360 or PS3?

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360 sucks as it now is. No don't get me wrong, I used to love xbox, and
thought it was going to be the best console ever, with the best launch
titles available. I always thought myself to be the first in line at the game
shops, and to buy it at the first day available. But the opposite has just
happened, I hate the 360 as it now is. Just face it, the lineup of
currently released games are sadly funny. Eg. Kameo.. what?
Are you kidding me? It's supposed to be next gen and they're coming up
with such crappy graphics and storyline I didn't even took the effort to
take a closer look at it. And for the most of the rest of the games the
same, almost xbox graphics and sad concepts.
I noticed the better xbox360 games won't come out untill march 2006, but
around that time PS3 will be released too, wich is graphic and concept
wise way better that microsoft's 360 in my opinion.
So.. I was wondering, is anyone sharing my opinion, about the 360 and
it's stupid titles? Yes, I know in the future there'll be as cool games as the
PS3, but they'r very crappy at the time in my opinion, and I won't spend
€400 (and that's a lot of money) for the system as it now is.
PS3's launch titles are way better than the 360 ones, and I was wondering
if the quality of the 360 games will be as good as the PS3 ones by then.. It
certainly's got me doubting alot.

So, what's your opinion about the lineup of launch titles, and the 360 vs PS3?
Take in account the 360's released earlier, and it's potential of better games.

Thanks for reading, and remember, it's just my opinion.
Not whining or anything :razz: (well, not too much then)
I'll probably buy a 360 a year from now. I've just always thought that Playstations were overrated and overhyped, and Nintendos newer games are too abstract (the harder you slap the drum the harder Mario gimmels the mushroom).
It wouldnt suprise me if in a few years Mario did have a gimmel move in a game....
But back On topic,

I'll get the Revolution. I'm tired of the same old games being brough out except with new graphics. I want gameplay and original ideas which is what I always get with Nintendo.

Viva Shigsy!!!
It must have been very hard to not laugh while doing that comercial, good actors.

Oh and...I see why it was "banned" :lol:.
going back a fair while here, wasn't the playstation 2's launch games alot better than the xbox's? it took a while in my opinion for the xbox to bring out a decent range of playable games...may be the case this time aswell?
I (meaning my dad) waited in line for ten hours to get a Xbox 360 without preordering. It's not defective, either. Perfect Dark Zero is quite enjoyable.
Kameo is licken ze dickenz in my opinion. My dad likes it for some reason.

I'll probably get a ps3 this time next year.
MS made the same mistake the made with Xbox1, no must-have titles coming with the release, last time what good games it had were mainly oc ports. :roll:

PS just has a better pedigree in terms of the stable of developers working with it. GT, GTA, the slash em lines, etc etc, you get them all on one console, so why bother with a second console just to play games that you can already play on the pc (I'm thinking the Xbox "exclusives" here, Halo et al)

Plus the ps3 doesn't seem to be going as far down the multimedia route as MS. Here's a hint. Everyone buying a console almost, has access to a pc. I don't need my console to access web browsers, store my mp3s etc. I'd rather the proccessing power and more importantly, R&D, went into the game engine.
I had a little idea, and i wish someone would explain to me why it can't be done. The biggest advantages to a console over the PC is that its alot cheaper in the longrun ($400 will buy you enough processing power to play the latest games for the next 5 years or so, and it would take at least 2 systems costing a total of well over 2 grand to do that on PC), all of the games are compatible and you'll almost never have serious software issues...almost, and the fact that games released generally tend to be much more complete(i.e. without the "we'll just patch it later" mentality). PC games on the other hand are generally much MUCH more innovative, can easily be modded and patched (morrowind for example), have much better controls (especially when playing a fps or rts), plus the fact that it can perform many other functions than just playing games. So here's my idea. Why can't you create a device that allows you to connect your console to your PC, and basically play the games just as though you put them in the cd-rom drive, and the console processing all the graphics? You could run the latest games on a old as heck PC, and save a ton of money because you'd hardly ever have to upgrade (a good video card alone can cost more than a console). Sure...PC sales would plummet and there would be the whole legality issue, but all that aside why wouldn't it be technically possible? I'm sure someone else must have thought this up as well...it seems so obvious. Feedback appreciated!
My xbox360 can connect to the pc, i don't see the idea there (actually it's right under my pc screen)- So' i don't really see the differnce, plus you can get a keyboard to almost every console i seen (PS2 ex.)
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