(0.711) Is the unresponsive AI ever going to be fixed?

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Someone made a topic about it a long time ago for v0.632 and the AI's still as slow as ever to respond to your orders. It takes 5-10 seconds for troops to respond to orders. And if there are enemies in sight they WILL NOT follow orders. Instead, they'll attack and get themselves killed.

I'm just wondering if this can and will be fixed someday or if this is one of those bugs that can't be fixed?
I would more be pleased if the AI is improved overall and not just such a little thing. They may be fixed while improving or after the improvement :wink:
I wouldn't call this a "little thing". My troops always die because of these bugs. I don't mind losing troops in battle but not because of bugs that make them rush the enemy like idiots instead of following my orders.
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