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Look you bunch of stupid ****ing retards we are all different people.

We are using a school network so our IP is allways the same (i think)

I think you should take what we say into account beafore making a completely wrong desision you stupid **** holes

For thousands of years didn't people think the Earth was flat and then one day some bright spark proved they were all wrong

We've told you enough times we are all different people so
On the edge of sight i see,
A cruel master riding a dire steed.
A vodka in one fist, a padlock in another,
Pavlov's gonna close this thread.

Back on topic, i must say the evidence points against you. 6 people who joined roughly at the same time with the exact same personality.

But even so, even if you are, in fact, six people, no-one likes pre-teen spammers. If you six could post some halfway intelligent pposts, none of us would've really cared if you were in fact one person.
Ingolifs said:
On the edge of sight i see,
A cruel master riding a dire steed.
A vodka in one fist, a padlock in another,
Pavlov's gonna close this thread.

I didn't know you Ingolifs are poet :shock:

Back on topic, i must say the evidence points against you. 6 people who joined roughly at the same time with the exact same personality.

But even so, even if you are, in fact, six people, no-one likes pre-teen spammers. If you six could post some halfway intelligent pposts, none of us would've really cared if you were in fact one person.

And for Spadrik - the attitude of this post for sure will not help you. I would say just opposite. Learn a littlebit young man.
I support Ingolifs, he's simply right.
Spadrik said:
Look you bunch of stupid ****ing retards we are all different people.
For thousands of years didn't people think the Earth was flat and then one day some bright spark proved they were all wrong
We've told you enough times we are all different people so

Although I do believe in relativist principles concerning morality, for thousands of years people have believed Earth was flat because they choose to spit,swear, kick and shout rather than stop and speak calmly on topics that needed not a bit of agression (you have to spit, kick and shout when in a battle for example).
Sina said:
Although I do believe in relativist principles concerning morality, for thousands of years people have believed Earth was flat because they choose to spit,swear, kick and shout rather than stop and speak calmly on topics that needed not a bit of agression (you have to spit, kick and shout when in a battle for example).

Good post Sina. That's a pity he will not understand. He needs few years of experience (then mabye).
Ingolifs said:
On the edge of sight i see,
A cruel master riding a dire steed.
A vodka in one fist, a padlock in another,
Pavlov's gonna close this thread.
That sounds like pavlov to me!
Perhaps if you had have listened to what we said in the first place I wouldn't have had to use this approach

And in case you hadn't noticed i've been posting perfectly sensible posts on the Mount and Blade discusion forum

I suggest you all re-think your lives as opposed to sitting infront of a computer screen all your lives and earn some money
I suggest, you should only judge the actions of people over the internet rather than judging them all together. If you think about it you will see the important difference. Judging people from behind your monitor is a big responsbility esspecially when you are in a serious arguement like this and not joking..
I do young man. Don't try to preach.
Your attitude above shows you're immature. Personally I have nothing against you (don't even know you), but against that kind of harsh behaviour.
I suggest to calm down a little and everything will be ok. People will forget if you will give them chance.
Of course my post is directed to Spadrik, not Sina to be clear.
Ok, I'll believe you, when:

You make a photograph with you and your so-called "friends" holding a sheet which says "We love Lhorkan!" Mmkay?
This thread will and should probably be deleted, in the interest of stopping a flame war.

Another good idea is to keep a cool head when posting. Anger on the internet is not very persuasive at all because there is not threat at all to the people you are angry at. It also makes great comedy, i will try to dig up link to a hilarious post on some random forum...

Any i beg of you all pleeeaase dont drag me down into this argument.

when the flame wars begin, dont say I didnt warn you all...

i have fond the link!!! maybe this will release all of the tension in this thread, and educate you to the futility of anger on forums...

Hi Rabid Potatoe.
You disarmed me with one thing - I see the man claiming to be Undead lover to be man of peace on this forum :lol: I'm not sarcastic at all, but just imagine it from my side :lol: I saw avatar showing bloodthristy undead, sig the same and words like angel's speech (once again, I really appreciate what you've said, just the contrast...)
Ok, I'm disarmed :grin:. I quit posting in this thread.
Spadrik and others, lets cool down and do something funny :smile:
I like pretend war yes. Not flame wars, you can get horrific casualties in these.

ok, you smurf theory people just got owned!


Can i now rub that in please? YOU GOT OWNED!
i think that link i gave you is the funniest thing i EVER read in my entire life. sadly it was posted by an actual pschopath.
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