13th Texas Rangers (13th Mounted Volunteers) is recruting

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  13th Texas Rangers  ​
You are a volunteer serving 13th Texas Rangers with honour and fidelity.
Each Soldier is your brother in arms whatever his nationality, his race or his religion might be. NO RACISM ,NO INSULTING NATIONS, No INSULTING RELIGION and EVEN PERSONAL INSULTS .Will be dealt with accordingly .You show him the same close solidarity that links the members of the same family. Respect your fellow rankers, your officers, your opponents, randoms etc. Picking fights and starting drama is something we don't want, and it will get you demoted, if not kicked all together. Stay disciplined.During linebattles you are required to stay in line and follow orders. Don't headbang. Don't teamkil. The officers are in place because they have had months, maybe years of activity in the game . You must follow them on every suicide charge they lead you in to because god , it will be fun. Real life takes priority over all .We want to maintain a well respected regiment. Trolling in game, out of game, and damaging our 13thTxR name will not be tolerated.At the end of the day, we're just a group of friends from every corner of the earth. Don't take the game too seriously. Above all else, HAVE FUN

Want to join ? add  me in steam  https://steamcommunity.com/id/13thRS_SnowFoX/


I'm the main recruiter and Major of the regiment so contact me on steam if you need anything :smile:.
Steam ID:Shogun Euro
Furthermore if you have any questions here just post and I will answer to the best of my ability :smile:.
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