In Progress [1.5.9] Forced to Show Mercy after taking castle/town belonging to same culture. Lost relations w/ allied lords

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: You are forced to Show Mercy after taking a castle/town that belongs to your own culture, so you lose relations w/ certain lords.

Note: This isn't limited to lords in your army. I lost relations with Garios as well.

I understand this should happen when taking castles/towns not belonging to your own culture, but when you're forced to do so, that doesn't seem right. This would mean I'd keep losing relations w/ certain lords for retaking castles/towns belonging to my own culture.

How to Reproduce: Take a castle/town belonging to your own culture (from enemy faction). You'll be forced to Show Mercy and then lose relations w/ certain lords.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
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