Yamchu said:
MrExpendable said:
Man just try it out yourself.
Why dont you try it out and report the result to me? You seem to have lots of time
Messick, thanks. Good advice with the manual entry
Tried it. It works pretty well, except for some grass meshes floating in mid-air and some scenery issues.
Apologies for sounding like an ass. I'm currently having hard times in RL, but you certainly didn't deserve that.
You know what? I'm giving you a free tip on making WB look even better: Install the HDR mod from here: http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=892
In your warband repository. then, start the Brytenwalda mod and when ingame, turn the HDR mode on "medium" in the options menu.
It looks great in my opinion, especially with PL or Realistic Colours, without looking overly "Bloomy", but see if you like it yourself.