Resolved 1.6.4. Typo in quest village needs draught animals description

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: it says 1 instead of mules
How to Reproduce: find a quest with mules, not sure about horses and cows
Have you used cheats and if so which:nah
Scene Name village quest giver


Computer Specs: will accept 6900XT as a gift.
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this issue?
ok so, i found the quests but the items' description was correct every time I tried to reproduce the issue. Perhaps it has something to do with a transition from 1.6.3. to 1.6.4. but as it now I see no problems.
If the issue would reoccur I will make a save file and upload it, but as it is now, nothing to report.
ok so, i found the quests but the items' description was correct every time I tried to reproduce the issue. Perhaps it has something to do with a transition from 1.6.3. to 1.6.4. but as it now I see no problems.
If the issue would reoccur I will make a save file and upload it, but as it is now, nothing to report.
I had this aswell though, but I didnt use old saves, frest for the beta.

however I ran into some odd issues, and then did the whole rescan of files - not seen it since.
I see it sometimes on 1.6.3, but sometimes its OK. I don't generally switch versions in the middle of the game though, so no idea whether its still happening on 1.6.4.
I thought sumpter horses were #1, lol. But since I try to keep both mules & sumpter horses on hand for these things, its usually not a problem.
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