(.632) troublesome bandits quest

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Got bandits guest from merchant in town. killed the bastards, but had to chase them up to next town before that. so exactly after killing them all and returning to map, I entered this another town ASAP to sell junk. As resault, the mesage "quest copleted" didnt show up. The quest is unfinished, weeks have passed since and the merchant keeps telling "You better do it..".

I think I noticed if I finish them near same town, I can get inside town, sell stuff, the merchant dot accept that I did it, but exiting the town the message apperas "guest is done", and entering the town again merchant is happy to see me and gives the money, the quest is done. cannot test this, as I dont get those quests any more.

can send my savegame if that helps. maybe I am nuts, and those bandits are alive running around? But I dont think so, i did kill them. also its weeks from then. I would noticed those bandits. I wasnt in swadian service jet, so I couldnt mix it with hunt down raiders quest.

Probably I got the situation while in .631, not sure.
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