- Added a justice system, where the player's crimes might add up to more than merely a negative relation with the offended Faction. Factions keep track of murders, assaults, robberies, and other crimes you commit in their Towns, Castles, and Villages. If caught, you have to take the legal punishment - even an execution, which means game over (if you are a noble with many friends, you may avoid the death penalty). This generally only applies if done outside of war.
- Added a system for civilian occupations the player can take up, for survival, relationship advantages, or roleplay. You can work for a merchant in a Town as a clerk, or for a randomly generated farmer in a Village, as a farmhand. Both occupations grant you obligatory Quests every once in a while. Households that employ you are made up of randomly generated npcs, with their own names and personalities. These npcs may offer you special tasks every once in a while too. (Mostly in place, but still WIP). Household npcs can join your Party as Companions under certain circumstances, such as their village being burned in a raid. You can marry the daughters of the farmers or merchants you work for, which turns them into Companions you can equip and teach skills to (Noble Ladies do not become Companions).
- Added a new aspect of Towns: Tolls. In some Towns you have to pay an entry toll for your Party, and a customs fee for trade goods you bring in. Can be implemented and revoked like other Town policies.
- Made all the Free Cities on the map actual Towns. They still don't belong to any faction, but you can interact with them like with any other Town now. (This means there is now a total of 30 Towns on the map, compared to 18 in vanilla.)
- Prisoner Management now reduces the risk of captured Lords escaping your Party.
- Changed Cold, so that it mainly affects the player in winter months and at night in spring/autumn. Penalty effect for being afflicted by the cold is now -3 to Strength and Agility. Lack of boots and gloves now also affect risk.
- There is a risk to get frostbite on your feet and hands, which permanently reduces Strength, Agility, Athletics, and Weaponmastery.
- Death: The player may die if afflicted by starvation, diseases, cold, and being wounded in battle. All of these things cause a health value to tick down, which only recovers once all things that drain it are gone.
- Made Taverns more lively with musicians and new animations (thanks the one and only Dedal/Slawomir of Aaarrghh's work).
- Companions now follow the player around in Towns and Villages. They can also protect the player when attacked by Bandits in Towns at night.
- Merchants in Towns now talk about their and other Towns' policies that affect trading, when asked "what are people talking about these days?".
- Merchants' opinion of player now affects their pricing. Downstream from occupation system, where you can work for a particular merchant to improve relations.
- Adjusted rotation of some Towns and Castles to better align with rivers.
- Smoothed the coastlines on some parts of the map.
- Replaced Sopron (Hungary) with Liegnitz (Silesia).
- Added historical lakes to Holland.
- The Rhine now extends to the Bodensee.
- Fixed broken prison scene in #Kothen.
- Windmill fans are now rotating.
- Added some house models from the BNL Eighty Years' War and the L'Aigle/Grand Armee mods (credit goes to the creators of those mods, wherever they are these days!).
- Added some entirely original house models made exclusively for this mod (thank you, "Patrick"!).
- Modified variants of a few vanilla buildings, to give greater variety.
- Focus on brick houses in the north of the map and timber-framed houses in the south, for more regional flavour (this is most noticeable in Villages, less so in Towns... for now).
- Battle scenes are now really small if the fighting Parties are really small. It doesn't make sense for five bandits assaulting the a lone person to start off 200 metres away from their victim.
- The "interrior_assault" scene of Reims is no longer just an unedited version of that of Sich's.
- Fixed that ugly bridge in Paris.
- Fixed receiving bullets from Suppliers in a Lord's Party when the player already has bullets.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when talking to Travellers.
- Reduced the minimum time you have to spend in a Lord's party from 60 days to 40 days.
- Fixed oversight in character setup where young female players would be given male clothing.
- Fixed young male characters being referred to as "she" and "lady" in the character info screen.
- Fixed a glitch where the player could get robbed in a Town even whilst owning a house.
- Fixed a glitch where random wars would start even if "historical diplomacy" was enabled.
- Fixed an unedited Companion dialogue line.
- Fixed a glitch where Spies in Towns would sometimes spawn without equipment, inadvertedly prompting a glitched conversation with them that soft-locks the Meet Spy In Town Quest.
- Fixed graphical glitch on German Line Pikeman Uniform.
- Fixed graphical glitch on white feathers on some hats.
- Added lace collar to Austere Female Dress.
- Added nine more civilian outfits (credit to NPC99, from his English Civil War mod).
- Changed Dutch Pikemen to use a lighter armour for some variation (all Pikeman Uniforms in the game looked practically the same otherwise).
- Buffed strength of Stones and the Bludgeon.
- Horse charges have been further slightly buffed.
- Reduced the production of food in certain Towns, and more or less doubled the price of all food items.
- The player now keeps their own weapons when sneaking into Towns.
- Player is now no longer affected by disarmament policy in Towns if they are the Town's lord.
- Rationalised code to calculate religious composition of Parties, and other Troop religion-related things.
- Removed the decreased maintenance cost for mounted Troops for fac_kingdom_3 (France in this mod, Crimeans in vanilla).
- Troop maintenance cost multiplied by five (yes, five) to prevent "too big to fail" scenarios, where the player has pretty much "won" the game.
- Cost for hiring Troops from a Commander in Towns and Castles is about three times as expensive.
- Player no longer has to pay a symbolic 1 thaler wage just for existing.
- Ladies can no longer give the 'duel for her honour' Quest unless they are unmarried.
- Being well-dressed now gives a small boost when trying to persuade Lords in various Quests (can correspond to up to +2 Persuasion Skill).
- Ramun the Slave Trader no longer hangs around in Mainz.