0.711 Wrong no. of prisoners from a depleted party

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Just now I encountered a river pirate group that been reduced to 3/6 of its original members. I promptly engaged and (I'm fairly sure) killed at least two of the 3 upright pirates, but was rewarded with 6 prisoners at the end of battle.

Is this a bug, or should I take it to mean that the 3 that were not fighting fit were merely unconcious rather than killed, and thus were available to me for capture?
When you see toops listed like that (3/6) it means that 3 of them are able to fight, and the other three are wounded or unconcious etc.

(so you can still capture them)

Deus Ex said:
When you see toops listed like that (3/6) it means that 3 of them are able to fight, and the other three are wounded or unconcious etc.

(so you can still capture them)


He said he killed two of them but still recieved six prisoners, as if he never killed those two.
ahhh - well I just assumed that they did not really die, but were knocked unconcious - I have never paid that much attention to the correlation between the messages recieved during combat and what happens afterward.

BTW is there a log of those message somewhere that I can look at? they scroll by and fade so fast, it is hard to analyze them while trying to pick off incoming bogey's...

If they REALLY were dead, then yes it is inconsistent.

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