28 Issues/Comments

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Occasionally, I enjoy playing a game so much that I make notes about various issues that I encounter. Even more rarely do I get an opportunity to post my findings when the game is still in a Beta phase of development. I hope the following list doesn't repeat too much of what has already been reported in other threads. And if the developers do actually read this little report please remember that you can certainly ignore everything I've written here and I would still regard Mount & Blade as a great game. Congratulations!! :smile:

Pre-Battle Comment Disappears Too Quickly
A statement about entering battle with a handful of troops that appears at the beginning of some battles should remain visible a bit longer. I'm still not sure what it says.

Troops Left with Companion Lose Upgradeability
Half of a group of Fighter Woman were ready to upgrade to Sword Sisters, however I didn't have enough slots. After separating from Borcha and leaving those Fighter Woman with him none of them were ready to upgrade any longer.

Edge of Battlefield Invisible
I'm not suggesting that a boundary line appears when you approach the limits of the playing field, as in Rome Total War. Territory beyond the edge of the battlefield could instead have some distinguishing vegetation or soil/rock colouring.

Spelling Error
When trading inventory with a companion the player should say "I have some items that I no longer need" instead of "that I longer need." There are a few other errors, but that's probably the worst.

Smithy and Merchant Bought Items Should Have Better Quality Than Found Items
I think it would make sense that items such as bent arrows and lame horses are more likely to be found when looting battlefields than visiting merchants. Why would a Smithy sell anything without first cleaning off rust, fixing cracks or straightening.

Only River Pirate Quest Appeared Finished
I've yet to see any of the quests completed while serving the Swadian or Vaegirs lords appear in the finished quest menu.

Indicate Spotting Distance
It would be quite useful if the terrain surrounding the player's party on the world map within the party's spotting distance would have a slightly greater illumination. This would give the player a greater sense of where to explore and the limits of his party's spotting skill.

Companions Don't Follow Orders
I'm rarely able to make them hold, follow or charge.

Hold Position Order Should Follow Cursor
It would be quite useful if you could order your party to hold a position determined by your cursor position rather than your character's location.

Change Shield?
Why is there a change shield button? Perhaps I'm the only player who has never entered a battle carrying 2 shields.

Spawn Check Protocols
There really should be a way to prevent players from spawning on the sides of cliffs or inventory boxes from spawning on inaccessible slopes or in rivers or bushes.

Rivers Cutting Through Peaks
Most of the battle maps are beautifully created and rendered, but many do defy all geomorphological reason. For instance, rivers don't cut through lone hilltops in the middle of a plain.

Battle "X" Symbol Reporting Larger Number of Combatants
The X that appears on the world map following a battle seems to be reporting excessive numbers of combatants. I've seen it as high as 222 combatants when my party only had 3.

Indicate Relevant Skill Caps
I raised my AGI to 27 only to find out that Athletics could not be raised beyond 8. It would be useful to know the limits for each skill. For instance, Weapon Master specifies 6 proficiency limits (100/140/180/220/260/300), however it's apparently possible to raise it beyond those 6.

Top/Bottom Edge Zooming Should Be Optional
I zoom the world map with my mouse wheel and when I try to click a destination near the top of the window it often zooms, pushing the destination off-screen.

Shield Disables After Last Axe/Dagger Thrown
A player armed with bow,crossbow or 2-handed weapon, plus thrown weapon and shield will have to keep from throwing the last throwable item or lose access to the shield. It's very frustrating when find yourself suddenly carrying an unequippable shield.

Dranton's Specs
It can be a bit confusing to see Dranton having IronFlesh and PowerDraw of 7 when his STR is only 18 instead of 21?

Caravan Master's Specs
I was a bit surprised to see that a Caravan Master that I'd captured had IronFlesh of 3, but not Pathfinding, Tracking or Spotting skills. It didn't seem very natural.

Weights With Decimal Place?
Why report item weights with a decimal place when all items appear to have whole number of kilogram weights.

ESC From Battle
There should always be some means of exiting the game, even when in the middle of a battle, just in case the boss walks in. :wink:

Freed Prisoners Ungrateful
If an attacked party can thank you for your help against the "bastards" then shouldn't the prisoners you liberated be grateful too?

Inventory Go-Round
I understand that a portion of a Smithy's/Merchant's inventory is replaced each day with new items. I suggest that any newly stocked item does not become replaced for ~7 days. It's very frustrating to return the next day with enough money for that sniper crossbow that finally showed up, only to find gone.

Highest Quality Items As Prizes
I suggest that the creation of certain highly covetted items like the reenforced black armour should be commissionable for completing certain quests. For intance, a highly satisfied nobleman might inform you of where and when you will be able to purchase such an item. You would still have to go there at the designated time and pay full price, but it would save you thousands of clicks visiting smithy after smithy for weeks.

Inventory Menu Should Indicate Party's Max Speed
When considering purchases of commodities and/or horses there should be some indication of how your parties travel speed will be affected before you actually complete the purchase.

Parties Should Not Pass Into/Through Settlements
Occasionally a hostile party will be sitting hidden in the location of a destination settlement. Settlements on the world map should have an edge barrier that prevents parties from passing into them. Reaching the edge should be enough to have the player's party enter the settlement. Caravans should spawn at these edges, as well.

How Do You Pronounce Uxkhal?
Most of Calradia's other settlement names are quite easy on the tongue.

Fading Horse Remains Barrier
The horse of a fallen horseman tends to fade out, but remain a physical barrier in the battle map until it disappears completely. Running into these artifacts can be a bit frustrating when they are nearly invisible.

NPCs MissManage LoadOut
Even though I've equipped Marnid with a crossbow, 2 bags of bolts and no shield or sword, he still seemed to run out after 20 shots instead of 40.
Suggestion 29: Establish a support group where people like me
who are so hopelessly addicted to this game can get some much needed
counselling before losing job, car, wife, home, etc.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
godot said:
Indicate Spotting Distance
It would be quite useful if the terrain surrounding the player's party on the world map within the party's spotting distance would have a slightly greater illumination. This would give the player a greater sense of where to explore and the limits of his party's spotting skill.

Shield Disables After Last Axe/Dagger Thrown
A player armed with bow,crossbow or 2-handed weapon, plus thrown weapon and shield will have to keep from throwing the last throwable item or lose access to the shield. It's very frustrating when find yourself suddenly carrying an unequippable shield.

Good list, good suggestions, I second Armagan. I've seen many, if not most of them, in earlier posts over the last few weeks, but it's good to see them cleanly listed rather than "buried" in a paragraph in a thread from 4 or 5 weeks ago.

I especially like the suggestion that spotting distance have a world map indicator like a special "illuminated" zone around the party. An extremely cool detail that.

The unequipable shield hasn't happened to me (in what is approaching thousands of battles) but then I don't use throwable weapons, but I agree it should be equipable if you're carrying it.
How Do You Pronounce Uxkhal?

Weights With Decimal Place?
In science there is a thing called significant figures. In an item such as 38.0 kg, it means that the instrument used to measure the item can measure in the tenths place- 'tis merely a show of accuracy.
Instag0 said:
In science there is a thing called significant figures. In an item such as 38.0 kg, it means that the instrument used to measure the item can measure in the tenths place- 'tis merely a show of accuracy.
Yeah, I can see that. But according to Effidian's tables on M&B armour, a Black Helmet weighs 2.75 kg and Black Greaves weigh 3.5 kg, while each is listed in the game as being 3.0 kg. :???:

Still, as n00854180t rightly points out, it makes sense to keep the option open.
These are excellent suggestions, and I hope they're implemented in the next version. One minor suggestion: how about providing the option to turn down quests? Everyone has quests he dislikes doing, and refusing a quest could automatically generate a new one.
Change Shield?
Why is there a change shield button? Perhaps I'm the only player who has never entered a battle carrying 2 shields.
That my son, is for changing your weapons position, when you are already ready to swing.
Hey, some good ones in there. Especially -

Indicate Spotting Distance
It would be quite useful if the terrain surrounding the player's party on the world map within the party's spotting distance would have a slightly greater illumination. This would give the player a greater sense of where to explore and the limits of his party's spotting skill.
there is a way to exit a battle, but you heve to be at least abuut 15 feet from your enemy. run away, and press the TAB button. a window will pop up saying "are you sure you want to retreat fom this battle" and yes & no buttons. if you click no, you will reatreat and return to the map. but that will also count as a loss for you, but its your choice. :cool:
zacko said:
there is a way to exit a battle, but you heve to be at least abuut 15 feet from your enemy. run away, and press the TAB button. a window will pop up saying "are you sure you want to retreat fom this battle" and yes & no buttons. if you click no, you will reatreat and return to the map. but that will also count as a loss for you, but its your choice. :cool:

i think he meant exiting the game from a battle... wich is impossible at the moment since ESC only brings you to the options screen
it worked for me. i retreated the battle, but i lost. or maybe i can do that because of cheat mode :shock:
no, retreating has nothing to do with cheat mode. all it does is perform the 'send your troops on a charge' command with the people on the field. you know, that middle command that nobody uses. i can't remember what is says. anyways, a boss button might be useful. make it something like ctrl-b to pause the game and minimize it to the taskbar or to issue a retreat, save, and exit.
godot said:
ESC From Battle
There should always be some means of exiting the game, even when in the middle of a battle, just in case the boss walks in. :wink:

If you alt-tab to the desktop, the game pauses.
really? i always pause before i alt-tab. how can the game detect that though? the game runs full-screen, so i'm not really sure the thing that detects th active window works. could someone explain that to me? i'll probably be a programmer, so i need to know these sorts of things.
You can't always run away though, sometimes it says that the enemy has cut off your escape route and there is only the option to attack. It is very annoying to have to stand in the middle of a field being slowly shot to death by enemy archers just so I can exit and have some tea.
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