I understand that you are frustrated with the sudden slowdown of game updates as of late, but this really isn't the way to go about voicing those concerns.
We are currently working on a large code refactor which is taking up quite a lot of our time (we mentioned it in the recent Early Access Update post - you can also read about some of our plans for the near future in there btw). Doing this now ensures that the foundations of the game are in a much better state for future updates. Unfortunately, this meant that we were unable to release a large patch for the past few weeks.
However, with that being said, updates to both main and beta are in the works and will be coming in the near future so you shouldn't have to wait too long to get started with a new campaign.
Callumun dediğine göre uzun bir kod revizesi üzerinde çalışıyorlarmış, bence bannerlordun ihtiyacı olan bu tarz değişiklikler. Adamları yericeğine azcık empati yapın.
1.4.2 den önce 1 2 haftada bir büyük bir güncelleme geliyordu ve yeni özelliklerin yarısı oyunu daha kötü etkiliyordu, iyi özelliklerin etkisi de hissedilmiyordu. 1.4.2 3 haftada çıktı ama çok şeyi düzeltti. Temkimli ve yavaş ilerlesinler bence daha iyi.