them or not.
Rocks = Beware the mighty stone thrower, many a knight have been felled by these pebbles. Seriously though, it's a ranged weapon, but not damaging enough to warrant being put in with crossbows and throwing axes, so I gave it it's own category.
Enjoy! Tell me if it comes in handy!