Sergeant Knight
U N I F O R M S |
W H O A R E T H E I R O N W A F F L E S ? The Iron Waffles are a group of players who have been brought together by a friendship forged in battle. Being an Iron Waffle means more than being a part of some gaming group. It means being brave, skilled, and being a friend your comrades can count on. There is no group out there like the Iron Waffles. Being an Iron Waffle is something special and that is my promise to any and all people who wish to enlist. I can also promise that you will never have to deal with officers who abuse their power. We take the game we play no more seriously than a game needs to be taken but we give everything 100% effort and that has lead us to some stunning victories in the past. And we shall strive ever onward to win even more victories in the future. |
H I S T O R Y |
Belgian jagers fighting at Waterloo | The 36ste Jager Bataljon and Waterloo David Hendrik Chasse was a very experienced commander and was affectionately named "Papa Chasse" by his soldiers and "General Bayonet" because of his fierceness and preference of bayonet charges. Even Napoleon greatly respected Chasse and was the first to give him the name "Général Baionette" while he fought in French service in Spain years before Waterloo. On Chasse's own initiative, the division marched forward with drums and fifers roaring and their shakos held high on their bayonets. Many British regiments laughed at the passing Dutch/Belgians but those brigades soon broke, while Chasse's division attacked with bayonets and broke the French Old Guard. The Belgian jagers of Chasse's division would have been the first to engage the French soldiers but when the order to charge was given, all units advanced with bayonets. The Belgian jagers of the Dutch army were made up of many veterans of campaigns in the French army and during the reforms of the Dutch army, the most experienced troops were given to the light battalions and then to the light companies of line battalions and so on. During most of the Battle of Waterloo, Chasse's division was kept far to the right because of Wellington's apparent distrust of Chasse as the Dutch general had faced off against Wellington many times in Spain. However, Chasse proved his allegiance and more importantly, his effectiveness when he ordered his division to break the French Old Guard. However, to the shock and dismay of Chasse and his victorious soldiers, Wellington completely omitted the attack of Chasse's division from his account of the battle. The Belgian jagers were skirmishers and therefore highly skilled individuals, most of whom were probably former French voltigeurs or chasseurs. The 36th's commanding officer, Colonel Charles Goethals, was a veteran of the famous French 112th Line Infantry and at the Battle of Raab he fought alongside the commander of another famous Belgian unit (the 7de), Francois-Chretien Van de Sande. Goethals and Van de Sande were both awarded the Legion d'Honneur for their exploits. Goethals was decorated on the field of battle for having captured 12 prisoners single-handedly! So yes, Goethals was a badass. |
| Belgian jager of the 36ste |
We like puppies | C O M M U N I T Y S T U F F
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