50 万人民币众筹大作《衣谷三国》上线!您如何评价这款国产MOD?| Chinese BL Mod ‘YiGu Three Kingdoms’ Raises 68,000 USD, Breaks Crowdfunding Records, But Sparks Massive Controversy

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Based on information from the Chinese Mount & Blade forum, the Afdian crowdfunding platform, the official Modding Discord, Game Research Society, and GOLIA Corporation, most players have been able to piece together the full sequence of events. The overall narrative is now largely clear. As such, this thread will officially stop updating.
This incident has had an unprecedented impact on the Mount & Blade community, with a wide range of victims. These include, but are not limited to, players who participated in the Yigu Three Kingdoms crowdfunding, modders at large, users who purchased Aeworlri’s modeling courses, employees of GOLIA Corporation, and the dedicative developers within the Yigu Studio. Furthermore, unrelated individuals and groups, such as Total War modder Wuyin Canxue, translation teams, and other companies or individuals affected by Aeworlri’s exaggerated claims, have also been dragged into the controversy. The ramifications for the broader modding community are shocking and regrettable.
For further developments, please wait patiently for an official response from TaleWorlds’ Community Managers. Given the unprecedented nature of this incident, it may take some time for the necessary processes to unfold.

目录/ Index

相关页面:骑砍中文站发布页 | Steam 创意工坊 | ModdbNexusmod
2025-01-08 21:00 消息更新:
Aeworl-ri 已删除其 ArtStation 账户中关于 GOLIA JAPAN 3D 艺术家身份的描述。
2025-01-08 02:50 消息更新:
骑砍中文站官方 Bilibili 账号发布了关于衣谷三国众筹资金去向的声明。声明表示骑砍中文站曾多次追问衣谷三国的项目管理人萧明卿关于众筹资金的去向,但均遭到否定答复。查看衣谷项目管理声明原文 然而这一说法与衣谷制作组在爱发电众筹页面的说法冲突,证据留档
2025-01-07 23:48 消息更新:
根据中国知名游戏媒体游研社消息,游研社就 Aeworl-ri 自称的“刘备、赵云设计师”的履历向《王者荣耀》项目组进行了求证,对方的答复是:“不认识这位朋友。”
2025-01-07 22:44 消息更新
骑砍中文站官方 Bilibili 账号发布了“骑砍中文站关于近期热点事情的回复与承诺
2025-01-07 17:25 消息更新:
根据百度贴吧用户“沢渡民雫桑”发帖爆料,Aeworl-ri 的 3D 艺术资产曾在官方的 Modding Discord 上遭到质疑。
2025-01-07 15:11 消息更新:
Aeworl-ri 删除了其在 ABOUTCG 页面的相关描述。
2025-01-07 10:43 消息更新:
根据百度贴吧用户“贴吧用户_7bZGN76”发帖爆料,Aeworl-ri 的 Artstation 作品履历涉嫌造假,部分履历作品或在淘宝上购买。证据留档
2025-01-07 01:24 消息更新:
根据衣谷三国官方号 Bilibili 消息,衣谷三国更新至 v0.1.2.0 版本。
2025-01-06 16:00 消息更新:
根据骑砍中文站官方 Bilibili 账号显示,骑砍中文站删除了大量推广宣传衣谷三国的视频。证据留档
2025-01-05 06:20 消息更新:
日本 GOLIA 株式会社首席执行官 LI HAO 在百度贴吧发表了第二个帖子“Aeworl-ri 从来也不是 GOLIA 株式会社的正式员工”,正式与 Aeworl-ri 切割,得到玩家支持。
2025-01-04 19:20 消息更新:
日本 GOLIA 株式会社首席执行官 LI HAO 在百度贴吧发表了第一个帖子““各位新年好,因无法私信烦请转告吧主,有事相助”,但未平息舆论,数日后事后舆论平息,在本人意愿和吧务帮助下删除了该帖。
2025-01-03 23:27 消息更新:
骑砍中文站下载中心衣谷三国官方号 Bilibili 消息,衣谷三国更新至 v0.1.1.0 版本。
2025-01-03 20:38 消息更新:
2025-01-03 05:41 消息更新
骑砍中文站官方 Bilibili 账号发布了“关于《衣谷三国》的发布,站站对广大骑友的致歉信
2025-01-01 23:19 消息更新:
据了解,该 Mod 在中国 Mount & Blade 社区(骑马与砍杀百度贴吧、小黑盒骑砍分区等)引发了广泛的争议,目前该 Mod 在 Steam 创意工坊上已无法下载,但仍可以在骑砍中文站提供的百度网盘渠道下载。且衣谷三国官方撤除了其在 Nexusmod 上的发布页面。
2025-01-01 22:43 消息更新:
2025-01-01 21:52 消息更新:

Message Update 08/01/2025 13:00 (UTC):
Aeworl-ri has also removed the description claiming to be a 3D artist for GOLIA Japan from his ArtStation profile.
Message Update 07/01/2025 18:50 (UTC):
The official Bilibili account of the Chinese M&B forum issued a statement regarding the use of crowdfunding funds for Yigu Three Kingdoms. They have asked Yigu Studio several times for clarification, but all requests have been rejected. Below are the original remarks from the project manager, Xiao Mingqing. However, this statement conflicts with the commitment made by the Yigu production team on their Afdian crowdfunding page, with evidence archived.
Message Update 07/01/2025 15:48 (UTC)
According to a report by China's renowned gaming media outlet Game Research Society (游研社), the organization reached out to the Honor of Kings development team to verify Aeworlri's credentials. The response they received was, "We don't know this buddy."
Message Update 07/01/2025 14:44 (UTC):
The official Bilibili account of the Chinese Mount & Blade forum posted "A Response and Commitment from the Chinese Mount & Blade Forum Regarding Recent Hot Topics."
Message Update 07/01/2025 09:25 (UTC):
According to a post by Baidu Tieba user "Zé Dù Mín Zhī Sāng," Aeworl-ri's 3D art assets were questioned on the M&B official Modding Discord.
Message Update 07/01/2025 07:11 (UTC):
Aeworlri has removed the relevant description from his ABOUTCG profile.
Message Update 07/01/2025 02:43 (UTC):
According to a post from the Baidu Tieba user "贴吧用户_7bZGN76," Aeworl-ri has fabricated his Artstation portfolio, with some works may being purchased on Taobao. Evidence has been archived.
Message Update 06/01/2025 17:24 (UTC):
According to the Yigu Three Kingdoms Bilibili, Yigu Three Kingdoms has been updated to version v0.1.2.0.
Message Update 06-01-2025 08:00 (UTC):
According to the official Bilibili account of the Mount & Blade Chinese forum, a large number of promotional videos for Yigu Three Kingdoms have been deleted.Evidence has been documented.
Message Update 05-01-2025 22:20 (UTC):
LI HAO, the CEO of GOLIA Corporation in Japan, posted a second message on Baidu Tieba stating, "Aeworl-ri has never been an official employee of GOLIA Corporation," formally severing ties with Aeworl-ri and receiving support from players.
Message Update 04-01-2025 11:20 (UTC):
LI HAO, the CEO of GOLIA Corporation in Japan, posted his first message on Baidu Tieba, saying, "Hello everyone, Happy New Year! Due to the inability to send private messages, please inform the admin that I need assistance." However, this did not calm the public opinion. Afterward, the situation settled days later, and with my consent and the forum admin's help, the post was deleted.
Message Update 03-01-2025 15:27 (UTC):
According to the download center of the Chinese Mount & Blade forum and Yigu ThreeKingdoms Official Bilibili, Yigu Three Kingdoms has been updated to version v0.1.1.0.
Message Update 03-01-2025 12:38 (UTC):
"汉之殇全面战争," a popular mod for Total War, had its modder, "雾隐残雪," create a thread publicly accusing Yigu Studio of falsifying his/her identity to deceive players on the Yigu Three Kingdoms section of the Chinese M&B forum.
Message Update 01-02-2025 21:41 (UTC):
The official Bilibili account of the Mount & Blade Chinese forum published an "Apology Letter to the Mount & Blade Players Regarding the Release of Yigu Three Kingdoms."
Message Update 01-01-2025 15:19 (UTC):
According to reports, this mod has caused widespread controversy within the Chinese Mount & Blade community (including the Mount & Blade Baidu Tieba and the Mount & Blade section on Xiaohei Box). The mod is currently unavailable for download on Steam Workshop, and it has also been removed from NexusMods. However, it can still be downloaded via the Baidu Cloud link provided by the Chinese Mount & Blade site.
Message Update 01-01-2025 14:43:05 (UTC):
The administrator of China's largest Mount & Blade community, the "Mount & Blade Tieba" (Qikan Tieba), Huā Gāng Yán Kāi Huā, has announced the lifting of the speech restrictions on the Yigu Three Kingdoms mod.
Message Update 01-01-2025 13:52 (UTC):
Due to the disastrous release of the Yigu Three Kingdoms mod, former community moderator of the Mount & Blade Chinese forum, Li Moqing, exposed the scandal on the Mount & Blade Tieba, saying, "The biggest scandal of Yigu Three Kingdoms revealed—The Chinese M&B forum colluded with it, and the former admin was kicked out after speaking out," which officially ignited public outrage.

骑砍中文站的项目介绍帖显示,衣谷三国模组由 Aeworlri 于 2020 年 3 月启动。根据骑砍中文站衣谷三国发布帖的内容截图显示,Aeworlri 的 Bilibili 身份介绍是日本 Golia 株式会社的 3D 艺术家,同时为 Powergame 的 3D 美术师,参与了索尼第一方游戏《对马岛之魂》的 3D 角色建模工作。在此背景和骑砍中文站的大力宣传下,衣谷三国成功筹集近 50 万人民币(约 220 万新台币),创下骑马与砍杀 Modding 社区历史上最高的众筹金额。然而,由于模组存在大量 BUG 以及开发者的过于高调的个人言论(如声称其参与了《对马岛之魂》《刺客信条》《全面战争:三国》《上古卷轴 6》《看门狗》《战意》等)导致其履历真实性受到质疑,该项目陷入巨大争议。

首先,负责发行与宣传衣谷三国模组的骑砍中文站在 2025 年 1 月 3 日于其 BILIBILI 官方账号发布了道歉

随后,事件进一步发酵,日本 GOLIA 株式会社 CEO LI HAO 在百度贴吧发帖“Aeworl-ri 从来也不是 GOLIA 株式会社的正式员工”,澄清了 GOLIA 株式会社与丹麦 R 社(尽管其并未公开说明,但很可能是下文中提到的 RawPowerGames)的合作,也未曾参与过《对马岛之魂》项目,声称这种行为无法容忍,也是其作为公司管理者的巨大失职,正式与 Aeworlri 切割并向广大的骑马与砍杀玩家道歉。与此同时 GOLIA 官方网站上关于 LIU JINGYU 的部分被正式删除。


日本 GOLIA 株式会社的 CEO LI HAO 的声明进一步揭示,Aeworlri 涉嫌利用其伪造的履历,通过 Golia 株式会社(未经证实的和丹麦 RawPowerGames) 的名义进行宣传。然而,其范围不仅涉及了《衣谷三国》的众筹,也还包括其在 ABOUTCG 等网站销售的 3D 建模课程。这些行为已构成严重的欺诈和误导。

在 2025 年 1 月 7 日,中国知名游戏媒体游研社向《王者荣耀》制作组求证了Aeworlri(刘靖宇)自称为“刘备、赵云”设计师的履历,得到的答复是:“不认识这位朋友。”

  • 关于“金融欺诈”通常指故意通过虚假或误导性信息从他人处获取经济利益的行为。在这段文字中:
    • 如果 Aeworlri 确实利用伪造身份履历、错误宣传等方式获取投资人或用户资金,并且无法合理交付承诺的项目成果,那么可归类为金融欺诈。
    • 但如果仅是项目管理失败或未能达成预期(例如由于技术或团队问题),并非主观故意欺诈,则不应简单认定为“金融欺诈”。


  1. 爱发电不对众筹交付做任何保证,支付订单代表你愿意承担众筹风险
  2. 众筹是支持创作者实现创意的过程,不是商品交易,请对创作者提供的信息谨慎做出甄别
  3. 创作者如果延迟发放回报、不发放回报、不提供回报后续服务,需要你直接联系创作者解决;

According to the project introduction thread on the Chinese Mount & Blade forum (bbs.mountblade.com.cn), the Yigu Three Kingdoms mod was initiated by Aeworlri in March 2020. A screenshot from the mod’s release page on the Chinese M&B forum shows that Aeworlri’s Bilibili profile describes him as the 3D artist at Golia Corporation Japan and a 3D artist for Powergame, with experience in creating 3D character models for Sony’s first-party title Ghost of Tsushima. Under this background, coupled with the Chinese Mount & Blade forum’s extensive promotion, Yigu Three Kingdoms successfully raised nearly 68,000.00 USD (65,303.20 EUR), setting a historical record for crowdfunding in the Mount & Blade modding community. However, the project soon became highly controversial due to a large number of bugs in the mod and doubts about the authenticity of Aeworlri’s credentials, including his claimed participation in titles such as Ghost of Tsushima, Assassin's Creed, Total War: Three Kingdoms, The Elder Scrolls VI, Watch Dogs, and Conqueror’s Blade.

On January 3, 2025, the Chinese Mount & Blade forum issued an apology on its official Bilibili account, acknowledging the issues surrounding the mod’s promotion and release.

The controversy escalated when Li Hao, CEO of Golia Corporation Japan, posted on Baidu Tieba, stating that “Aeworlri has never been an official employee of Golia Corporation.” He clarified that the company the cooperation with the Danish studio R (likely RawPowerGames) and had no involvement in the Ghost of Tsushima project. He labeled these actions intolerable and a significant managerial oversight on his part, announcing a formal severance from Aeworlri and issuing an apology to the broader Mount & Blade community. Meanwhile, the section about LIU JINGYU on the GOLIA official website has been officially removed.

Li Hao’s statement further revealed that Aeworlri allegedly used fabricated credentials and falsely leveraged Golia Corporation and (Danish RawPowerGame, unverified)to promote his work. However, this includes not only the Yigu Three Kingdoms crowdfunding campaign but also the sale of 3D modeling courses on platforms like ABOUTCG. These activities constitute serious fraud and deception.

On January 7, 2025, China's renowned gaming media outlet Game Research Society reached out to the Honor of Kings development team to verify Aeworlri (Liu Jingyu)'s claim of being the designer of "Liu Bei and Zhao Yun." The response they received was, "We don't know this buddy."

This incident has officially become the largest financial fraud in the history of the Mount & Blade community, both in scale and impact.
  • Does it meet the definition of “financial fraud”?
  • Financial fraud generally refers to deliberately obtaining financial benefits from others through false or misleading information.
    • If Aeworlri indeed misrepresented their identity or provided false promotional information to acquire funds from investors or users and failed to deliver on promised results, it may constitute financial fraud.
    • However, if the failure was due to management issues, technical challenges, or team difficulties rather than intentional deception, it should not be categorized as fraud.

However, according to the afdian's official statement on the Yigu Three Kingdoms crowdfunding page on the Chinese crowdfunding platform Afdian:

  1. Afdian does not guarantee any crowdfunding delivery.
  2. Payment of an order represents your willingness to assume the risks of crowdfunding.
    Crowdfunding is a process of supporting creators to realize their creative projects, not a commercial transaction. Please carefully verify the information provided by the creator.
  3. If the creator delays or fails to deliver the reward, does not deliver the reward as promised, or does not provide follow-up services, you will need to contact the creator directly to resolve the issue.

The prospects for safeguarding rights in this case appear to be bleak.

众筹情况调查/ The Investigation into Yigu Studio's Crowdfunding
根据衣谷三国项目组在 afdian.com(一个类似于 Kickstarter 的中国众筹网站)上的众筹项目,他们已经筹集了 265,836.80 元人民币。此外,根据他们的官方声明,他们收到了来自一位匿名玩家的 200,000.00 元人民币私人捐款,使总筹集金额达到了 465,836.80 元人民币(約等於 2,086,000.00 新台幣),约合 63,756.37 美元。
According to their crowdfunding project on afdian.com (a Chinese crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter), they have raised 265,836.80 yuan. Additionally, as stated in their official statement, they received a 200,000.00 yuan donation from an anonymous player privately, bringing the total amount raised to 465,836.80 yuan, which is approximately 63,756.37 USD.

衣谷三国相关情况介绍/ Information about the Yigu Three Kingdoms Project
据悉,衣谷三国模组由 Aeworlri 于 2020 年 3 月发起。根据 Aeworlri 的个人推特信息表示,Aeworlri 曾参与过《对马岛之魂》的 3D 美术建模工作。根据其在骑砍中文站的官方介绍帖显示,衣谷三国制作组由海内外资深游戏公司开发者和爱好者组成。

根据中国 CG 教程教学社区 ABOUTCG 的个人资料页面显示,Aeworlri 是丹麦工作室 RawPowerGame DLC 的负责人和 3D 艺术家,曾担任日本 G 社游戏事业部总监。与此同时,他也是空灵阁兵人设计师和朝天鸢工作室的联合创始人。Aeworlri 熟练使用多种三维软件,能够独立创作 3D 模型作品,并且在写实模型制作和渲染方面有一定的涉猎。


根据骑砍中文站官方推特账户消息,原预定计划在北京时间 2025 年 1 月 1 日 14:00 发布衣谷三国模组,出于某种原因(传言是因为着色器编译)延期至下午 19:30,随后因其品质问题、大量的 BUG 问题及开发团队相关有争议的言论,在骑砍贴吧骑砍中文站小黑盒骑砍分区等骑马与砍杀中国社区引发巨大争议。

It is reported that the Yigu Three Kingdoms mod was initiated by Aeworlri in March 2020. According to Aeworlri's personal Twitter, Aeworlri has previously participated in 3D art modeling for Ghost of Tsushima. According to the official introduction post on the Chinese Mount & Blade forum, the Yigu Three Kingdoms production team consists of experienced developers and enthusiasts from both domestic and international gaming companies.

According to the profile page on the Chinese CG tutorial community ABOUTCG, Aeworlri is the head of RawPowerGame DLC at the Danish studio and a 3D artist. He has previously served as the director of the gaming division at Japan's G Corporation. Additionally, he is a designer at Konglingge and a co-founder of Chaotian Kite Studio. Aeworlri is skilled in using various 3D software and is capable of independently creating 3D models. He also has experience in realistic model creation and rendering.

According to a report from China's official media outlet, People's Daily Online: "Liu Jingyu is a game industry professional, known for designing the characters Zhao Yun and Liu Bei in the popular game Honor of Kings. Now, he has partnered with friends to establish Yigu Studio, with the goal of creating the ideal Three Kingdoms game world that he envisions. During his speech, he introduced the character designs and weapon concepts for an online game set in the Three Kingdoms background, all of which were designed by him. Liu Jingyu explained that for many years, Three Kingdoms-themed games have been highly sought after by game developers. Not only have Japan and Korea produced a wide variety of Three Kingdoms games, but even European and American games have incorporated elements of Three Kingdoms history and culture. 'On one hand, this shows the vitality of Three Kingdoms culture, especially how classic battles have provided valuable references for game design. On the other hand, while game development in other countries started earlier, their interpretation of Three Kingdoms culture has been somewhat skewed. As young people in China, we should focus on creating a Three Kingdoms cultural game that embodies the spirit and ideals of our nation, turning it into an artistic product that expresses Three Kingdoms culture.'"

According to the official Twitter account of the Mount & Blade Chinese Forum, the release of the "Yigu Three Kingdoms" mod, originally scheduled for 14:00 Beijing time on January 1, 2025, was postponed to 19:30 for unknown reasons (It's rumored to be because of the shader precompilation.). Following the delay, the mod faced significant criticism due to quality issues, numerous bugs and controversial statements from the development team, sparking a massive controversy across the Mount & Blade Chinese community, including forums such as the Mount & Blade Baidu Tieba, Mount & Blade Chinese Forum, and the Xiaohei Box M&B section.

官方介绍 Official Introduction to the 'Yigu Three Kingdoms' Mod
In a time of turmoil and chaos, where smoke and fire engulfed the land, heroes rose among competing factions.
During the late Eastern Han dynasty, as the empire fell into decline and the people suffered, the magnificent drama of the Three Kingdoms unfolded as the brightest chapter in this tumultuous era.
The flames of Red Cliff, the desperate struggle at Changban, and the strategic brilliance of Wolong Ridge all shine gloriously in this historical tapestry.
本 Mod 致力于将三国时期的恢宏史诗带入《骑马与砍杀2》的世界。
This mod is dedicated to bringing the grandeur of the Three Kingdoms' epic to the world of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.
With history as our foundation and artistry as our wings, we recreate the era when mighty warlords vied for supremacy.
Players can roam freely across the land of the Three Kingdoms, whether battling for dominance in the Central Plains or retreating to the mountains to carve their own destiny.
We strive to restore the cultural essence of the Three Kingdoms era in the game. From the metallic clang of armor and spears to the cerebral battles of strategy in humble cottages, from the blood and passion of the battlefield to the exuberance of poetry and wine—
our aim is for every player to feel the grandeur and the sorrows of that unique era in our Yigu Three Kingdoms.
Heroes emerge in troubled times, and the empire awaits your return.
You will become both a witness and a creator of Three Kingdoms history.
A new journey is about to begin, and the fate of the world lies in your hands!
Last edited:

衣谷三国相关争议/ Controversies Surrounding the Yigu Three Kingdoms

Positive Views
Negative Views
This originates from a post titled "Thoughts from an 'Old Gasoline' Who Started in 2008," published by the Mount & Blade Chinese Forum user "Jie Tóugǔ Hǎizéi Shǒulǐng."
"Old Gasoline" is a nickname for veteran Mount & Blade players in China.

Regarding "Yigu Three Kingdoms," there will always be a day when it is perfected. I started playing in 2008, and I’ve seen its early versions many times, even abandoning it at one point. But after some time of being forgotten, it evolved into "Light & Darkness - Heroes of Calradia," "Prophesy of Pendor," "12th Century," and "Viking Conquest." These mods also had many issues when they were first released, with some lacking functionality and others being fun but frequently crashing. Now, they have all become classics. If there had been more patience back then, perhaps "Han-Xiongnu Total War" would have become better too. It's now heavily criticized by many, and if not for "Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord," it might not have received as many negative reviews. Over time, they matured and became more professional. Isn't it possible that now the mods for "Bannerlord" are creating even more anticipation?
Quoting from a post by Baidu Tieba user Zhao Yimo titled 'The Biggest Scandal of Yigu Three Kingdoms Exposed, the Chinese Forum Complicit in It, Former (QQ group) Moderator Speaks Out...'
Li Moqing (QQ group ID: "Yoka Yuyong Goutuo") shared some concerns and personal experiences regarding the "Yigu Three Kingdoms" mod. He pointed out that Yigu Three Kingdoms is essentially a shell company. Despite raising over 500,000 yuan through three rounds of crowdfunding, the mod released is of poor quality, with significant bugs and no optimization. Li Moqing had warned relevant members of the Chinese forum ahead of time but was advised not to speak out and to calm the group’s emotions. Although he had supported the crowdfunding rounds, seeing the poor quality led him to suspect the project was simply a money grab. He also highlighted that while mods are free, crowdfunding and charging for them is "illegal" (I don't know how to translate this, but the author used the word 'illegal' instead of 'unacceptable.'). Li Moqing mentioned that he had been advising group members to wait until the truth was clear. In the end, he was kicked from the group for exposing the issue, feeling that the relationship between Yigu and the Chinese forum was far from transparent and that he had been betrayed.
Quoting from a thread by the Mount & Blade Chinese Forum user "Zhangshushu" titled "More Understanding and Support, Everyone"
As a member of the crowdfunding, although it was only a few hundred yuan, I still want to mention that the Yigu Three Kingdoms production team is making this mod in their spare time. Although we often criticize "牢A" (Aeworlri), it's not really harsh criticism, more like teasing. We hope they can complete this mod with quality and quantity.
The current problem is that the early promotion was so well done, and since this is a Three Kingdoms-themed mod, the expectations from the "汽油" (M&B players) are too high. However, the quality of the mod released is indeed a bit poor, so some criticism is normal. But I hope everyone will be light with their criticism—just a little bit is enough.
I still hope that the production team can resolve the slow loading issue first, at least allowing the game to run smoothly. As for other issues like voice acting, background music, equipment, character modeling, scene replacements, etc., they can be solved gradually. After all, we've been waiting for three years, so a little more time doesn't hurt.
Finally, I hope everyone can show more support and understanding. After all, there aren't many domestic large-scale mod teams. If we drive one to collapse, there will be fewer left. If no one makes Chinese-style mods in the future, won't we all be left dumbfounded? I hope everyone can criticize, but not too harshly. Our main goal is to hope the production team can complete this mod with quality and deliver it for everyone to enjoy our domestic Three Kingdoms mod.
Quoted from a post by Baidu Tieba user _J4GZyA4 titled "Regarding This MOD, I Also Want to Say a Few Words":
The recent incident with the three kingdoms MOD is unparalleled in the entire history of Mount & Blade. I have not only witnessed it but was also part of the crowdfunding effort. Yesterday, the MOD was released, and it genuinely made me both angry and laugh. Looking back, I wonder why Yi Gu (衣谷) acted so absurdly this time.

First and foremost is the quality of this demo. I can wait for future updates to complete the national style of the towns, tolerate some system bugs not yet fixed, and even swallow my pride at the poorly modeled, greasy-faced so-called "Asian" Diao Chan version. However, I cannot stand the fact that this MOD is lagging everywhere, riddled with bugs, and the few national-style towns are surrounded by invisible walls. Every time I restart the game, it's like subjecting my computer's CPU to a massive stress test. Are you claiming this is the quality after several years?

The primary issue is the constant talk about money from the person in charge. Charging 8k for a piece of equipment and 60k for a single face—let me ask, are the authors of the neighboring free arsenals taking loans to develop their MODs? Did Realm of Thrones spend hundreds of millions to create theirs? When he says players should compare Yi Gu to Black Myth WuKong, implying that whoever has a MOD is better than an indie game, I compare it to Realm of Thrones, whose development cycle is similar. How have they treated their MOD and fans over the years? How has Yi Gu treated its supporters? Repeated promises, concept art after concept art, years with no tangible results—just empty words facing production challenges. If this is the case, why not be transparent and state the MOD's pricing directly, letting commercial actions replace the so-called passion-driven development?

Secondly, there’s the recent public opinion issue. Frankly, the criticism is not unwarranted. For the past year, there has been almost a new wave of PPT presentations every few days, hyping up the MOD without any consideration for polishing it. They inflame player enthusiasm, then slap an ugly pig-faced Diao Chan on the players and forcibly limit progress. Not a single battlefield gameplay video has emerged in a year—how dare they? This approach makes players gradually lose confidence and patience, eventually leading to rumors that only the wise can quell. Intelligent people know that rumors don’t stop with the wise; rather, the wise never generate rumors in the first place.

Lastly, regarding crowdfunding—can it work? Certainly, it can. As long as there is quality content, I am even willing to contribute more to support it. I have great respect for other MOD authors aside from Yi Gu. For instance, the overseas Dance of the Dragons is also crowdfunded. Many might say that Dance of the Dragons already has the framework of Realm of Thrones and differs from starting from scratch with a Three Kingdoms theme. However, I want to say that precisely because its framework is reliable and feasible, more players can see its potential, its progress is trackable and experiential for players, and its crowdfunding is sufficiently justified. A project that lacks visible completion and uncertain feasibility still dares to launch crowdfunding, and the promised progress reports post-crowdfunding are merely a few game screenshots. Such arrogance will lead to its downfall.

I rarely vent my frustrations online, but this time I have to say it: if this can be tolerated, domestic gamers in the future will have nothing but crap to look forward to.
Quoted from a post by Baidu Tieba user "Shuixin" titled "Objective Evaluation of Yigu Three Kingdoms."
期望有多大,失望就有多大。整个过程有违背开源,免费,共享,积极听取玩家意见的社区精神。听说还删视频,你是当国人不看油管吗。 四年制作出来一滩烂泥,我都怀疑你是不是传错测试文件了,对得起占用的公共资源吗。现在剧本mod都是国外制作组的,我们迫切需要一款国人制作的剧本mod,为我们提神提气,结果给我们整了坨大的,真是谢谢你的元旦礼物。亡羊补牢,为时不晚。我们大多数人是真希望你能做好三国,做好国人的优质mod,更想看你后续更新解决一系列问题,填之前埋下的坑,狠狠打我们的脸。
The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The whole process goes against the spirit of open source, being free, shared, and actively listening to player feedback. I heard that videos were deleted—do you think Chinese people don’t watch YouTube?

After four years, you’ve produced a pile of mud. I even wonder if you uploaded the wrong test files. Do you feel you've earned the public resources you've occupied? Now, all the story mods are made by foreign teams, and we are in desperate need of a story mod made by Chinese developers to lift our spirits. Instead, you’ve given us a big mess. Thank you for the New Year's gift.

It’s never too late to mend. Most of us truly hope you can make a great Three Kingdoms mod, a high-quality mod made by Chinese creators. We look forward to seeing you update it and solve the series of problems, filling the gaps you've left before and really proving us wrong.
Quoted from the reply by the Baidu Tieba moderator 'Empire Light Infantry' in the post titled 'Has the forum manager considered introducing new rules to strictly limit or prohibit MOD crowdfunding promotions'."
The manager of the M&B Tieba didn’t allow them to start crowdfunding in the forum from the very beginning. We are just not fully prohibiting it, but I have always found crowdfunding to be suspicious from the outset.
Viewpoint 4Viewpoint 4
Viewpoint 5Viewpoint 5

开发者相关争议言论/ Controversial statements by the developers of Yigu Three Kingdoms.
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9380209473?pn=1
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9380209473?pn=1

Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9383737304
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9383781526
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9379652527

对马岛之魂制作人员列表/ The Credits of Ghost of Tsushima

若显示为空,中国玩家需要特殊网络环境且手动打开 YouTube 链接进行检查

The public statement made by LI HAO, the CEO of GOLIA.


相关证据留档/ Relevant screenshot evidence

根据骑砍中文站官方 Bilibili 账号显示,骑砍中文站删除了大量推广宣传衣谷三国的视频。证据留档
The evidence shows that the Bilibili account of the M&B Chinese forum has deleted promotional videos for Yigu Three Kingdoms.
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9392449388

Aeworlri falsifies Artstation portfolio
Screenshot source:https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9394422957

The statement from the Yigu Project Manager regarding the use of crowdfunding finances for Yigu Three Kingdoms.
Screenshot source: https://www.bilibili.com/opus/1019722478440677384

衣谷三国在爱发电平台众筹页面对于公布资金流向的公开承诺/ The public commitment made by Yigu Three Kingdoms on the Afdian crowdfunding platform to disclose the allocation of funds.
Screenshot source: https://afdian.com/project/6cff141a499911efab035254001e7c00
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相关页面:骑砍中文站发布页 | Steam 创意工坊 | ModdbNexusmod

据悉,传闻筹资 50 万元人民币(220 萬新台幣)的超大型国产 MOD 《衣谷三国》(基于《骑马与砍杀 2:霸主》)已于北京时间 2025 年 1 月 1 日 19:30 在 Steam 创意工坊及骑砍中文站等平台正式上线,该 Mod 也达成了全球骑马与砍杀 Modding 社区有史以来最大的众筹数额。对此 MOD,你如何评价?
According to reports, the rumored crowdfunding of 500,000 CNY (around 220,000 TWD) for the massive Chinese-made mod “Yi Gu Three Kingdoms” (based on Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord) officially launched on Steam Workshop and other platforms such as the Chinese Mount & Blade site at 19:30 on January 1, 2025 (UTC +:cool: (11:30 UTC). This mod has also reached the largest crowdfunding amount ever in the global Mount & Blade modding community. The raised amount of 500,000 CNY is approximately 68,000 USD or 63,000 EUR. What is your opinion on this mod.
我们其实已经密切关注《衣谷三国》这款 Mod 有一段时间了,我从初也是从官方社区负责 Modding 的工作人员处了解到这款作品。

从我个人的角度来看(仅代表个人意见),这款 Mod 的 3D 建模和 2D 原画表现非常专业,令人印象十分深刻。然而,遗憾的是,QA 阶段(质量保证测试,Quality Assurance Testing 是指在游戏开发过程中,对游戏进行全面测试的过程,目的是发现和修复游戏中的缺陷、漏洞、性能问题和不一致性,确保最终产品在发布时达到预期的质量标准。)出现的问题影响了其最终发布。考虑到《衣谷三国》在 Modding 界的巨大影响力,发布前组织一次充分的内部测试将是解决此类问题的有效方法。通过一个具有一定规模的测试团队(由玩家志愿者或者是众筹参与者组成),提前识别并修复问题,可以有效减少大规模公开发布后的后期负面反馈。

我个人理解,由于众筹带来民间的压力或创作者的对于发布日期和品质的公开承诺,使这款 Mod 可能面临较大的来自多方面的“压力”,以及了解到创作者本身曾参与过一些 AAA 游戏项目这一身份产生的效应(更新:我们目前对此了解到的情况有点混乱),且对该 Mod 设定的目标和定位无疑也一定程度上拉高了玩家们对其的期待。因此,围绕着这些压力下,部分问题未能得到及时解决以及围绕着这些期待和宣传产生的落空在玩家社群中产生了较为激烈的反应。如果这款 Mod 能够如预期发布,它不仅有望为《Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord》社区带来信心,也能激励全球各地 Mod 开发者。但眼下,围绕它的争议可能会对创作者的团队产生较大负面影响,而且如此数额的众筹规模在全球的 M&B Modding 社区也还是头一回,目前只能静待观望其发展,官方社区也在密切关注其进展。
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Aeworl-ri在众筹的开始之前就已经和衣谷三国做了很深度的绑定,而且我发现主创Aeworl-ri(jingyu wang)有大量剽窃他人作品的经历,并不单纯只是对马岛之魂政子夫人这一件,甚至将CA公司全面战争的内部资料用在衣谷三国,如果题主需要,可以发给你
Aeworl-ri在众筹的开始之前就已经和衣谷三国做了很深度的绑定,而且我发现主创Aeworl-ri(jingyu wang)有大量剽窃他人作品的经历,并不单纯只是对马岛之魂政子夫人这一件,甚至将CA公司全面战争的内部资料用在衣谷三国,如果题主需要,可以发给你


我人已经完全懵掉了。此事的发展速度之快,已完全超出我的权限范围。后续需要 TaleWorlds 的社区经理 Dejan 和 Nenad,联合 Modding 区工作人员及 Global Moderators 一同跟进处理。我建议您和其他知情玩家直接前往英语区发布相关帖子和证据(英语不好的玩家不用担心,工作人员近年来对机翻的理解能力已经非常到位,直接发帖就好)。
I am completely shocked. This matter has progressed so rapidly that it is now beyond my authority to handle. Further action will need to be taken by TaleWorlds' Community Managers, Dejan and Nenad, as well as the Modding team and Global Moderators. I suggest that you, along with other informed players, create a post in the English section to provide evidence. (If you're not fluent in English, that's absolutely fine. The staff has become quite adept at interpreting machine translations over the years.).

这是 B 站视频嵌入代码:
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TaleWorlds 如果有什么需要我配合提供的信息请联系我,但也恳请大家不要弄得我的小小创业公司被推上风口浪尖,我真的是个受害者,我只是一个爱好者,一直在无偿支持制作组...我对众筹完全不知情,之后两度提出公开众筹资金流向也没有被采纳...现在我还被从衣谷三国的微信和QQ两个群组中移除...
我们其实已经密切关注《衣谷三国》这款 Mod 有一段时间了,我从初也是从官方社区负责 Modding 的工作人员处了解到这款作品。

从我个人的角度来看(仅代表个人意见),这款 Mod 的 3D 建模和 2D 原画表现非常专业,令人印象十分深刻。然而,遗憾的是,QA 阶段(质量保证测试,Quality Assurance Testing 是指在游戏开发过程中,对游戏进行全面测试的过程,目的是发现和修复游戏中的缺陷、漏洞、性能问题和不一致性,确保最终产品在发布时达到预期的质量标准。)出现的问题影响了其最终发布。考虑到《衣谷三国》在 Modding 界的巨大影响力,发布前组织一次充分的内部测试将是解决此类问题的有效方法。通过一个具有一定规模的测试团队(由玩家志愿者或者是众筹参与者组成),提前识别并修复问题,可以有效减少大规模公开发布后的后期负面反馈。

我个人理解,由于众筹带来民间的压力或创作者的对于发布日期和品质的公开承诺,使这款 Mod 可能面临较大的来自多方面的“压力”,以及了解到创作者本身曾参与过一些 AAA 游戏项目这一身份产生的效应(更新:我们目前对此了解到的情况有点混乱),且对该 Mod 设定的目标和定位无疑也一定程度上拉高了玩家们对其的期待。因此,围绕着这些压力下,部分问题未能得到及时解决以及围绕着这些期待和宣传产生的落空在玩家社群中产生了较为激烈的反应。如果这款 Mod 能够如预期发布,它不仅有望为《Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord》社区带来信心,也能激励全球各地 Mod 开发者。但眼下,围绕它的争议可能会对创作者的团队产生较大负面影响,而且如此数额的众筹规模在全球的 M&B Modding 社区也还是头一回,目前只能静待观望其发展,官方社区也在密切关注其进展。

您好,感谢您辛劳做出的系统性的信息收集、证据存档与解析。鉴于事情的严重性( 至少对我司而言 ),我将用我最擅长的中文与您沟通,以确保信息的准确性,内容可能与公告有一定程度的重复但更为详尽,请您原谅。

我是涉事 GOLIA K.K. 的 CEO LI HAO,我司是从事 AI 项目协作系统研发的初创公司,成立于 2023 年 7 月,相关身份证明我可以私下向您提交,任何更多的必要敏感资料我也会配合贵司提供,但我知道的其实很少,几乎都全公开了,以致于很多人都嫌我烦,说:“写这么长不看”。我看到有人笑我不懂公关,我确实不懂,是个很专注的程序员,我们公司也还非常小根本没有专业的相关人士也请不起,但是我知道追求真相本身是没错的,应该害怕详尽可查信息的人不是我,我只能做到我擅长的事情,用修复 BUG 的思维来处理,尽可能说明我知道的情况并继续在能力范围内搜证。


首先,我本人及我司是坚决的不支持 MOD 众筹的,我不懂相关的法律法规,但我是一个专业的项目管理者和 IT 从业者,我认为完全达不到商业规模的资源( 众筹 ),是无法满足部分受众对半商业结果的期待的( 众筹后大家对 MOD 的品质期望 ),这本质上会导致原本就松散管理的团队在压力下崩溃,所以得到好的结果的可能性很小。MOD 开发团队如果前期资源不足应该缩减项目规模,追求小而美,后续寻求打赏或借此商业化,也可以寻求天使投资,名与利在许多时候可以相互转化。《衣谷三国 MOD》的众筹过程我完全不知情,如果当初知道我一定会尝试制止,近期明确后也向 LIU 本人及制作组中一个核心成员提议公开资金流向,但是没有被采纳(需要时我会向贵司提交证据)。

其次,我司与 LIU 没有任何正式、合法意义上的联系,我也没有参与过制作组的任何事务,联系很少,时不时收到一个精致的图片或视频。但我一直很期待衣谷三国的 MOD 能做好,我可以尝试帮他们成立正式的商业化团队制作自己的产品。因为过去的朋友( 经询问完全对后续不知情 )大约在 2022 年的介绍,LIU 当时的形象被认为是一名家境不好,家庭负债,被迫努力为家庭还债的年轻人,才华横溢有官方机构和媒体的合作或宣传,因此我对他们有一定的信任背书、同情与尊敬,就无偿为制作组提供了一些服务器、DevOPS 等非现金 IT 资源。至今我个人仍愿意谨慎地相信最初的部分信息尤其是官方信息,也无力查证,这更可能是在数年间因为这个 IP 获得了大量支持、关注与期待,年轻人狂喜与重压之下迷失误入歧途,半真半假首先欺骗了自己才更能误导其他人。将来可能会有人整理这个信任链的时间轴就一目了然。

依稀记得在制作组发布宣传视频的时候,我曾经看过一次 LIU 的 Bilibili 主页,当时写的大概是 “株式会社打工人”,类似的还有其在 X 平台账户上的介绍( 我在海外用 Google 更容易看到 ),并无涉及我司字样,我听说他一直在韩国工作生活,因为不只日本公司,韩国的公司也经常在中国被称为株式会社,我根本没有引起疑惑。我本职工作十分繁重,周工时在 80 以上,完全没有时间和精力去了解太多( 而且还有可能是被伪装的 ),鉴于他们告诉我 2024 年会发布产品,我相信产品是会靠自己的质量和舆论来说话的,以此作为审查的手段,事实证明这是有效的,无论做了多少伪装也逃不过最后产品的客观成绩。

我们原计划于 2025 年 1 月 24 日与其他公司开会讨论新项目( 与 《衣谷三国 MOD》完全无关 )的可能性,在《衣谷三国 MOD》做得很好,且新项目确认展开的两个前提共同成立下,我们才有可能会与他正式合作。因为我们主业 AI 产品还没有发布,平时我们的官网访问量极低( 可能只有个位数每月 ),公司暂时只有 3 名正式员工,工作还非常繁忙。新的合作是 LIU 发起的,我受邀中途旁听参与了他们于 2024 年 9 月末的沟通,这是我第一次见到 LIU( 且仅为线上 ),也是我第一次零星听到 “众筹” 但没有深入了解。会后 LIU 邀请我协助后续合作,三方的后续会议则预定在次年 1 月末展开,基于对第三方公司的高度信任和重视,我们在 2024 年 11 月 3 日就提前更新了网站进行筹备,在我司明确没有游戏业务的前提下,授权他个人以 “游戏事业总监” 的身份( 于 2025 年 1 月 5 日查证部分问题且中止新项目后删除 ),在该指定项目中谈判,即期待以这个新项目作为我司游戏事业的开端。

我已经在查证后第一时间中止了未发生的合作,但因为我在所谓 “切割” 的公告后已经被 LIU 从新项目以及 《衣谷三国 MOD》的 SNS 群组中移除或群组解散( 重组?)。作为中途参与者,我担心 2025 年 1 月 24 日的会议会抛开我继续,所以我也第一时间向潜在合作人提出了风险预警( 于所谓 “切割” 的公告两天前 )并持续保持了有效沟通,也相信他们完全有能力做全面完善的背调,因为项目还完全处于非常初期的合作意向的可能性探讨,事实上多方可能都在观望 《衣谷三国 MOD》的出品品质,根本还不能被明确任何事。作为在海外创业工作的中国人,我非常希望能力所能及地降低因为不诚信而给整个群体带来的损失。

我为我们不慎重的行为向大家道歉,但真的是无妄之灾,直到 2025 年 1 月 2 日前后我被告知公司被多人造谣谩骂,我才开始查询各种记录(依然很有限),目前能确切地证实 LIU 长期冒用我司各种身份,也疑似冒用其他公司身份在各大平台进行自我包装,正如他当时给我和我朋友描述的他的身份时也有可能是伪造的一样。至于版权类的问题,我是圈外人士,完全无法查证。但因为 MOD 和商业项目性质不同,潜在的版权问题混乱也是我原计划如果真的开展新项目合作一定要自己负责的方面之一,我并不放心。在新的潜在合作中,我要求设计公司架构、财税和法务、项目管理以及版权问题,我认为他们团队在这些方面可能并不专业会有困难,但是除项目管理外的提议都被没有被采纳

最后,因为我在被移除前,数年间一直在制作组的群组中,虽然我从来不看内容几乎不发言,但是至少最近我在关注,限于在我被移除出 QQ 群组前,我能看到还是有很多成员在努力工作,我希望大家可以关注作品本身的品质是否还有可能越来越好,作品自己会说话,不要因为有问题的个人而质疑所有人,我个人认为目前明确涉及的不可信金额不足以多年支持一支大中规模的诈骗团队,所以这是可能是不公平的

我也恳请管理员或其他论坛的朋友,尽量少在事情明确前到处宣扬我司及其他相关公司,这可能会给我们带来不必要的损失甚至伤害( 已经开始有人给我司电话骚扰和宣扬要上门找我们,我不知道是否会有误会、人身冲突的可能,这很糟糕,远远糟糕过产品品质不佳或其他事情,昨天我司新年聚会,大家都闷闷不乐强颜欢笑,我很心疼这些来陪我一起创业的兄弟姐妹 ),很可能最后真正有问题的人没有得到惩罚,其他的人和事都受到影响,也会影响我们这些有尚有联系渠道的人对真相的追溯,很怕他直接消失再也不回复。恳请您能号召大家能让我们少一些纷扰,安心查证。目前因为舆论风波,我被移除且不再被 LIU 及制作组信任,我也无法完全信任任何一个制作组中私下来联系我的人,这大大增加了查证难度,请耐心等待,事实就是事实

再次向您与大家表示感谢,后续我如果有更新,因为这里是涉及游戏产品的官方论坛,我会第一时间也仅在贵平台或与贵司或相关公司的渠道更新,鉴于贵平台的权威性,且已经做了全面详实的信息收集与证据存档,我司也会在 2025 年 2 月删除于其他平台的回复。我在此以人格担保,我在们这一事件中是一个对制作组的无偿支持者,更是现在也被折腾到半死的傻瓜。我已经正式告知 LIU 希望他能尽快说明他的行为,作出公开回应,我司会继续搜集证据保留追溯的一切权利。

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2025 年 1 月 7 日:发现 LIU 借用我司名义于 2024 年内与越南某公司进行了疑似商业沟通,我司已经正式向该公司 CEO 发出了风险预警。
2025 年 1 月 11 日凌晨:被从 “衣谷作坊” QQ 大群( 1 月 6 日被移除的是名为 “主协” 的管理小群 )中移除,至此失去了所有和制作组的沟通渠道。
2025 年 1 月 11 日:收到网友私信,涉及老 A( 即 Aeworl-ri )在 2021 年的分享( 已被删除,留有存证 )中就宣称自己就职于日本 G 公司,我司成立于 2023 年 7 月,有理由怀疑这是 “日本 G 社” 这一模糊称谓被误解的原因,在中国通常大型海外游戏公司才被称为 “某( 大写字母 )社”。
2025 年 1 月 12 日:在超过 72 小时无法联系后,我司与 LIU 个人的沟通渠道( 非指制作组 )推定为失效,放弃直接沟通。
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TIL there's such an active chinese community within the M&B playerbase. Shame to see what happened, but it's nice to see so many people from a culture that is very foreign to me share this much interest in the game as well.

It's rare to see someone get away with manipulating people on such a scale and with that much success, it was clever if nothing else. What a waste, if they had even put half of that effort into properly learning game development they could've made something genuinely impressive, and they'd have an actual career to build on instead of having to start all over again.
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