1257AD v1.11 English Translation [Complete] - Troops, NPCs, and Factions

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Please download the language folder here and extract into your 1257AD module folder.

Translations (Without Titles) (Ex: Lord Phillip II)

Translations (With Titles) (Ex: Lord Phillip II, of Tyre and Jerusalem)

(As per the title, this translation is up to date with the latest 1257AD v1.11 patch)

If you notice any errors or missing translations please feel free to message me here.

Thanks are always appreciated!  :eek:
Please redownload and reapply the file in the op.

Update: The zip file has been updated to correct some missed translations, add the Troops.txt and Party.txt files to also translate names for the campaign map.

To Do: Still have a hundred or so entries to translate in the Troops.txt as well as two dozen Lords who are mismatched between Troops.txt and Troops.csv.
Updated again in op, redownload and reapply. Please comment here with any issues or mistranslations (or better translations).

I'm wondering if we should try to make a uniform name/title system for the lords of each faction.

alright, I'll dl the files and start testing. I personally do not know enough about the mod yet though to have an educated opinion about your suggested title system. Thanks anyway!  :grin:
monoolho said:
DiglettMcD said:
why is this needed

isnt there an option in the original install for english translation?

Those are VERY out of date, if I'm not mistaken. They might be othr-era old.

I haven't noticed any Latin so far using the english subs included in 1257 AD
The included english subs in the 1257 optional file are old. They do translate 80% of units into English (all the old units), but fail to translate the rest, use incorrect Lord names (per the latest version of 1257), or incorrect unit names (per changes in the latest version). The old included translation also has very simple and often incorrect translations.

Ex: euro_veteran_ranged = Euro Veteran Ranged (I change this to Frankish Veteran Crossbowman)

On another note, has anyone noticed any issues or opportunities for better translations?
It seems to me that Greek Spearmen and Swordsmen are mixed up: Spearmen in your translation specialize on one-handed and upgrade to Hoplites.
Northcott said:
I haven't noticed anything else, no. Though I do want to say thanks for doing this!  It's really made a big difference in my enjoyment of the mod. :smile:

This, mate. Although I do love the latin names, most times they are too much alike and I can't properly think who they are, so english makes it far smoother, perhaps too smooth and easy for my taste.

Once again, thanks a LOT for this, bruh.
Downloaded, extracted directly to 1257AD, it replaced the languages folder already there and no change. Am I missing a step here?
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