2 problems

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Got a few recent problems;
I've been trying to retexture the scene props in my mod for a more correct atmosphere until the scenes are replaced.
But the new textures won't show, to i have to actually replace the BRF's as well?

The other problem is with rigging. I know just about how to rig, and the rigger for my mod isn't responding anymore. So i was thinking of doing it myself, problem is, i do not know how to get the skeleton.
When I give some retexturing I just put corrected texture (of the same name like the origin) to my mod Textures folder and add to module_info.py the line:

scan_module_textures = 1

and it use to work ok.
Or maybe you do edit some look-like texture that will appear on different objects? Like "wall_text/stone_text" etc. Or do you make the textures with the new names?
I know it is supposed to work, what i have done is to copy the building textures to the module's texture folder and edited them.
But in-game, it still shows the old textures.
smokindog said:
and add to module_info.py the line:

scan_module_textures = 1
Ehm, you must be meaning the module.ini

Edit: Nevermind, turned out i was editing the wrong files.
I still need to know about the skeleton though.
For the skeleton, open CommonRes/body_meshes.brf and export the man_body as a .smd (check on Humanoid when exporting). Then open/import the man_body with 3ds Max (for example, can be anything which supports .smd) And delete the mesh but not the skeleton. Then import/open your own mesh and volaa, you can now start rigging.
I think the rigging went successfully, but BRFedit chrashes when i try to import it.
Is there anything in particular i have to do?

Also, 3ds max didn't have smd compatibility, i had to download a plugin.

Edit: Turns out that if the exporter doesn't find the material, it skips the entire mesh.
I dunno what to do about it.

Nevermind, got it to workd.

However, the model goes inwards by the armpits when its used, any way to avoid that?
um, why don't you try using Wings3d and Manitas auto rigging tool?
i guess that you can do it with 3DS too, by following the auto rig tool tutorial...
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