3 little ideas - capture the flag, foreign hordes, famine

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Khalid ibn Walid

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Two little ideas that haven't really been mentioned:

(1) Capture the Flag:

It was customary in the Medieval era for armies to carry the banner of their city or party aboard an ox-cart ('caroccio'), which they surrounded with their best soldiers and defended to the last. The ox-cart typically also had a portable altar, from which the priests would say their mass and bless the troops just before battle. Capturing the enemy's ox-cart was considered one of the greatest honors in battle -- and losing it, one of the worst dishonors.

This could be just one of the quests in the game -- finding & capturing the enemy's ox-cart or recovering it for your party.

(2) Foreign horde invasions

Seems a lot of people moan when they reach a certiain level where nothing is challenging anymore. One challenge that might pop up at the higher levels (with some randomness) is some sort of massive foreign horde invasion of the country. By this I mean dozens of highly powerful foreign war parties (neither Svadian nor Vaegir) of 100+ sweeping through the area for, say, a one week period. Something that is bound to force you to battle against extremely large odds continuously (or run & hide) and throw you back for a while.

(3) Famine & pestilence

Famine & pestilence was a common occurence, particularly in war torn areas, which killed men & horses by the score. This ought to be included, perhaps as a randomly-generated event at the higher levels. There might, e.g. be very rare or no food to be procured for many days, men die/desert , perhaps accompanied by quests to find provisions to prevent some town or another from starving.
:smile: That's three ideas isn't it?

Capture the Flag That could be cool if accompanied by the prize's appearance on the battlefield where you'd physically have to take it. It would add some variety.

Foreign Horde/ Invasion I don't know if this would be the cure for us "moaners" who aren't being challenged. The basic drawback is it's still "more of the same." There are already big warparties and defeating them follows the same sequence: first group of enemies appear, wipe them out, their reinforcements arrive, wipe them out, their reinforcements arrive, etc.

It's not just that the challenge declines at the higher levels, it's the realization that it's never really going to be about ambushing an enemy, or saving a farmhouse, or holding a bridge, or blocking a mountain pass, or attacking a caravan column, surprising a camping enemy. It's always going to be your warparty rushing at their warparty. Always.

Famine & Pestilence Could be cool atmospheric mood-setting stuff although... My troops are mostly disposable cannon-fodder anyway, so I'd just hire new guys to replace them, no big deal gamewise. It might even just be a nuisance rather than affecting the game in a interestingl way. Unless our troops are unique in their own right, I can't see caring much.

As you point out, it could lead to some additional quests though: take the caravan carrying the plague "cure" to the afflicted city for xxx denars. That sort of thing.

Anyways, I believe I'm in the minority opinion most times, so your original ideas are probably pretty popular! :smile:
2. The reason battles have become tedious is simply because you have nothing to show for your victory. Armies spawn in the same way as rats do on everquest. "Ok, so i killed those 100 vaegir warriors...so what? They're just going to spawn again...maybe i will camp the spawn this time for a few battles. wohoo..." There needs to be a purpose to defeating enemies. Say, i destroy an enemy party, their nation suffers in some way. Maybe towns have to assemble armies based on some income/resources system. I just want to think that when i slaughter those vaegir warriors their nation actually loses something. Attackable towns has been suggested numerous times, and i feel it's essential in giving life to this game. Anyone ever played Knights of Honor? A map similar in structure to that would work quite well...except, instead of actually commanding a nation, you're just some freelance general going about his own business while empires are being built and destroyed all around you (partially dependent on your influence if you so wish to intervene).
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