In Progress [1.6 Beta] a little Smithing Issue

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: Hey! Today i found a little anoying thing. If you craft a weapon it jumps back to the standard blueprint of the weapon type again
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which:No
Scene Name (if related): Smith
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU: RTX2070
GPU Driver Version:latest
CPU:Ryzen 3700x
Motherboard:Aorus pro b450
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
I also have experienced this using the latest 1.60 beta. While it isn't game breaking, it certainly ruins the experience if you'd planned to make money through smithing. I didn't mind 13+ clicks to setup the first sword, as long as every sword after that is 1 click. If I have to click 13 times for each sword... I'm not smithing.

This is happening in my save files that I upgraded as well as a brand new game.
Also seems like you can't give custom names to crafted weapons, you can type them in the box but in the inventory they show as "crafted javelin" or whatever.
Since I've found this thread on smithing issues I won't post my own. Besides the blueprint reset and unable to name created weapons I've experienced crashes a few times doing smithing orders (totally forgot to take pictures or a video trying to recreate it or anything, but I did submit a half assed ticket once) and also randomly fail smithing orders when I have made or exceeded the requirements.


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