SP Native Fantasy 4 in one mod,LOTR,Arena,Nightmare&Brutal damage for down

What name do youu prefer to be used in this mod?

  • Ringwraiths

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  • Nazgûl

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I am a beginner modder and this is my first self made mod.

Download at

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This mod contains the nightmare horse from hugemod and arena mod.

If your think marnid and borcha and thier starting off weapons are too powerful, please don't let me know, and if you think ring wraiths give too little exp don't let me know either:smile:

I will continue the develop this mod, currently,
marnid is Legolas
Borcha is Aragorn
Swardian king is saruman
Black khergit are replaced with ring wraiths
dark hunter are GONEfor now
Swadians troops are orcs.
Vaegir troops are gondorian

This mod was made with the *unofficial mount&blade editor* and DXTBmp.

This mod was inspired by the Gondorian armour thread and JRR Tolkien


Update: vaegirs troop names changed to gondorian and party names have all been changed to "Mordor" or "Gondor"
ring wraiths do not attack mordor troops.

Update:Horses don't move as fast, low level orcs have uniform as well as high level orcs, the tree of Gondor has been added to low level Gondorian troop's armour

Update: 2 special unit added. a commander for the orc and a genral for the gondorians. these units can not be trained, to get them you must defeat prision trains that have the.

Update:the special units are in action, they are strong and peasant won't kill them! they'er a challenge for your heros and the one that stops you from getting units the cheap way, "prisioner trains". prices have also been changed.

Update: All weapons powered up, horrible shininess fixed and Easterings have entered the battle!

Update: change of faction names

Update: faction names have been corrected, download is split into txt files and dds files, if you have dowloaded an older version of this you may just download the txt files.

Update: Gondorian amour texture change.

Update: Mirror 1= rapidshare Mirror 2+ freewebs

update: mirror 2 deleted, split download gone, file format from rar to zip.

i have made a secound mod called crusade mod: http//taleworlds.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?p=36866#36866
well, its saruman, i'm not the best speller.
and the vaegirs are gondorians.

and i can't show a screen shot because i don't know any site which will host it for free.
Imageshack. And having ringwraiths as khergits doesn't make sense, neither do gondorian hunters (Whatever that's supposed to mean) as dark hunters. Why would ringwraiths attack Saruman, or Gondorians attack other Gondorians? Besides, ringwraiths were unique, there were nine in total, whereas Khergits come by the dozen. :???:

Also, why the heck would Legolas be held prisoner by the Gondorians (Assuming you haven't changed the way he is recruited into the party)?

A proper Middle-Earth mod would kick ass, but I suggest you get someone to help you and go for a total conversion.
firstly, i didn't mean thier role was replaced, i meant the actuaral unit "khergit" and "dark hunter" and "dark knight" was replaced.
the ring wraith do not attack men of mordor, they are in the same faction as them.
khergit only come out as 9 in a party, i can not control how many parties though.
the "Gondorian hunters" have now been updated to Rohan troops.

and Legolas isn't held prisioner.
i have changed as much as i can to make the game simular and i will try to fix the legolas and aragorn problem.

and what does "imageshack" mean?
think youve done very well mate if you wanna ***** about it do better then his work first, he didnt say it was the best mod in the world and pay him to play it
Loool. Beautiful to go to the trainer and then get those ultra boosted weapons... one hit and the guy is asleep! oh, and the same happens to you, hehe.

What was exactly your intention with the gib weapons?

shoot... meant big, not gib :razz:

the thing is, the damage they do is brutal... it's not so sweet when you pass riding through a band of orc pikeman and one of them has the luck of hitting you, wich means instant "death".

T'would be ok for the black riders, because of they're kind of character, but quite wrong for a mere orc.

Still, it's a very good begining for a future great mod, and the armour, orc characters.... etc, are great :wink:
Alright, in lord of the rings, it take around only one hit to kill a orc and takes a orc only one hit to kill a non-Aragorn hunman or a non-Legolas elf.
and i like brutal damage, but orcs don't stand a chance against gondorians, so i might make orc stronger.

i would like someone to teach my how to change the look of an item, i had to take the black armour to make the gondorian armour because the plate rmour had a leather strip down the middle.

and i would like to know which blade in the weapons folder is the blade of a sword? i can't seem to find the right blade.
jackyjkchan said:
i would like someone to teach my how to change the look of an item, i had to take the black armour to make the gondorian armour because the plate rmour had a leather strip down the middle.

and i would like to know which blade in the weapons folder is the blade of a sword? i can't seem to find the right blade.
To change the weapons you need to add textures, and n00bsaibot said that it is very hard. That's why he released the hugemod; other people couldn't add their models themselves. The answer to the second question is basically the same as the first. I think the file is called weapon_meshes.rsf or something, but you probably won't be able to change it.
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