1.7.1 Battania is coded to die?

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Need to enter a balance setting, this will add variety to the game.

Generally speaking there is already a fair bit of variety in the game through the rng deaths of lords tbh.

The problem is more from "my findings" not really scientific at all, that Battania "dies of" too soon, cause its finances is totally crippled.
There is typically 1 of the clans that isnt so hard hit, Aeron's who own Pen Cannoc, he typically have "decent amount of money", but all the other lords is broke.

Cantons tax them too much vs its benefits.
Then the endless tribute tax them more, so they cant form armies, nor have big enough parties to defend themselves, most of their parties being under 50 units, most 15-30.

I think the problem is that they are "too easy to be attacked" by other neighbours, and thus they are unless the player intervene way to prone to a slow but certain death.

Again in some tests I've just started a lvl 1 character, moved into a secure spot, let it play out while I sleep, and time have passed, boom.. same scenario have unfolded again and again. (Battania gone or crippled to the point of non-existence).
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