Resolved [1.4.1] List of encountered bugs and problems

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Hey guys. I'm a big fan of the game and I can say that I have been in touch with it for some time now. The previous updates are amazing and help the game a lot and I know there is a lot of work still to do. I decided to post this thread because I had lots of issues in the 1.4.1 update and maybe some of the players had them too. So yeah lets's begin!

1)Wives are not giving birth to children
-Details:sad:I created a kingdom through Sandbox, the new option, playing as a man from The Empire)
-waited around 6 or 7 years and nothing, no chance for an heir

2)Amount of money received per day after creating a kingdom through Sandbox now has a lot of decimals (example: 1107.46021 per day instead of 1107 or something liike that)

3)Party leaders are demanding a lot for joining your kingdom created in Sandbox

- I was searching for someone to join my kingdom in order to make it grow and I found around 10 or 11 family leaders, not rulers. The majority refused me and 2 of them were convinced. However, the ones who accepted demanded all my inventory:smile:)) I mean all, without exceptions, money, swords, horses, everything. And I have like 500k and lots of stuff, some of them had a value of 20-40k. The persuaded family leader had like 40k and demanded all I had:smile:


-I know how the trade system goes. you buy something, you get profit and after that gain some experience if you had done a profitable deal. BUT, you do not receive exp points after any deal, I played like 11 years and I had lvl 1 one trade with 0 exp. I have tried everything, restarting the game, loading another save, reinstallinng the game, nothing, 0 exp, and I mean, even if I am mistaken and I do not understand the mechanism, I should still be able to get some exp right?:smile: In 11 years I sold a lot and nothing, literally nothing.

-Details: happened before I created a kingdom thorugh sandbox and conntinued after that, culture empire, done side quests, helped other rulers with garrison and etc, played the game as it s supposed to be played:smile: I really hope you will look into that, it is very bad for the game itself. The other skills were working just fine, i was gaining exp on them

5)Crashes after changing for a different version but I think that is understandable regarding the addition of those lords and ladies inn the new patch.

6) Always the same story, like Sturgia and Western empire disapppear in 4 or 5 years, khuzaits are gods, southern empire gets beaten by them, aserai is the peace guy, very rarely joins a war

7)Creating a kingdom with the help of Arzagos or Istania(something like that:smile:)) ) IMPOSSIBLE

-I had fulfilled all the requirements and it doesnt let met continue with my quest. I cant even reach the conspiracy quest. I played it with new savefiles and i know the story and the issues with the endgame phase but at least i was reaching the Conspiracy Quest

I hope that this thread with help with the development of them even if it is a little contribution and I believe that MB Bannerlord has lots of potential and a great community so far. If you think this thread is useful or you had the same problems liike me please let me know. I think these problems are really affecting the game and it is making it unplayable sometimes. So yeah, that was it, best of luck and I THANK YOU FOR READING ALL OF THIS AND GIVING YOUR TIME!!!
Hello, sorry for the late reply. We have fixed a considerable amount of the problems we have encountered so far and improved the game performance with the multiple patches we have released. Please make sure that your game, your drivers, and OS are up to date and the game has necessary permissions over your security software. Please let us know if the problem(s) persists after completing these steps and verifying the integrity of the game files through Steam.
Hi, I will mark the issue as resolved. If you encounter the same one in the latest version, please let me know. Thanks!
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