Oh wow, that was fairly aggressive Rad, considering the mod has been in a continuous stage of development for a long time (and continuously gets better).
Although I admittedly agree with the uselessness of the loot, if I attack anyone less then a lord all I get is a variety of armour 38 viking helmets that even my companions refuse to use, mix that with a variety of useless weaponry and that's what I get on repeat (I even upped looting skill) and still nothing. But if I attack any kingdom I get the old annoying great bardiche loot, which makes me far to rich. Also, the game is way to easy.
The AI sucks, granted, and when your fellow nords are fighting they get themselves killed, but I've taken on Swadians, Rhodoks and Khergit when they've outnumbered me and only the Rhodoks did massive damage (thanks to their 40 or so archers that pwn), the Swadians and Khergit just charge though, their cavalry stinks, because if you order your men to stand together and to hold, the cavalry will rush, get blocked and get killed, it's just a repeat every fight.
I suggest boosting the cavalry up a little so that a full on cavalry charge actually knocks over your men, since lets face it, if 20 cavalry charged your left flank your men would stand between 5 horses going 'HA I'M UNMOVABLE' with axes as large as his body, would he?
In total it's very fun, in fact i started playing the updated version the other day after taking a break from doing armours for Calradia Rising and I was instantly hooked (yet again). I think since the last version I played it's gotten 50 times better. One thing though that I simply cannot do.
I'm wondering if I'm just incapable of setting up a kingdom, if you join a faction, take a city and rebel you end up with nearly everyone as your enemy, so I'm thinking not to join anyone next time, keep fighting bandits and then randomly assault whatever castle become weak and which is easily defendable? maybe that's what I need to do.
Anyways it was a blast and the viking armours/helms from AD were amazing and I'm sure I'll love the new game I make using Teutonic Knights and welsh longbowmen (as my current game is pure nord armies) xD
But yeah, definite improvement and I wish you all the best on future versions.