2 questions

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
1°hi i want to know how to make only a special kind of unit to spawn into a certain entry points
2°i have seen the dialogs menu to how to wait the time to pass and i find this:
(rest_for_hours, reg(2)),
how can i add it to this menu?:
    "what shall we will build?.",
      ("ladders_camp",[],"Order your soliders to build a camp and laders.", [
      ("camp",[],"Order your soliders to build a only a camp.", [
      ("tower_laders",[],"Order your soliders to build a siege tower and laders.", [
      ("ladders_camp",[],"Order your soliders to build a camp and laders.", [

PS: to all that options before and to these menus
1) Enemy units?  Careful counting of the troops, use add_reinforcements_to_entry instead of the entry point capacities so as to ignore Tactics which might throw your counts off, use custom mission templates probably, and lots of trial and error.  Friendlies you can do much more easily using (spawn_agent) which lets you specify.

2) Add it before any of your (jump_to_menu) commands; you can replace reg(2) with a simple number, like three hours for a camp or whatever, in each call.  However, be warned, (rest_for_hours) has a slightly odd behaviour.  It kicks in only once you leave the encounter, at which point you only rest for the longest (rest_for_hours) you've called while the encounter (including all its menus and dialogues) was going on.  So if you want to get kicked back to menus/dialogues after the rest is over, you need triggers for it.  Check out module_simple_menus.py for some examples (auto_enter_town and auto_menu).

By the way, capitals and punctuation still count, especially in your in-game dialogue, if you're writing for people over the age of six.  And ladder has two 'd's.
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