2nd best archers/bow men

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Wu-long said:
Which faction is?

It is pretty close between the Ravenstern and Pendor troop trees for best archers.  I think the best factional archers are Ravenstern.  I am sure other folks have differing opinions.

In terms of easy to get early on, go Ravenstern, otherwise, if you really are cool, Pendor Grey Archers and Silvermist Rangers are the way to go ^_^
Silvermist in 2.0 anyway. :smile: For 1.21 I'm partial to Pendor Greys mostly because they look cool.
Depends on preference, methinks.

Ravenstern are better for balls-out offense, with a very high rate of fire and very often carrying a two-handed weapon.
Pendor Greys are better for cautious play, since most come with a shield and a cut-and-thrust sword, and seem to hang on to their arrows longer.

Also, the Greys have a more consistent uniform, so  if you're the sort who cares about aesthetics and having your enemies be crushed under the matching boots of your dread army, go Grey.
Maeglin Dubh said:
Depends on preference, methinks.

Ravenstern are better for balls-out offense, with a very high rate of fire and very often carrying a two-handed weapon.
Pendor Greys are better for cautious play, since most come with a shield and a cut-and-thrust sword, and seem to hang on to their arrows longer.

Also, the Greys have a more consistent uniform, so  if you're the sort who cares about aesthetics and having your enemies be crushed under the matching boots of your dread army, go Grey.

Ravernstern i will take you guys will know why latter ;p thanks for answering with great details
Yes. The only problem is the cost that comes with the fact the have horses. Sarleon's armored longbowmen appear to be similar to Ravenstern Wardens.
Not really. Wardens are half the price than Sarleon Armoured Bowmen and better. If you go for upkeep/effect ratio, stick with Ravenstern Wardens. If you swim in cash and need high end firepower, stick with Pendor Grey - they´re the best bowmen.
Monglor said:
Landwalker said:
littlemikey said:
Wu-long said:
any one have a image of Ravernstern archers in handy? (elite ones please)

If you want a pic of them in action, i'll make one up.

Ravenstern Rangers are "mounted archers" with 6 ranks in Horse Archery but zero ranks in Riding?  Uh... what the hell?


I wonder if that means if you dismount them they can't get back on?
Actually, in version 2.0, there are two flavors of Ravenstern Rangers, mounted and unmounted.
is the mounted one.

Aaaand, he has 0 riding skill... good job spotting that, i'll let Sax know.  (Moderator Edit:  Got it Mikey... the unit has been changed for the .82 release this friday ~S)
Yes, if you dismount them in combat they won't mount up again when you tell them to. I've noticed this a lot actually, because I have a tendency to accidentally hit the dismount shortcut key a lot instead of the advance/hold fire keys (I can never remember where those are).
delve said:
Yes, if you dismount them in combat they won't mount up again when you tell them to. I've noticed this a lot actually, because I have a tendency to accidentally hit the dismount shortcut key a lot instead of the advance/hold fire keys (I can never remember where those are).

That mistake has caused me more stress than I care to admit, made me start using backspace more - which can also be a prob since you can't block and are vulnerable to stupid knights and couch dmg (not a lounge suite but big spikey lances  :wink:) ...  :mad:
It's tricky, but you can issue a mount order. If your troops are near a horse, and if they have the riding skill to use that horse and if the horse doesn't bolt when approached then the soldier will mount up. That's a lot of strong 'ifs' though. :smile:
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