Resolved 1.8.0 - Find another piece of the banner for Arzagos - no hideout marker.

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Yes, I used mods.


Summary: There are 799 days still left for completing "Find another piece of the banner for Arzagos" quest. I just got the first part for Istiana and noticed there is no hideout marked west of Marunath. Arzagos only asks if I found it.
How to Reproduce: No idea.
Have you used cheats and if so which: After it happened I tried to use commands, but the command to complete quest doesn't work, and the one to cancel it, well, cancels it without completing.
I don't know if it's relevant, but I use RBM and Diplomacy mod. Is there any workaround? When I use command "campaign.cancel_quest" the game hints that "Format is campaign.complete_quest [quest name]", but I guess it's obsolete, because it only works with "cancel" in place of "complete". This just removes the quest without completing it. I did edit engine_config.txt to change cheat mode to 1.
Ok I just noticed there is a campaign.show_hideouts command, looks like it worked.
You just saved my game... because of the latest patch 1.8.1 i cant run the Nexus mode, but can open de cmd TAB using "ALT+~"
The thing is that the old cmd "" is no longer available, so i got stuck again with the last hideout bugged and disapeared.

Until i found your post with this cmd "campaign.show_hideouts 2" yes, there is the number 2 in the end.
So The last Hideount finnaly showed again and i could complete the banner continuing the story, without starting the next part and get stuck with this quest unfinished.

Quite a bit of a necro , but yeah , surprisingly , this still happens. It's caused if you accidentally give the wrong answer to either Istiana or Arzagos and then retry and give the correct one. The hideout might not show. I didn't have a save game from before those dialogues since ironman , so only thing that helped me was alt + ~ for console + cmd "campaign.show_hideouts 2".
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