2000 users :D

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The Pope

Sergeant Knight
Just saw this:


Apart from the many spammers and double to triple or more accounts from certain persons, it is quite an accomplishment.
I'll be ready for the 3000 member mark with a special Caladrian ale that I've been saving for the occasion. Oh, hell, I can't wait! <glug, glug>
Yay, great, more people to aks the same question and more "im an addict" "i cant stop" "love the game" and "hi" threads..........

I find myself on here less and less, its the same thing posted over and over and over.......wouldnt mind if there was a new version out, armagan is way past his deadline, i heard he said it would be the 15th of july....no update

and untill then, its just gonna be the same crap


P.s. Pavlov, dont worry about me wanting to be a Mod, i'll pass
Yeah, I know of one person probably using up to three accounts. He has the same posting style, grammar and comments each time. Im waiting for him to start talking to himself.
Kniggit said:
Yay, great, more people to aks the same question and more "im an addict" "i cant stop" "love the game" and "hi" threads..........

I find myself on here less and less, its the same thing posted over and over and over
P.s. Pavlov, dont worry about me wanting to be a Mod, i'll pass

I'm feeling the same: it's great the word's getting out, but there's really nothing new to be said until/unless new content is out there for us to discuss. Right now, we're stuck with new suggestions that repeat last week's suggestions that repeat the previous week's and so on.

I still stop by daily but there's no urgency to it.
I just pass my time by honing my newbie question answering abilities to perfection. It's probably why i've got so many posts.

Pavlov's good for entertainment as well.
I'm even only semi-active (Note my post count.) I read some of the posts, but by and large I am just casually reading a few posts a day until the next version comes out and some decent discussion fires up again.
I like Mr. Strange I was saving a bottle of Canadian Al Capone whiskey for an occasion like this, thank God I lived long enough to enjoy this moment in time.
Yes, my suggestion is to drink heavily. Sir Saladin has a headstart on most of you, but I'm sure you all can catch up if you try.

I have started to think the number of forum members might be misleading about the "awareness" of gamers about M&B. We might think Wow, gamer's everywhere are becoming increasingly interested in M&B. It's going to be huge!

That's what I was thinking (or close enough anyway) but I've been to other gaming forums that have been around and they'll have 2000 or 3000 members for games that aren't too well-known and may never be more than cult games for insiders.

Am I getting pessimistic when I think "Sure a couple of thousand people have played and (I hope) at least liked what they saw, but M&B will probably just be a cult favorite?"

I truly believe it deserves better, much better.
well 2000 people isn't very much when you consider on most days, there are over 100000 people playing counterstrike at any moment, and a further 25000 playing counterstrike:source.

I think this game has a bit further to go.
Kniggit said:
Yay, great, more people to aks the same question and more "im an addict" "i cant stop" "love the game" and "hi" threads..........

Given the same stimuli, the responses people give will often fall within a narrow range.

You thought it was pretty original when you did it first right? I can understand why some people might feel threatened. To have earlier posts cast in a new light by the arrival of new players, with each new post that contains an idea that you already came up with months ago increasing your own feeling of banality.

Of course people are going to say the same things, because most of the earlier suggestions are fairly obvious, or themselves rehashes of ideas from other games.

And that's fine.

RJK| still believes original thought is possible.
RJK said:
Kniggit said:
Yay, great, more people to aks the same question and more "im an addict" "i cant stop" "love the game" and "hi" threads..........

Given the same stimuli, the responses people give will often fall within a narrow range.

You thought it was pretty original when you did it first right? I can understand why some people might feel threatened. To have earlier posts cast in a new light by the arrival of new players, with each new post that contains an idea that you already came up with months ago increasing your own feeling of banality.

Of course people are going to say the same things, because most of the earlier suggestions are fairly obvious, or themselves rehashes of ideas from other games.

And that's fine.

RJK| still believes original thought is possible.
I didn't get the impression he felt "threatened" in any way or that his own "feeling of banality" was increasing. Where does that come from? Not from his own short post, I think.

I think rather that Kniggit and myself are disappointed that despite the huge increase in numbers since we joined, there has not been a corresponding increase in the number of new and interesting topics.

Too many of the new posts usually cover the same ideas as though they'd never been thought of and weren't already posted. So they're constantly reinventing the wheel and not refining or building on previous suggestions. It's not "threatening" to see your ideas repeated, it's discouraging that even if you do participate again, we're not progressing.

I've discovered myself that long posts are in vain anyway since I get only two or three replies and they're often unintelligible one sentence replies or on another topic altogether. Rather than explore ideas like fatigue, combat morale, long-term game goals, which few read and fewer agree with or try to improve upon, I notice that inane one-sentence suggestions and posts generate dozens of responses and a flurry of views.

RJK said:
Of course people are going to say the same things, because most of the earlier suggestions are fairly obvious, or themselves rehashes of ideas from other games.

And that's fine.

No, it's not fine. Even if the earlier suggestions were "fairly obvious, or themselves rehashes of ideas from other games" that doesn't mean it's fine " to say the same things " in a new thread or post as though there wasn't a Search engine.

What I had hoped for (and I think what Kniggit did too) was that the increasing membership would bring people who were interested in more than just saying what had already been said and more who could and would try to comment and add new insights/refinements to older posts. Or add interesting and thoughtful new posts - which does happen but not often enough.

RJK said:
You thought it was pretty original when you did it first right?

RJK| still believes original thought is possible.
So try it. Maybe lose the long-distance boilerplate psychological explanations of why someone posted though. I understand that "you probably thought it was pretty original when you did it" maybe it made you feel superior (?), I don't know. How can I? But I do know it's beside the point.

I give up. From now on, one sentence or one word posts!
Still at the same time you do not want to give new players the impression that the forum is a very hostile place to be. You can point out the search function but you can also comment on their idea at the same time and possibly even waste a few words and do it nicely.

NOTE: while this follows JonathanStrange's post this is not intended to be an attack on him.
JohnathanStrange said:
I give up. From now on, one sentence or one word posts!

You know some newer members are already using this method because they never heard of interpunctuation or comma's but just don't give you a chance to breath this can be real nasty sometimes as you probably noticed already if not you really should try reading this post out loud without imagining I actually put periods or comma's you'll notice that it's real hard to keep it up so this way I can make you pass out because you have no breath left in the end of the post which isn't anywhere near close because I'm breaking the one sentence post record of the whole Taleworlds forum and it looks like I'm already close to that but don't expect me to stop right now since you're still reading this post so you haven't passed out yet because you're a lame cheater and don't read out loud instead you just quit reading 5 minutes ago beacuse of the tiring boring and useless post with which I'm breaking all records of one sentence post so passed out yet or did you break the rules and paused in the middle of this freaking sentence where you have no right to stop because of the absence of any periods or comma's hey I can go on like this for ages but nature calls so I'll see you all later.
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