SP Musket Era 1631: The Thirty Years' War - A near-complete overhaul of WFAS (UPDATED 29/12/2024)

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Keep up the work on this mod. WFAS needs more love. I played a bit as a Freelancer. The only downside that I could see was that there seemed to be too little action.
Thank you! I'm still working hard on a massive update. It got delayed when I decided to more or less rebuild a lot of Villages and Towns, and making those scenes is the most time-consuming part of modding. But it won't be many weeks until I can release it.

And yeah, joining a Lord's party is a little hit or miss, if they turn out to be those that prefer to just sit in their castle instead of going out and fighting. I have been thinking about adding some more interactability to when you're just wasting time, I'm not sure what it would be.
Thank you! I'm still working hard on a massive update. It got delayed when I decided to more or less rebuild a lot of Villages and Towns, and making those scenes is the most time-consuming part of modding. But it won't be many weeks until I can release it.

And yeah, joining a Lord's party is a little hit or miss, if they turn out to be those that prefer to just sit in their castle instead of going out and fighting. I have been thinking about adding some more interactability to when you're just wasting time, I'm not sure what it would be.
Something with your wife?
v0.2 is now released! Here is the list of new things (a lot of stuff):

- Added a justice system, where the player's crimes might add up to more than merely a negative relation with the offended Faction. Factions keep track of murders, assaults, robberies, and other crimes you commit in their Towns, Castles, and Villages. If caught, you have to take the legal punishment - even an execution, which means game over (if you are a noble with many friends, you may avoid the death penalty). This generally only applies if done outside of war.
- Added a system for civilian occupations the player can take up, for survival, relationship advantages, or roleplay. You can work for a merchant in a Town as a clerk, or for a randomly generated farmer in a Village, as a farmhand. Both occupations grant you obligatory Quests every once in a while. Households that employ you are made up of randomly generated npcs, with their own names and personalities. These npcs may offer you special tasks every once in a while too. (Mostly in place, but still WIP). Household npcs can join your Party as Companions under certain circumstances, such as their village being burned in a raid. You can marry the daughters of the farmers or merchants you work for, which turns them into Companions you can equip and teach skills to (Noble Ladies do not become Companions).
- Added a new aspect of Towns: Tolls. In some Towns you have to pay an entry toll for your Party, and a customs fee for trade goods you bring in. Can be implemented and revoked like other Town policies.
- Made all the Free Cities on the map actual Towns. They still don't belong to any faction, but you can interact with them like with any other Town now. (This means there is now a total of 30 Towns on the map, compared to 18 in vanilla.)
- Prisoner Management now reduces the risk of captured Lords escaping your Party.
- Changed Cold, so that it mainly affects the player in winter months and at night in spring/autumn. Penalty effect for being afflicted by the cold is now -3 to Strength and Agility. Lack of boots and gloves now also affect risk.
- There is a risk to get frostbite on your feet and hands, which permanently reduces Strength, Agility, Athletics, and Weaponmastery.
- Death: The player may die if afflicted by starvation, diseases, cold, and being wounded in battle. All of these things cause a health value to tick down, which only recovers once all things that drain it are gone.
- Made Taverns more lively with musicians and new animations (thanks the one and only Dedal/Slawomir of Aaarrghh's work).
- Companions now follow the player around in Towns and Villages. They can also protect the player when attacked by Bandits in Towns at night.
- Merchants in Towns now talk about their and other Towns' policies that affect trading, when asked "what are people talking about these days?".
- Merchants' opinion of player now affects their pricing. Downstream from occupation system, where you can work for a particular merchant to improve relations.
- Adjusted rotation of some Towns and Castles to better align with rivers.
- Smoothed the coastlines on some parts of the map.
- Replaced Sopron (Hungary) with Liegnitz (Silesia).
- Added historical lakes to Holland.
- The Rhine now extends to the Bodensee.
- Fixed broken prison scene in #Kothen.
- Windmill fans are now rotating.
- Added some house models from the BNL Eighty Years' War and the L'Aigle/Grand Armee mods (credit goes to the creators of those mods, wherever they are these days!).
- Added some entirely original house models made exclusively for this mod (thank you, "Patrick"!).
- Modified variants of a few vanilla buildings, to give greater variety.
- Focus on brick houses in the north of the map and timber-framed houses in the south, for more regional flavour (this is most noticeable in Villages, less so in Towns... for now).
- Battle scenes are now really small if the fighting Parties are really small. It doesn't make sense for five bandits assaulting the a lone person to start off 200 metres away from their victim.
- The "interrior_assault" scene of Reims is no longer just an unedited version of that of Sich's.
- Fixed that ugly bridge in Paris.
- Fixed receiving bullets from Suppliers in a Lord's Party when the player already has bullets.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when talking to Travellers.
- Reduced the minimum time you have to spend in a Lord's party from 60 days to 40 days.
- Fixed oversight in character setup where young female players would be given male clothing.
- Fixed young male characters being referred to as "she" and "lady" in the character info screen.
- Fixed a glitch where the player could get robbed in a Town even whilst owning a house.
- Fixed a glitch where random wars would start even if "historical diplomacy" was enabled.
- Fixed an unedited Companion dialogue line.
- Fixed a glitch where Spies in Towns would sometimes spawn without equipment, inadvertedly prompting a glitched conversation with them that soft-locks the Meet Spy In Town Quest.
- Fixed graphical glitch on German Line Pikeman Uniform.
- Fixed graphical glitch on white feathers on some hats.
- Added lace collar to Austere Female Dress.
- Added nine more civilian outfits (credit to NPC99, from his English Civil War mod).
- Changed Dutch Pikemen to use a lighter armour for some variation (all Pikeman Uniforms in the game looked practically the same otherwise).
- Buffed strength of Stones and the Bludgeon.
- Horse charges have been further slightly buffed.
- Reduced the production of food in certain Towns, and more or less doubled the price of all food items.
- The player now keeps their own weapons when sneaking into Towns.
- Player is now no longer affected by disarmament policy in Towns if they are the Town's lord.
- Rationalised code to calculate religious composition of Parties, and other Troop religion-related things.
- Removed the decreased maintenance cost for mounted Troops for fac_kingdom_3 (France in this mod, Crimeans in vanilla).
- Troop maintenance cost multiplied by five (yes, five) to prevent "too big to fail" scenarios, where the player has pretty much "won" the game.
- Cost for hiring Troops from a Commander in Towns and Castles is about three times as expensive.
- Player no longer has to pay a symbolic 1 thaler wage just for existing.
- Ladies can no longer give the 'duel for her honour' Quest unless they are unmarried.
- Being well-dressed now gives a small boost when trying to persuade Lords in various Quests (can correspond to up to +2 Persuasion Skill).
- Ramun the Slave Trader no longer hangs around in Mainz.

Links in original post has been updated, but here they are anyway:
Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwithfireandsword/mods/4021
Mediafire mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/file/h2dyhrvpkqxc6vp/30yw_v02.zip/file
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That's a shame. I thought the Warband Workshop might serve WFaS mods, as it does VC mods ( I am currently enjoying the recent Shieldwall Song ).
Does WSE2 apply to your mod ?
I don't think WSE works with WFaS (though I could be wrong about that, I'm just assuming since WB and WFaS are based on different versions of the game engine), and I haven't seen much reason to go beyond what can be done with modding the game normally.
VC is a Warband DLC after all, that's why it's on the Workshop. I haven't seen any WFaS mods on there.
I don't think WSE works with WFaS (though I could be wrong about that, I'm just assuming since WB and WFaS are based on different versions of the game engine), and I haven't seen much reason to go beyond what can be done with modding the game normally.
VC is a Warband DLC after all, that's why it's on the Workshop. I haven't seen any WFaS mods on there.
Well, I do not have any " under the hood " knowledge.
But I suppose that technically any WFaS mod would join the VC mods in the Steam Warband Workshop ( as both are DLC derivatives ).
Anyway, you have not ( yet ) looked to WSE2 in developing your mod.
It might well be applicable to WFaS modding, if desired, as VC mods like Shieldwall Song and AWOIAF utilise it alongside the more complex basic Warband mods, such as World of Vasnar.
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Why did I find this mod only just now? I've been waiting for a 30 Years War mod for WFAS, this is amazing!

Btw there's a WSE version specifically for WFAS, it can be found in the same taleworlds page of the Warband version.
This mod also will get more attention if it is uploaded to Moddb, so that others can get to play this great mod :smile:
I have only been able to get the mod to work using DirectX 7. Anybody getting DirectX 9 to work? Keep up the great work on the mod!

As a poor peasant with no skills and only strength 5, what work can I get? I don't have the strength to use my axe and I don't have renown to work anywhere.

EDIT: Okay, restart with more strength.
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Hey I really liked this mod but one thing I would recommend is the Pre-Battle orders and deployment mod in order to make battles more immersive. I really love the features this mod adds and I think they add a lot of immersion but I think that the introduction of battle formations would make this mod just so much better than it already is.
Hey I really liked this mod but one thing I would recommend is the Pre-Battle orders and deployment mod in order to make battles more immersive. I really love the features this mod adds and I think they add a lot of immersion but I think that the introduction of battle formations would make this mod just so much better than it already is.
Thank you!
I have yet to tinker with battle mechanics, but I will look at ways to improve it at some point.
Please add battle continuation as well. It's a feature in so many mods and It's a shame it' s not in this one. It doesn't really make sense if you're in a lord's army and die and because of that the entire army retreats.
I am loving this mod. Really scratches the itch as a listen through CV Wedgwood's The Thirty Years War. My first run through I followed an army around until I hit level 10, I was then captured and reduced to poverty. I'm looking forward to version 3 and the buffed Habsburg garrisons.

Any tips for getting started or making money?
v0.3 is now released! Here is the changelog:

- Lords and Merchants can now subsidise 3/4 of your weekly troop expenses and settle your debts, if you have good enough relations (with Merchants you need to be married to his daughter). This is to complement the greatly increased maintenance cost.
- Redone loaning system: Merchant Guilds (called Stock Markets in Dutch Towns) have an entirely new, more transparent and more useful system for the player to borrow money.
- Merchant Guilds no longer store money for the player like a bank. Instead, the player can bury money in Hidden Caches on the map with a new option in the 'Camp' menu, to protect them from bandits and robbers. You can also give money to your spouse for safekeeping.
- Improved captivity: Being captured by an enemy party is now a lot more interactive, giving you options to perform an escape, or to earn your freedom (such as having your family pay a ransom).
- No more permanent losses: Items lost to enemy parties are now temporarily stored, allowing you to recover them by escaping, or killing the party afterwards. Money given to bandit parties is stored permanently, or until the party is destroyed.
- Piety: A new value that yields additional relations with npcs (up to +5) and boosts Party Morale, if kept high. Piety is gained from attending church weekly and a handful of other actions. Low Piety gives as much as -10 penalty to relations with npcs.
- Remote recruitment: When you are part of a Faction you can recruit troops from Towns and Castles through the Camp menu, which will then travel to join up with your party automatically.
- Battle continuation: It's not over just because you are knocked unconscious. Battles now continue with Zephilinox' Deathcam.
- Trade license is now purchased from Merchant Guilds instead of Mayors, and can be bought at any point in the game.
- Armour and clothing Renown bonus is now stated in the item's tooltip.
- You now receive a (very) valuable and exclusive armour, weapon, or horse as a gift from a friendly Lord when you get married.
- You no longer need to have food in your inventory while enlisted, if you are of at least military rank 3 (Captain).
- The menu when enlisted as a soldier now gives more information about what your followed party is doing, e.g. which Town it is travelling to.
- Raised the party size bonus gained from military ranks. Your party size limit is now increased by up 80, at the highest military rank (Commandant).
- You can now ask soldiers in the barrack for food when enlisted to parties stationed in Towns and Castles.
- When hired by a family in a Town or Village, up to four random npcs are now generated, aside from the family. They offer you unique services, depending on their professions.
- Added Czech cultural names that randomly generated npcs in Bohemian Towns and Villages can have, instead of German names.
- Habsburg Monarchy now starts with significantly more troops in their Towns and Castles. This is to prevent them from being steamrolled within the first months.
- Garrisoned troops now only cost 1/4 of their normal maintenance, instead of just 1/2.
- You now have to pay wages to your soldiers even while hired or enlisted (when enlisted, this only applies to garrisoned troops, and not to troops in your own party).
- You are now notified with a dialog box if a Lord prisoner escapes from you, instead of only with an easily miss-able line of text in the log.
- When summoned to join a campaign by your Faction's Marshal, the message now tells you where the Marshal is currently headed, to make it easier to find him. If you stray too far from your Marshal during a campaign, the messages telling you to rejoin him will also tell you where he is.
- Character notes now contain information on family relations, to make it easier to check whom is related to whom.
- Town notes now contain information about local Policies that affect trading, and the religious make-up of the population.
- All npc relation value checks in the game are now affected by things such as player Honor, Piety, and if the npc is Quarrelsome (modifiers such as these were skipped in most checks due to lazy coding).
- More than tripled the money paid every week from rulers whom you are fighting as a mercenary party for.
- Raised the gold reward for several Mayor Quests.
- Extended the timer for the Deliver Wine/Beer Quest from 7 to 14 days, since the slower party travel speed could sometimes make it impossible.
- Money gained from selling prisoners raised to be about five times higher.
- Made prisoner recruitment a viable strategy to grow your party by strongly reducing the Morale penalty from recruiting, and made it less likely that recruited prisoners will desert you.
- Guards in Towns no longer harass you for being a heretic if you are an enlisted soldier.
- It is now possible to escape from guards harassing you for your religion by pressing tab when far away from them.
- You must now part with your weapons also in Taverns, in Towns that have a disarmament policy. Sword fights with Pub Visitors in these Towns are now fought with sticks.
- Added "Catholic" to the name of the Habsburg Monarchy's Mounted Infantry.
- Fixed Swedish Mounted Infantry counting as Marksmen instead of Cavalry.
- Fixed a glitch where you would get Protestant recruits from Catholic Villages in Germany.
- Fixed a glitch where two farmer or merchant household member slots could be occupied by the same npc, cloning them.
- Fixed a glitch where randomly named female npcs in French Towns and Villages could be named "sir".
- Fixed a glitch where robbers in Towns would not appear if the player was between level 8 and 11.
- Fixed a glitch from vanilla where you could kill garrisoned troops and even the Mayor when visiting a Castle/Fortress courtyard.
- Fixed a glitch where Companions would sometimes give the wrong dialogue when in a combat situation in a Town or Village.
- Fixed a dialogue glitch when games decides where to hold wedding between player and noble Lady.
- Fixed a glitch where the Save Your Village Quest would indefinitely be "failed" if you are defeated by the Bandits occupying the Village.
- Fixed an oversight where some of the Black/Full Armours did not yield Renown bonuses.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when meeting a noble Lady in garden.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when talking to a Merchant after having married his daughter.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when telling spouse to move to a different location.
- Fixed an incorrect string call when asking Commoners about their Lord's reputation, if the Lord is 'selfrighteous'.
- Fixed an oversight where you would not actually switch side when offering a Faction ruler to defect to him as a mercenary.
- Changed two strings Lords may say when you've joined their Faction, so they no longer say some nonsense about you having spared them in a previous battle.
- Fixed a glitch where you could get prosecuted for killing the Bandits attacking a Village during the peasant training Quest.
- Fixed a glitch where you get prosecuted for murder when defending Farmers or Caravans.
- Fixed a residue from vanilla where the wife of Elector Maximilian of Bavaria could not appear in lord's hall scenes.
- Removed another residue from vanilla, that started some Cossack storyline Quest when pillaging Osnaburg.
- Finally got rid of Colonel Zagloba and Mamai (both previously renamed "Slavic Man") appearing in taverns as they serve no purpose in this mod.
- Buffed the Pitchfork and Scythe weapons. Also buffed Stones again, quite considerably.
- The banner selection menu now appears instantly when you start a new save as a landless noble.

Nexusmod link: https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwithfireandsword/mods/4021
Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/1631-the-thirty-years-war
Mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7nhh86cacupt2il/30yw_v03.zip/file
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Would you consider incorporating Virake's or some such female face mod ?
You are big on role playing elements ( great ) and the appeal of waifu companions and, well, wives, should not be undervalued.
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