(1/2) Ideas From A Long Time M&B Player - Discussion is Welcomed

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Because I passed the 40.000 character limit I had to post this in two parts, sorry.
Part 2: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index...ime-m-b-player-discussion-is-welcomed.440402/


READER WARNING: This post and its second part has not been checked for punctuational, spelling and grammatical mistakes, you have been warned.

I have been playing the Mountain Blade games (which is the correct way to spell it in the hood) since 2012 and I have been mostly enjoying Bannerlord since it's launch to Early Access, visiting every few updates to check the state of things. Things are nice but they can be better, and I have some ideas for it, just like everyone else, and I finally found the time and energy to type it down for your enjoyment and consideration. Discussion is welcomed.

Note that should be read before starting to read this post: Sadly, I don't know how to make graphics, charts or illustration, because of this fact, this post is completely void of any visualization, sorry.

Optional Note that can be skipped: I can, however, recommend some listening materials to accompany this rather long read. Check out "Mahler symphony No:2, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle" or "Work From Home With Satie" in your preferred music streaming platform. Alternatively, type "Wii Shop Channel Music" into YouTube and find the 9:20 minute long video (it has higher audio quality), open the video, right click on the video, click "loop" and you're all set. As a second alternative, type "wii theme song 1 hour version" into YouTube and the find the 1:00:01 hour long video, open the video and you're all set. Have an enjoyable read!

Citation Guide:
(number.number.letter) - Intended to direct the reader a certain part of the post.
(n(number)) - Intended to direct the reader to a certain note in the "5 Notes" section.

1 Simulation, Management, Diplomacy, Economy and Politics
1.1 Capitols For Major Factions
1.2 Impeachment of the Leading Clan of Major Factions
1.3 Coup d'états (Conspiracies)
1.4 Clearly Defined Population Figures (with stats and charts!)
1.5 Reactive Economies, Economic Classes, Taxation, Supply Chains and Trade
1.6 Ambassador System
1.7 Non-Combat Based Naval Activities
1.8 Ability for the Player and the AI to Issue Bounties
1.9 Friendly Relations Between Major Factions
1.10 Feasts, Grand Feasts and Festivities

2 Battles and Related Management
2.1 Ability to Arrange Deployment Formations Before Starting Battles
2.2 Battlefield Fortification System
2.3 Ambush System
2.4 Ability to Command Clan and Kingdom Parties
2.5 Foraging

5 Notes

3 Role Playing, NPC Characters, World Building, Immersion, Quests and Game Modes
3.1 Named NPC (Notable) Creation Algorithm
3.2 Companion Quests
3.3 Books and Learning How to Read
3.4 Romance System
3.5 Sexism
3.6 Smithing System Revamp and Expansion

4 Miscellaneous


1 Simulation, Management, Diplomacy, Economy and Politics

1.1 Capitols For Major Factions

Major Factions should have capitols. These capitols should be initially assigned to them according to which city the ruling clan of the faction at the start of each game owns. Both the player and the AI should have the ability to assign a capitol to their newly formed factions or change the capitol of an existing faction at any time. Process of choosing and/or changing the capitol of a faction should be decided unilaterally by the factions current ruling clans leader.

1.1.b Ruling clans leader should only be able assign the designation of "capitol" to towns their clan owns.

1.1.c Losing the capitol of a faction should cause a huge drop in the nations moral and it's populaces will to continue the war or causing the inverse effect. Reactions to losing the capitol should be determined by the character traits of the factions leader and the other clans leaders, recent events; state of the economy, armies fielded (each lords parties), food supplies and the current ownership status of the factions recently owned settlements and castles.

1.1.d Ruling clan of each faction, and their capitols by extension, should be assigned randomly in the Sandbox mod.

1.1.e Capitols should have considerably larger populations then ordinary towns(1.4).

1.2 Impeachment of the Leading Clan of Major Factions

Clans of a given faction should be able to impeach the leading clan of that faction by a ⅔ (67%) vote (and the ruler by extension). Vote should be held amongst clan leaders, excluding the ruling clans leader.

1.2.b A separate vote, following the impeachment, should be held for the expulsion of the most recently impeached clan, a simple majority of the vote should be enough to complete the expulsion.

1.2.c An election should be held to appoint a new ruling clan to the faction. Each willing clan, should declare their candidacy, clans that don't declare their candidacy should not appear on the "ballot". Eligible voters are the leaders of each clan in the faction. Any candidate clan that receives the simple majority of the vote should be the new leading clan. In the event of no candidate receiving the simple majority of the vote, a second round of voting should be held amongst the 2 candidates that received the highest number of votes.

1.2.d Most recently impeached clan should not able able to participate as a candidate, assuming that the clan wasn't expelled. The most recently impeached clan, however, should be able to vote as normal. Any other clan impeached from the position of leading clan before the most recent Impeachment should be able to participate as a candidate.

1.2.e In the event of a tie in the second round, the faction should spiral into civil war, with each clan taking the side they voted for or choosing the succeed from the faction completely (and potentially join other factions or start their own).

1.2.f Player clan should be subject to the same procedures.

1.3 Coup d'états (Conspiracies)

Any clan should have the ability to organize a conspiracy to stage a (violent) coup d'état to take over as the leading clan of the faction. Coup d'états should be able to be staged during any grand feasts (1.10.h) in the capitol.

1.3.b During the preparation stage of the conspiracy, the clan that is attempting to organize the coup should try to gather support. This can be accomplished either by talking other lords into the conspiracy, which might cause them to alert the ruling clan, depending on their personality and loyalty or by talking to the notables in the capitol and pulling them to the conspirators side, which might involve starting a plebeian uprising. (1.5.b, 1.5.c)

1.3.c After the conspiracy is set, conspiracies leader can either ask the ruler of the faction to organize a Grand Feast (1.10.h) or wait for the ruler to organize one, on their own. Longer the conspirators sit idly by, higher the changes for the enthusiasm to end for executing the conspiracy, or for one of conspirators to rat-out the others to the leader. Which should depend on the conspirators and their extended clans relationship to the organizer and the other members in the conspiracy, as well as the factions leader.

1.3.d During one of the days of the Grand Feast, the organizer of the conspiracy should activate the conspirators and an inner city battle should break out. Battle should engulf all of the inner building and outer public spaces in the capitol.

1.3.e Depending on the relations the organizer of the conspiracy established, the militia in city should choose a side, while the garrison should always join on the side of the ruler. In addition, a number of the most valuable troops of any present lords parties in the city should join the battle on their pre-established sides.(n1)

1.3.f Depending on the direction of the battle, some parties should attempt to escape the city. Casualty tab should be available to the player during the battle and the player should have the ability to fight their way out, if the direction of the battle is not favorable.

1.3.g If the conspirators manage to come to power, the lords that weren't capture or killed during the battle should form an opposition and attempt to fight or simply join other factions.

1.3.h If the conspiracy fails, the conspirators should be hunted by the faction and bounties should be put on their heads (1.8.b). In addition, any other friendly factions should shun the conspirators and turn them away from their settlements or attempt to fight them when sighted.(1.9)

1.3.i Option to form a conspiracy should be available both to the player and the AI. AI should be able to ask the player to join their conspiracies.

1.4 Clearly Defined Population Figures (with stats and charts!)

Population of every settlement should be clearly stated to their respective owners.

1.4.b I don't know how many people live in the continent of Calradia but it feels like there is too little and an infinite number of people at the same time. Instead of leaving it ambiguous, clearly state how many people actually live in a settlement and have events tied to it. Calradia takes in a lot of immigrants and has a high birth rate average after all, no need to explain why a towns population went from 2000 after a massacre, and back to 6000 in a few in-game years. Clearly state the population of a given settlement to its ruler and their clan members(1.4.f), otherwise give a vaguely correct number. Capitols should have higher population numbers compared to ordinary towns.

1.4.c If you're going to add clearly defined populations(n2), add chart and stats to go along with it.

1.4.d Clearly state how many people are currently living in the settlement, their age groups, sex, ethnicities (culture), economic classes (1.5) and daily income of each class.

1.4.e Add charts detailing the changes to the general population and it's demographics in a given settlement since the player took over, add some depth (fun) to the simulation! You can also make this option available for faction wide stats and charts as well, if you wanna.

1.4.f Add the mandatory condition of holding a census to know the exact population and demographics of a given settlement. Show a rough estimate before holding a census. Censuses should cost money, the price of holding a census should increase depending on the type of settlement. Make censuses more inaccurate as the time passes, a given census should become completely incorrect after 5 in-game year. (n3)

1.5 Reactive Economies, Economic Classes, Taxation, Supply Chains and Trade

There should be a somewhat sharply defined economic class system for people in towns (and less so in villages).

1.5.b There should be quests and dialogue options (1.5.d) reflecting the current power balance dynamics between the classes of a given settlement. With high tension resulting in the populace (militia) rising up and slaughtering the elite of the city and replacing them with populist figures or by the elit using the garrison of the settlement to massacre a part of the populace.

1.5.c Player should be able to join in and effect any part of this process and should be able to create relations with notables. These notables should include the owner (clan) of the settlement, the elite of the city (which the player recruits troops from) and the populist figures in the city (n4).

1.5.d Different dialogue options should be available both to nameless NPCs, such as; the folks in towns and villagers, and Named NPCs, such as; lords, people of interest in settlements and companions. These options should reflect the current state of power dynamics between classes in a given settlement, kingdom wide dynamics and the continent wide feeling the plebeians have towards the concept of oligarchy.

1.5.e Player and the AI should be able to separately tax the populace based on their existing wealth (class), the daily incomes of a given class should be clearly stated. The tax slider should go from 0 to 100, there should be an option to type the number desired (typing is always a good option to have).

1.5.f Both the player and the AI should have the ability to put tariffs on certain trade goods from major factions and minor clans. These tariffs would provide an opportunity to pressure a faction without going directly to war. Sliders to determine how to distribute the income from tariffs should be available; the sliders should include the owner clan of the settlement which the trade is conducted from, the ruling clan of the faction and the factions treasury.

1.6 Ambassador System

In The Ambassador System, factions will establish official relations by sending ambassadors to each others capitols. Ambassadors will send weekly intel reports back to the factions ruler and the ruler will have the option to share the intel with rest of the clan leaders.

1.6.b Targets of the intel reports should be customizable. For example, one week the ambassador might focus on the make up of the garrison in the capitol, next week focusing on it's food stocks. While these specialized reports should exist, the ambassador should always send a record of activities, such as, planned feasts and records of nobles visiting and/or staying in the capitol.

1.7 Non-Combat Based Naval Activities

There should be naval based non-combat activities, such as; naval trading and travel(n5), conducted from cities with ports. This would require some re-works on the overworld map but could make the islands useful, possibly by putting a bunch of trade based independent city-states on them, with their own culture, wink, wink.

1.7.b Seriously though, An Island based naval trade faction would be so cool. You don't have to design naval combat, just let us have access to sea. Use the ship model in the sea-raider camps, and you can easily build ports in cities by using existing assets. You can also use the low-res overworld ship model from Warband as your overworld ship model!

1.7.c Thanks to naval trade, those pesky rivers can finally be put to use!

1.7.d These island city-states can all share the same culture. This culture should be an analog of Venetians. Also, by having a Venetian analog culture all of can enjoy some more sexy architecture as well! As a bonus, by adding this 7th trade based and very unique culture, you can finally advertise as to having more unique cultures then Warband!

1.7.e This faction or independent collection city-states which all sharing the culture (whichever one is preferred), can fight on land by ferrying troops to the main land. Mainlanders can also invade the islands by doing the same, troops land and do a beach assault up the wall (e.g. Battle of the Blackwater). No naval combat required! Think about it.

1.8 Ability for the Player and the AI to Issue Bounties

Just like the "Capture Lord" quests player can receive, player should be able to issue open bounties and assignments to specific lords and companions, asking for the capture of a certain lord. The pricing order for these bounties should be like this:
-20.000 dinars for a minor clan lord
-40.000 dinars for a minor clan leader or a standard clan member
-60.000 dinars for a standard clan leader
-100.000 dinars for a factions leader

1.8.b Just like the player can issue bounties on lords, the lords should be able issue bounties on the player for their action. When these bounties are relatively low, manhunter parties should come after the player, when they are relatively high minor faction members should should come after the player and when the bounty is real good standard faction members should come after the player. System should be region sensitive, for the sake of fairness.

3 tiers of possible bounties on the player and each tiers respective hunters:
-100 - 10.000 dinars > Manhunters
-10.000 - 40.000 dinars > minor clan members
-40.000 - 100.000 > standard clan members

1.8.c Bounties should be removable by ways of killing the issuer of the bounty, by a conversation skill check with the issuer or by surrendering to the issuer or the hunter.

1.8.d In the case of bounties as assignments, the individual named NPC that has been assigned with the task of capturing or kill a lord can die attempting to do so (if the option is open).

1.9 Friendly Relations Between Factions

Factions should be able to cooperate on certain issues and form agreements. These Issues and possible points of agreements should include but should not be limited to:
-Tariff-Free Trade Agreements
-Temporary Defensive Pacts (pacts, that they can choose not to honor)
-Prisoners Exchanges and Enforcing Each Others Bounties

1.9.b Factions should not be able to form offensive pacts under any circumstance for balance reasons.

1.10 Feasts, Grand Feasts and Festivities

Feasts should be able to be held In Towns and Castles ; Festivities should be able to be held in Capitols, Towns and Villages. (check 1.10.h for information on Grand Feasts)

1.10.b Festivities should be organized by the respective owners of settlements for a reasonable sum of money (1.10.c). All festivities should be held for 3 days. Festivities should increase the availability of goods and items, and should reduce the price of all goods and items by 10% (or by 5%) for the period in which it is held.

1.10.c There should be 3 types of festivities, each type should cost differently depending on the location they are held. Festivity types, expenses and bonuses:

-Capitol Festivities:
Tier 1 > These festivities should cost 3000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the capitol by 20%
Tier 2 > These festivities should cost 6000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the capitol by 60%.
Tier 3 > These festivities should cost 10000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the capitol by 100%

-Town Festivities:
Tier 1 > These festivities should cost 2000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the town by 20%
Tier 2 > These festivities should cost 4000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the town by 60%.
Tier 3 > These festivities should cost 8000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the town by 100%

-Village Festivities:
Tier 1 > These festivities should cost 1000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the village by 20%
Tier 2 > These festivities should cost 2000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the village by 60%.
Tier 3 > These festivities should cost 5000 dinars to organize and should boost the morale, loyalty, productivity and militia of the village by 100%

As a cool extra, during the period of festivities settlements can have minor changes and decorations applied to them.

1.10.d Feasts should be an occasion for the nobles of the faction and any other invited nobles form other factions to engage in polite conversation, discuss politics and engage in courtship (3.4). Feasts should be accompanied by a tournament, in which all the able-bodied nobles will choose to compete (unless it contradicts their character traits). Winner of the tournament should receive a monetary reward as well as an item reward and a permission to join the feast if they weren't invited. Honours gained from winning the tournament should be able to be used as part of courtship.

1.10.e Feasts should not provide any bonuses to the town or castle in which they are held. However, they should increase the relations between the host clan and each guest clan by 5.

1.10.f Cost of holding a feast, regardless of location, should be 5000 dinars.

1.10.g Invitations to feasts should be rejectable. If the player or the AI chooses to reject or not show up to an (accepted) invitation to a feast, their relation with the host clan should decrease by 5.

1.10.h Grand feasts should only be able to be held in the capitols of major factions, only the ruling clan should have the ability to organize a grand feast. Ruling clans should organize a grand feast for the purposes of asserting power and strengthening alliances. When a grand feast is organized, Tier 3 festivities should also be organized to be held simultaneously, for no extra cost. Like the normal feasts, nobles should engage in polite conversation, discuss politics and engage in courtship. Grand feasts should also be accompanied by a tournament spanning the entire duration of the feast. All the able-bodied nobles will choose to compete in the tournament (unless it contradicts their character traits). Winner of the tournament should receive a monetary reward as well as an item reward. Unlike a normal feast, the winner should not receive permission to join the feast if they weren't invited. Reasons for this is that the grand feast is an inherently political gathering and having a non-noble would serve no purpose.

1.10.i Special events such as coup d'états should be able to occur during grand feasts, and have the ability to cut it short.

1.10.j Organizing a Grand Feast should cost 30.000 (or a similarly high amount)

1.10.k Grand feasts should last for 5 (or 7 days). At the end of which, relations between the host clan and the invited guests present should increase by 20.

1.10.l Invitations to grand feasts should be rejectable. If the player or the AI chooses to reject or not show up to an (accepted) invitation to a grand feast, their relation with the host (ruling) clan should decrease by 20.

1.10.m Other clan leaders should have the ability to suggest holding a grand feast to the ruling clans leader. If the ruler accepts the clan suggestion that clan will have to pay 10.000 dinars of the festivities cost as the co-host and their clans relation with the guests at the grand feast will increase by 5 at the end of festivities.

1.10.n Player should have the ability to invite whomever they want to a Feast or A Grand Feast, regardless of faction. AI should have the ability to reject these invites. There should be no relation penalties in the event of an invitation sent by the player getting rejected. A menu similar to the encyclopedias "notables" section should be made available for the purposes of inviting nobles.

1.11 Religion System
(details needed) (n7)


2 Battles and Related Management

2.1 Ability to Arrange Deployment Formations
Before Starting Battles

Deploying troops at the start of each battle like in Total War or like in the sieges in this game would save so much time and energy. Of course this deployment screen should only be accessible at the start of the battle. Also, limiting the view of the battlefield only to the players starting part of the map would save that feeling of not exactly knowing where the enemy is or what they are doing.

2.1.b Player should be given multiple slots to save multiple pre-sets of deployments.

2.2 Battlefield Fortification System

Battlefield fortifications have turned many battles around in the annals of history, and I'm not talking about something too complex like the ones in the battle of Dyrrhachium. I'm thinking something more akin to the ones in the battle of Agincourt.

2.2.b Fortifications System I'm think of is simple (like a bunch of anti-cav spike), portable (on the overworld map), has to be prepared before the battle, has to be carried around by the army and slows it down, has to be deployed in the limited view of the pre-battle deployment screen(2.1), can be destroyed by hitting and cannot be moved during battle.

2.2.c I know this might not sound that significant or rather hard to implement but give it a good nights sleep and think about it, this would be a tactical game changer.

2.3 Ambush System

I think using the newly implemented grid system for this feature can be the solution to the problem of implementing an ambush system on the overworld map.

2.3.b The system I'm thinking of, works by classifying specific parts of maps (and the grid on the overworld map by extension) by their availability to set an ambush in. Which would require every grid and their maps to be classified into zones, in which an ambush can or cannot be held.

2.3.c As an example, think of a grid (map) in the Battanian territories, that has forests on both sides and an open field in the middle. Classify the forests at both sides of the map as available to set an ambush in and the middle, open field part as not being available to set an ambush in. Imagine that an AI army has set an ambush in one of the forests and the players army has to pass from this grid. This can go in two ways depending on whether or not the players party has a vanguard party attached to it (for more details check out 2.3.f right now). Firstly, let's assume that the player is in a rush and didn't create a vanguard party. In this example, player will be caught in the ambush, in whatever marching formation they choosed (2.3.h), and will have to fight the ambush as is. Secondly, let's assume that the player created a vanguard party. In this example, the vanguard party will encounter the enemy first and will engage in battle, while the main party stays unaware. While the distance between these two parties is small, it isn't nothing. If the player didn't assign sufficient number of troops to this vanguard, the vanguard will be destroyed before the player can come to it's aid and subsequently the player will fall into the same ambush. Player cannot change course after losing the vanguard party and must follow it's course to it's last place of existence, for balancing reasons. If the player had assigned sufficient number of troops to the vanguard on the other hand, the vanguard will survive until the main party arrives, and than the main party will join in the battle and aid the ambushed vanguard party.

2.3.d This system will work much better if the vanguard and the ambushers are battling when the main party joins the battle. For this to work, when the players main party joins the battle, vanguard should spawn in the maps designated ambushee location (2.3.m), and the ambushers should spawn right next to them, in a position corresponding to their ambusher direction. The player should spawn in at the far side of the map, in a position corresponding to their approach direction, after this the players main party can catch up to the vanguard on the battle map. The vanguard party troops should be proximity sensitive to enter into the players command again.

2.3.e Let's assume that the player choose to be in the vanguard party, how will the main party aid them? For this, a timer has to be put in place, the time for the main party to catch up to the vanguard party should always be the same, let's say 90 second. In this example, a (small) timer that is counting backwards from 90 is placed on the players screen. Players vanguard party will be ambushed in the corresponding ambushee location of the map, in whatever marching formation they choosed(2.3.h), and the ambushers will start attacking from their respective ambushing position. Player will have to hold their position until the timer completes and the main party arrives. At which time the AI main party will be spawned into the map under the same conditions as the players main party spawned in at 2.3.d. Same proximity command take over system applies in the same way as it did in 2.3.d.

2.3.f In the real world, armies used vanguard tactics to put themselves ahead of such tricks, for this system to work fairly, a vanguard system will be needed as well. Think of a small party, contents of which can be decided, that is leading the way for the main party, and the player is actually controlling the small party on the overworld map, let's call this small party as the "vanguard party". If the player chooses to create a vanguard party, they will assume control over that party instead of the main party and whatever move that this vanguard party does will be mimicked by the main party, which should be right behind it. When the player chooses to turn left with the vanguard party, the main party will follow the exact pathing as the vanguard party and turn left, and vice versa. Player can choose the contents of either party and can choose which one they want to be present in. Formation of these vanguard parties should slightly slow the overall speed of the party for balancing reasons.

2.3.g This system doesn't have to be exclusive to the forested grids. Ambushes can be set behind or neat the tips of hills and sand dunes, ambushers can attack their targets that are passing through the lowlands below, detection should depend on the approach direction of the potential ambushee. But even if it had to be exclusive to foresty grids, it would still be worth the effort of implementing it.

2.3.h Player should have the ability to from marching formations, which should only take into consideration the "squads" of troop. This formation system should consist of a simple grid in which the player can liberally place each squads location, the grid being 9x5. For example, squad 1 which is titled as "cavalry", is placed in the third grid from the left and the 7th grid from the bottom and the squad 2 which is titled as "archers" is placed in the third grid from the right and the fifth grid from the bottom and vice versa. Each grid in this formation system should only be able to accommodate 30 troops. When a given squad is larger then 30, the squad should expanded into a neighboring grid chosen by the player, this should repeat either until all the members in that squad are placed or the player decides not to place any more of the squad. 9x5x30 = 1350, which seems like a sufficient number to me, considering that the games engine can only handle up to 1000 troops at once on the battlefield and stay stable.

2.3.i In the event of all troops in the players party not fitting on the battlefield or in the case of any other troop selection problems, "Order Priority" option chosen by the player in the "Party" tab should be consulted by the system. These options should include but should not be limited to: Choosing the highest tiered troop first(n6) or consulting the listing order in the "Party" tab.

2.3.j There should be a separate window available to the player, with the deployment grid, that details the marching order of every army created by the them, down to "party" level, that is to say not every squad of every party. Player should place the parties on the grid in the same manner as mentioned at 2.3.h. In the case of the army marching formation, the highest tier troops should always spawn in first, that is to say that they should be the ones ambushed and the lower tier troops should be the reinforcements.

2.3.k Reinforcements for the ambushee should come from the parties (or armies) marching direction on the far side of the map. While the reinforcements for the ambusher should come roughly form their ambush location.

2.3.l Troops should be automatically inclined to form a hollow rectangle (with the ranged units in the center) when ambushed and attempt to keep the rectangle unless ordered otherwise.

2.3.m Designers will have to designate Ambushing location and the ambushee location for every grid and it's map.

2.3.n All the rules should equally apply to the AI, the ones that can anyway.

2.4 Ability to Command Clan and Kingdom Parties

Both the player and the AI should have the ability to issue simple commands and assign tasks to their clan parties and kingdom parties present in their army. These tasks should include but are not limited:
-Buying food from towns and villages
-Fetching food from already existing food stock in castles and towns
-Scouting ahead to a landmark location and reporting back the findings
-Traveling and staying at certain locations
-Setting siege to towns and castles
-Patrolling around landmarks
-Foraging around certain areas

2.5 Foraging

Parties and especially (AI) armies should have the ability to forage for food.

2.5.b This is all there is to it.

5 Notes:
I don't know if spawning the parties in waves or just picking a certain number of their highest tier troops would be the better idea here, but I'm gonna go with the latter for simplicities sake.
n2- You really should.
I think 1.4.f would be a little too hardcore but I'm still gonna put it out there.
n4- I think the player should be able to recruit troops from these populist figures as well, but the troops should always be tier 1. At least until the populist figures become the new elites.
n5- If you feel like making naval combat please do that as well, it would be amazing if you did.
n6- Which tier should the Companions be counted as? should it be determined by the player?
n7- I know I want it, but I have no clear idea as to how to implement it.


This is it! You have read every word I wrote! Cheers!

This is only the part 1 of 2 parts.
Part 2: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index...ime-m-b-player-discussion-is-welcomed.440402/

The writing process took about 3 days and I stopped enjoying it at about the end of the second day, but I had to finish it.
Could I possibly written this better? yes.
Did I want to spend more time doing it? nope.

Write your opinion below, let's discuss.

If you wanna spice up the discussion write your favourite 3 ideas in this post(s), that you would like to see implemented. With any changes and addition you want.

Mine is:
1- 3.6 Smithing System Revamp and Expansion (can be found in Part 2)
2- 1.4 Clearly Defined Population Figures (with stats and charts!)
3- 1.1 Capitols For Major Factions


Authored by Grumpy Barbie

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Really like 1.9, 1.10 & 2.1 and agree with all points on them.
1.1The capitals seems a lot of work for limited gain and could be exploited by a player especially with random deployment of them.
1.2 & 1.3 Impeachments and Coup d'états might add some interest to end games, but to be implemented properly would require an awful lot of work on lord personalities and I'd imagine would be circumvented by players making sensible choices in Lords and just lead to churn and chaos for the AI.
1.4 seems like masses of detail that would be lost on most players and for limited gain, I think the current more abstract system works well enough and would you tie this in to recruitment as if not it has limited real impact. If you are going to keep track of the number of potential recruits in a place it involves such a major change to the nonstop war and makes snow balling harder to stop as if you can only recruit from your own towns you'll end up at a major disadvantage as you lose more fighting age people and places to recruit them from.
1.5 seem like masses of detail that would be lost on most players and for limited gain
1.6 is not too dissimilar from what the encyclopedia and faction page currently do so don't think it's worth the effort.
1.7 maybe for a DLC but way down the line
1.8 unless it is assassinate rather than merely a bounty it just doesn't seem worth the effort to implement. It's also something that would be fairly niche use for a player as you would assume the reputation damage would offset the gain of capturing one lord. Also potentially exploitable with the amount of money a player can get.
2.3 while a nice idea it seems to add a lot of complication to the game and I feel is beyond what TW will be able to achieve and I'd rather they didn't attempt such a complicate new mechanic instead of polishing existing ones. t also feels like a mechanic that could be either a. annoying or b. exploitable
2.4 while logical in many ways would give the player too many advantages as they would be able to get the most out of it I feel. I would love to be able specify do not raid/attack caravans and defend this area everything else to me is superfluous.
2.5 This really should be what raiding/village extortion is about IMO and would rather they beefed up that element than adding a new foraging option.

Sorry if this mainly feels dismissive, but you did ask for opinions and I'm sure other will differ with my assessment. Either way thanks for sharing your thoughts it's been good to read such well thought out proposals.
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Well this looks like what Taleworlds should have come up with prior to beginning the project but obviously didn't bother with. Unfortunately that ship has sailed and none of this will every show up even if they read it. Maybe we could see some of this in a DLC or something, maybe.
Sorry if this mainly feels dismissive, but you did ask for opinions and I'm sure other will differ with my assessment.
Not at all, it's always nice to hear feedback. Thanks for taking the time to go through every point.
By the way, if Taleworlds decides to implement any of these features I strongly believe that they should do it after they fix the already existing features. Many features that suppose to work, currently do not function properly. This game clearly lacked a uniform and decisive design philosophy during it's very long development period. One can arrive at this conclusion by looking at other studios' that got big budgets for their later projects in the past, such as; Alpha Protocol. A.C.: Unity, Mass Effect Andromeda, Cyberpunk 2077, and Bloodlines 2 is giving it funny looks, I can only pray for Stalker 2. So, fix your dang game before attempting to do any of these.
can, however, recommend some listening materials to accompany this rather long read. Check out "Mahler symphony No:2, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle" or "Work From Home With Satie" in your preferred music streaming platform. Alternatively, type "Wii Shop Channel Music" into YouTube and find the 9:20 minute long video (it has higher audio quality), open the video, right click on the video, click "loop" and you're all set. As a second alternative, type "wii theme song 1 hour version" into YouTube and the find the 1:00:01 hour long video, open the video and you're all set.
I just want you to know I put this on loop before I start reading your post, be back after reading, maybe
By the way, if Taleworlds decides to implement any of these features I strongly believe that they should do it after they fix the already existing features. Many features that suppose to work, currently do not function properly. This game clearly lacked a uniform and decisive design philosophy during it's very long development period. One can arrive at this conclusion by looking at other studios' that got big budgets for their later projects in the past, such as; Alpha Protocol. A.C.: Unity, Mass Effect Andromeda, Cyberpunk 2077, and Bloodlines 2 is giving it funny looks, I can only pray for Stalker 2. So, fix your dang game before attempting to do any of these.
Man, I loved Alpha Protocol so much. Never understood why someone didn't pickup the idea and improve on it.

But, all good ideas especially about the capitals, class system, and the festivities. I really wanted to have something like a tiered arena and tournament system. Having to earn your way into the better tournaments with renown or winning lower level tournaments.
Man, I loved Alpha Protocol so much. Never understood why someone didn't pickup the idea and improve on it.
Hell yeah! Attention to the smallest of details in that game was amazing. Variety and reactivity of the NPCs dialogues was masterful, it deserves a remake so much.
I really like a lot of your ideas, lots of great diplomacy stuff, which i think the game is in need of.
I was expecting feasts were surely in the table for the next updates, is it not? =[
I also hope they don't, I need that game to be good so badly.
Well, we all need it to be good... My hype train is very much stationed on the railroad garage for this one.
I wish it to be good though
AI is just bare-bones at such a level that they detract from the world which they are suppose to be bringing to life. Notables need to be more complex, there needs to be more diplomatic options otherwise all this work will just go to waste in the shallow grounds in which all disappointing projects go to die. Notables, especially the lords are the key to this game, they need all the time they can get in the oven and all the care and resources which can be spared. This new artificial Q4 2021 public deadline is just more proof to me that Taleworlds upper management, with their fancy MBAs, really doesn't care. They are setting a public deadline for a project that has been put so much work into, and it need more time. This game, if it releases with the current approach to notables, will just be another garbage mediocre project, without mods anyway. Give the notables the care they need!
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Nearly all of these suggestions sound great and I think they would've added a lot to the game, that's why it's kinda sad that they will never be implemented. Although I've been into the series for the past decade or so, I've only recently started to pay attention to the events surrounding it. And as far as I can tell TW is pretty much done with the game, so i genuinely don't see how any of these ideas can be realized at all. Good read though, imagining how much better the RP elements could've been was nice. (also, i'm new to forums and i wanted to check this persons profile but i can't click on it for some reason, is that because their profile is private?)
Nearly all of these suggestions sound great and I think they would've added a lot to the game, that's why it's kinda sad that they will never be implemented. Although I've been into the series for the past decade or so, I've only recently started to pay attention to the events surrounding it. And as far as I can tell TW is pretty much done with the game, so i genuinely don't see how any of these ideas can be realized at all. Good read though, imagining how much better the RP elements could've been was nice. (also, i'm new to forums and i wanted to check this persons profile but i can't click on it for some reason, is that because their profile is private?)
They deleted their account, or had it deleted.
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