4th Hussars model and vid

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Knight at Arms
Here's a short test-vid of the French 4th Hussars model I've been working on, I've made this as exactly as posible with regard to authenticity and accuracy, still one or two minor points to finish off and a complete re-work of the horse and horse-furniture, anyway enjoy! I'll be working on a Cuirassier or Chasseur next and will probably make these available as a sub-mod.

Looks really good. It would be good to have an alternative to the vomit green. I have nothing against green, but vomit green.... uh....  :lol:
poomtang said:
Here's a short test-vid of the French 4th Hussars model I've been working on, I've made this as exactly as posible with regard to authenticity and accuracy, still one or two minor points to finish off and a complete re-work of the horse and horse-furniture, anyway enjoy! I'll be working on a Cuirassier or Chasseur next and will probably make these available as a sub-mod.


Looks REALLY great!!  :cool: :cool:

Nice work
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