3d, meshes, and collision... AAAKKK

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Deus Ex

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Thorgrim said:
Best to wait for the BRF editor to support making new collision meshes.

OK - so is there an estimate on when the BRF editor will support collison meshes? BTW where is the collision mesh actually stored? Is it part of the obj file and thus brought over when the obj is imported into BRF?

Also, what relationship do collision meshes have with the "bo_something_mesh" files??

From my mucking around - it appears that the collision mesh is part of the "bo_somethin_mesh" file. Any ideas??

i dont know where the collision mesh is, in a post somewhere noob said that in one of the .brfs you could link to a collision mesh that already existed. I would presume this would mean they are hardcoded :/
Yoshiboy said:
i dont know where the collision mesh is, in a post somewhere noob said that in one of the .brfs you could link to a collision mesh that already existed. I would presume this would mean they are hardcoded :/

Based on trial and error, I am starting to think that the collision mesh is stored in the "bo_xxx" (mesh?) files. When I have mucked around with Wings trying to make a large empty indoor scene (like a much bigger arena, without the walls) - I have tried using various 'bo_xxxx' files - and it appears that when you use one from say a tavern, the collison mesh for the tavern keeper's corner stall is included - as even though I had no objects in my empty scene - my character could not walk through the space where the "stall" would have been.

As a result, I have had to use (relatively) empty 'bo_xxx' files such as "bo_arena".

The downside to that has been that when I take the geometry (such as the arena floor) into wings and try to make it bigger - for example by scaling it along the x & z axis, I can bring it back in now without any problem - but the geometry of the new 'floor' mesh, no longer "aligns" with the original collision mesh, and all characters end up standing below the floor to some degree.

To try and work around this, I brought the floor back into wings and scaled the Y axis a slightly negative amount - which worked somewhat. I could aproximate where the collision mesh is - but then I found that some characters are still either above or below them floor geometry (which leads me to believe that the arena collision mesh is not exactly flat).

So I have been mucking around trying to expand one of the indoor geometry's like "small tavern" but not all of the "bo_xxx" meshes will work - so atm I am stuck with a large, but uneven, open space - that is until I can figure out how to modify the collision mesh (which I do not believe we can currently do) - hell I cannot even find them anywhere - I am thinking they might be stored in the "SCN.xxx.obj" files.

Some of the stuff in the "SCN.xxx.obj" is accessible via the in game editor, however there also appears to be quite a bit of stuff that DOES not show up in the in-game editor. Does anyone know more about these files?

Sorry for the long ramble, but I have been banging my head against this for about a week now.... any suggestions??


hmm, but my query would be not only to where the scene mesh collisions are stored but also where the standard object collisions are stored! Where exactly did u think they were stored? In a BRF?
Yoshiboy said:
hmm, but my query would be not only to where the scene mesh collisions are stored but also where the standard object collisions are stored! Where exactly did u think they were stored? In a BRF?

I'm not real sure - it SEEMS like floor, wall and some of the other "solid" objects collision meshes are in the "bo_xxx" files. But then again, it could be in the scn_xxx.obj scene files....

I will have to do some more trial and error testing - because I may have changed two variables at the same time ("bo_xxx" and "scn_xxx.obj") so I will need to be more precise in my testing *grin* - but I was hoping someone else already had the answer - *grin*

i know what you mean but i mean in what physical file that we can edit.

In the "data" folder of mount and blade there seems to be some interesting files. Has effiden looked at them yet? I know noob has, he looked at the face gen one. I am suprized some of these arnt modular. Things like item_modifier.txt certainly.
Evidence so far seems to point to the collision mesh for objects (not sure if items actually have one - need to try stacking a couple bowls or cups and see) being contained within the 3D files (obj or MTL) not being a 3d modeller myself (just getting familiar with it now) I don't know much about the relationship between those files.

The interesting thing is when you look at a BRF file such as the arena - it has multiple files - the base(ground) and about 4 others that make up what looks essentially like layers or cross sections of the arena walls and such.

On the other hand, when you use the ingame editor and add a battlement and stairs - you can move your charactger up the stairs and on top of the battlement - so there must be a collision mesh in there - so it seems like there is one in the "objects" themselves and also there is also one in the geometry used in BRF files.

I may have to play with exporting one of the BRF layes from the arena into wings and see what it looks like.

Another question, what do the DDS files have to do with all of this??? - I gather they have something to do with textures. I downloaded a couple of DDS tools to start mucking around with them and see what I can figure out.

ANDI would STILL like to know what is contained in the "Scene" files (scn_xxx.obj) - I know that when I add stuff with the in-game editor (IGE) - it is stored there - but there are other things in those files that DO NOT show up in the IGE.

If you are interested, I will let you know what I find out.

They are in the same brf file of the object they are for iirc. Though I think it would be possible to have them in any brf once the new importer/exporter is ready.
Say, has Lurb ever published his reverse-engineering of the BRF file format? Can't find the source for his program anywhere. It'd be a shame to repeat all the work he's done already.
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