3 modest suggestions

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some nice, but ambitious, suggestions here. Ive tried to make a few that i think could be more realistic.

more responsive AI in map mode - they seem to ignore you, and each other a bit too much. Perhaps the good guys should attack the bandits more that are chasing you. Also if bandits are chasing you and see peasants they could perhaps change their mind for an easier target. THings like this. Maybe god guys approching you more to. Asking for bribes or something.

more contol in combat - this system is pretty good but could do with tweaking. Make it easier to choose where you strike. It is intuitive but sometimes you want to 'override' the attack direction that you are setup for.

expand the tournaments into a league with more fighters and perhaps death matches etc.
Modestly ambitious, ambitiously modest.

cheech said:
more responsive AI in map mode - they seem to ignore you, and each other a bit too much. Perhaps the good guys should attack the bandits more that are chasing you. Also if bandits are chasing you and see peasants they could perhaps change their mind for an easier target. THings like this. Maybe god guys approching you more to. Asking for bribes or something.

That would be interesting. I'm thinking Armagan coded M&B so that we couldn't always escape bandits by tricking them into attacking easier targets or heading towards friendly troops. Friendly troops almost never come to your aid, but sometimes enemies stop pursuing you because a friendly warparty is too close; I've used that tactic while escorting caravans.

One of the probable difficulties in doing what you suggest, might be preventing a huge battle in which everyone joins in. The AI is not sufficiently subtle enough to both have random warparties simulating "a land in turmoil" andrecognizing their fellow allies are in trouble. This problem really is similar to all those games where you shoot a guard and his brother guard standing nearby doesn't react. It can be done, but it may not be easy to keep the random warparties roaming freely.

Some improvements and exceptions could be done of course.

cheech said:
more contol in combat - this system is pretty good but could do with tweaking. Make it easier to choose where you strike. It is intuitive but sometimes you want to 'override' the attack direction that you are setup for.

This is a common request and a very good one. I think the combat system will be refined eventually but, I must admit for myself it's not a high priority since it works well enough now. Still, I'd be surprised if some things weren't changed.

cheech said:
expand the tournaments into a league with more fighters and perhaps death matches etc.
A good suggestion made a couple of times (or more) before and one I really think has potential since it doesn't seem to be an enormoustask to add. See other threads for details.
I really do wish that enemy parties were somewhat more flexible and cohesive. I think it would be neat if a warparty could join you while you were attacking some foragers. I like the idea that just by attaking foragers in a heavily built up area can actually escalate into a full battle between two warparties.

If towards the end game, where both factions are fully at war with each other, and have mobilised a bunch of huge warparties, it would be nice if each warparty might follow you like a caravan does, and your army of warparties would meed with the enemy army of warparties, and you'd have some humoungous war made up of many smaller battles.
Well, that does sound more like an late game development that could be really cool: maybe a special commander function could be unlocked giving you the temporary ability to direct other allied warparties against hostile warparties. So it wouldn't mean a reworking of the standard 1 vs 1 warparty battles and have a bigger chance of actually appearing in the game. You wouldn't necessarily directly command the combat in the other allied warparties but the ability to direct where and who they fight might add the ability for some strategic planning: control this region for x days.
I'm thinking that instead of a special commander mode that when ranked high enough in your factions army, you will be asked to accompany a war party or lead an attack into enemy territory as a mission from one of your leaders.
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