5th weapon slot

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I just discovered the joys of using a lance, previuosly I dahd been using a bastard sword, shield, and bow but I decided to switch my shield with a lance. And it was good. But then after I had been unseated and all my men killed and after using all my arrows but still with 30 HP, there were only 2 guys on the other side but they were archers on the other side of the field and they managed to kill me about halfway there. My point is, I was wondering how to get a 5th weapon slot so I can have a lance, sword, bow, arrows as well as shield.
look a couple posts down..... It's not possible at the moment..... use the search button..... i like dots........
If you like ranged I would suggest this loadout. Sword, Shield, Lance, and Throwing weapons. That way you get the joys of the ranged with your favorite melee weapons.
I think just about every projectile fired from a different bow, crossbow, thrown, etc., had a different trajectory.

Thrown objects generally are shorter ranged, thus more arcing than bows/xbows, and with more damage. Javelins and jarids would be the farthest ranged of the thrown weapons, I'd imagine.

Crazed Rabbit
For someone that's been concentrating on bows and crossbows, throwing will be kinda weird for abit, they handel differently.

(IE move slower, don't have the same range of course, but, they do pack a good punch)
but it's so much fun to get up close and plant a throwing ax in someone's head. I mean actually seeing it imbed in their face... awsome :grin:
if u really need a ranged weapon and a lance and a shield and a sword, then throwing is ure only option. they have limited range, but do a lot of damage and are fairly easy to hit with because the reticule stays the same size. you could use the editor to make longrange throwing weapons if you wanted to.
jik said:
but it's so much fun to get up close and plant a throwing ax in someone's head. I mean actually seeing it imbed in their face... awsome :grin:

I agree completelly with you Jik, Ive become a fan of throwing axes. Running backwards and killing my enemies with one axe throw to the head is just awesome!!! :smile:
i prefer throwing knives because you have twice as many knives as axes, so if you hit someone twice with knives, it does more damage and when you miss, its not as much of a waste. but when i do use axes, it's a lot of fun.
I remember charging at some steppe bandits with throwing knives, then throwing one and BANG, it was right trough his forehead! I love knives because of their speed too, but after I got some nice lil' jarids from some enemies, I've been using 'em. They're quite accurate and do lots of damage. And they look cool.
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