SP - General 2022 Wish List

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Let's see how many of these get worked on, this is a fraction of my list that I would love to see implemented

1) rebalance fiefs so they have same bound villages (some have 2, couple have 4)
2) give attribute point every 3 levels
3) lower exp at high levels, going over 40 is nearly impossible, let us level higher
4) balance workshops, many are terrible especially in sturgia, this has been delayed too long
5) enable workshop levels
6) make caravans profitable and have better survivability *****Sort Of*****
7) allow companions to be super low levels so we can train them up like Warband
8 ) give us more options so we can optimize the game, stop restricting us( player dmg, death %)
9) finish perks that were abandoned 75% of the way through *****FINISHED*****
10) Finally fix blunt dmg, blunt arrows and bolts still not in game
11) work on bolts, they are not optimized and most are useless *****FINISHED*****
12) More diplomacy options ex. non aggression pact
13) have 2 weapon slots, 1 for campaign maps battles and 1 for sieges
14) lower the available noble line troops, way too many are available, make then noble for a reason
15) make sieges cause a LOT more dmg to fief projects, mid game everyone is maxed constantly
16) when a clan party is defeated they automatically go back out and start a new group like the AI does
17) bring wine and oil back as consumables
18 ) Let us build village improvements like warband, tower etc so raiding takes longer
(19) let us TRADE fiefs for other fiefs, not Buy with everything has a price, but trade only
(20) better balance prosperity to help with food shortages *****Sort Of*****
(21) Make castles more wanted, give them advantages, lower wages, increased exp, higher garrison)Make them wanted)
(22) let us add food to storage for fiefs to help with starving, or at least to castles, castle starving is bad
(23) create manhunter parties like in warband(think mod) to help with looters and bandits
I will bookmark this and come back in 6 months and lets see what is done
----------------------------------------------------------------4 out of 23 DONE------------------------------------------------------------------
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Zobaczmy, jak wiele z nich zostanie popracowanych, to ułamek mojej listy, który chciałbym zobaczyć zaimplementowany

1) zrównoważyć lenna, aby miały te same powiązane wioski (niektórzy mają 2, a para 4)
2) daj punkt atrybutów co 3 poziomy
3) niższy exp na wysokich poziomach, przekroczenie 40 jest prawie niemożliwe, pójdźmy wyżej
4) warsztaty równowagi, wiele jest okropnych, zwłaszcza w sturgii, zostało to zbyt długo opóźnione
5) włącz poziomy warsztatowe
6) sprawiają, że przyczepy kempingowe są opłacalne i mają lepszą przeżywalność
7) pozwalaj towarzyszom na bardzo niskie poziomy, dzięki czemu możemy ich szkolić jak Warband
:cool: daj nam więcej opcji, abyśmy mogli zoptymalizować grę, przestań nas ograniczać ( dmg gracza, śmierć %)
9) kończ perki, które zostały porzucone w 75% drogi
10) Na koniec napraw tępe dmg, tępe strzały i bełty nadal nie są w grze
11) działają na śrubach, nie są zoptymalizowane i większość jest bezużyteczna
12) Więcej opcji dyplomatycznych np. pakt o nieagresji
13) mieć 2 miejsca na broń, 1 na bitwy na mapach kampanii i 1 na oblężenia
14) zmniejsz dostępne wojska linii szlacheckiej, zbyt wiele jest dostępnych, szlachta z jakiegoś powodu
15) wykonuj oblężenia, powodując DUŻO więcej dmg w projektach lennych, w środkowej fazie gry wszyscy są stale na maksa
16) gdy klan party zostanie pokonany, automatycznie wycofują się i zakładają nową grupę, tak jak robi to sztuczna inteligencja
17) przynieś wino i olej z powrotem jako materiały eksploatacyjne
18 ) Zbudujmy ulepszenia wioski, takie jak banda, wieża itp., więc najazdy trwają dłużej
(19) Handlujmy lennami na inne lenna, nie Kupuj za wszystko ma swoją cenę, ale handluj tylko
(20) lepiej równoważyć dobrobyt, aby pomóc w niedoborach żywności
(21) Spraw, by zamki były bardziej poszukiwane, daj im przewagę, niższe zarobki, zwiększone doświadczenie, wyższy garnizon) Spraw, by były poszukiwane)
(22) dodajmy żywność do magazynów lenn, aby pomóc w głodzie, a przynajmniej w zamkach, głód w zamku jest zły
(23) tworzyć grupy łowców ludzi, jak w warband (pomyśl mod), aby pomóc z łupieżcami i bandytami
Dodam to do zakładek i wrócę za 6 miesięcy i zobaczmy, co zostało zrobione
Well for me, off the top of my head:
1: Make all perks work and have meaningful effect (meaning I include those that are merely essentially useless, even if they technically have a functional effect, like move speed perks post athletics speed nerf)
2: Make perks apply in a consistent order of operations.
3: Make auto-resolve account for mass disparity in size of the two forces, at least if the player is involved, instead of just unit powers. I feel the biggest use of auto-resolve is when a player just wants to have their large group of elites kill a handful of looters. It's therefore inexcusable that the rock chuckers always seem to take out at least one elite knight despite being outnumbered 30+ to 1 and renders auto-resolve a bit useless.
4: Balista gives crossbow XP rather than bow XP
5: Auto-block (I don't need it, but it was promised)
14) lower the available noble line troops, way too many are available, make then noble for a reason
This one is funny and upsetting. My second character was a Battanian vassal playthrough, I wanted to play without mounted troops so my army would be a mix of veteran falxmen, wildlings and fian champions.

After getting my first castle and taking advantage of the high relationships with my notables, I recruited mostly from my own villages since I could get more troops from them. Suddenly, 70% of my army was noble line troops... ?
This one is funny and upsetting. My second character was a Battanian vassal playthrough, I wanted to play without mounted troops so my army would be a mix of veteran falxmen, wildlings and fian champions.

After getting my first castle and taking advantage of the high relationships with my notables, I recruited mostly from my own villages since I could get more troops from them. Suddenly, 70% of my army was noble line troops... ?
its crazy how many are there, they dont feel noble anymore
we need add new features :

1. Hot girl Motel in Towns, where we pay to sleep with whores for increasing hit points and spirits.

2. Hunting games in hunting area, where we hunt panther, tiger, lion, deer, bear... for leathers.

3. Need a true armor workshop to craft free armor from hunted parts.

4. Navy war, ships and docks ready for navy battle screens.
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I am constantly lowering my expectations... but would settle for just a few 'simple' things:
1. Have troops outfitted in the armors of their faction - how difficult can this be?? When every single troop line wears almost identical mix-match stuff, what is the point?
2. Have Nobles outfitted in the top gear of their OWN faction - honestly, when every silly little imperial teenage twat traipsing around with cataphract lamellar complemented by ... Vlandian mail mittens .. I want to... well never mind that. Why can the programmers not get even that simple little detail correct??? Give faction appropriate armor to nobles ffs.
3. Have a requirement to lead parties: to see NPC with skill levels of 1 in all weapon related areas and tactics leading parties does my head in. These idiots are useless when they join your army - can't lead any troop units
4. Give NPCs gear loadouts consistent with their stats - found yesterday that every single Sturgian noble lord with good combat stats have essentially the same gear loadout (noble bow complimented by the worst possible arrows, because you know, they can't make arrows in the cold, silly decorative short sword, and large tow handed axe), but few have one-handed axes, and almost nobody has a shield or lance, while they all have low stats in bow, and incredible high stats in throwing and polearms - duh - it's like the intentionally sabotage their own creations. At the same time all those teenage twits with ultra low stats are equipped with ultra high level gear that their stats don't even allow them to equip! WTF man, WTF??

And yes, I second all your suggestions from 2021
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