In Progress 2 Bugs:Can't attack an enemy after bartering and After convincing an attacking enemy to switch factions we keep talking

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Bug 1 Description: An enemy attacked me and after bartering with him to leave me alone he comes back after a while to attack me again but this time I can't pick the attack option my only options were to sacrifice troops or surrender. Also when he was attacking one of my villages I couldn't help my village defend

How To Reproduce Bug 1:Barter the enemy to let you go and after a while wait for him to attack you by sticking next to him in my case I was waiting at a village he was raiding before.

Bug 2 Description: After reloading the save several times to see if I can convince him to switch sides to get him off me. I finally succeeded, but I can't get away from him as he keeps running into me because of his previous action to attack me.

How To Reproduce Bug 2: Convince an attacking lord to switch sides.
Can confirm bug 2. I was so excited that I managed to persuade an enemy to defect that I immediately saved my game. Now I am probably going to lose 3-4 hours of progress because of it.
Hi, I've informed the developers about this issue and we will find a fix as soon as possible. In the meantime, please update me if the new patch e1.0.2 has solved the issue.
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