(0.70x) Battlefield AI Problem

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I've experienced this all along the patches and fixes.

Sometimes, it seems to happen randomly or at least i wasnt able to notice any special common points, the enemy soldiers just stand in their places like that. Like a merchant NPC or something. I get close, closer, closer... We are nose-to-nose and still there is no response. I hit him. Nothing. I hit him from a long range. Nothing. Short range. Nothing. Jump in front of him. Nothing. Charge with a horse. Nothing. If they fall they just get up and stand.

I first thought they were trying to creep me with their "cross arms. uncross. cross. bend left. bend right. cross. uncross" behaviour. But then i thought it could be a bug.

Anyone experienced this?
There are still various oddities that needs to be solved. I've had enemies trying to run through the bordermountains in the battlefield (the enemy horsemen tried to run in circles around me but didn't understand it's not possible through a mountain). On the other occasion I told my men to hold their position, and then the charging mountain bandit horsemen charged straight into a pond next to me and were unable to get out of it. And then there are times that the npc's don't do a thing for a while and then continue.
Maelstorm said:
I've experienced this all along the patches and fixes.

Sometimes, it seems to happen randomly or at least i wasnt able to notice any special common points, the enemy soldiers just stand in their places like that. Like a merchant NPC or something. I get close, closer, closer... We are nose-to-nose and still there is no response. I hit him. Nothing. I hit him from a long range. Nothing. Short range. Nothing. Jump in front of him. Nothing. Charge with a horse. Nothing. If they fall they just get up and stand.

I first thought they were trying to creep me with their "cross arms. uncross. cross. bend left. bend right. cross. uncross" behaviour. But then i thought it could be a bug.

Anyone experienced this?

Most likely they ended up spawning with either no weapon at all or something they didn't have the stats to use. Borcha and Marnid will do the same thing if you take away their equipment. Ideally the AI should be altered to allow such unfortunates to flee the field, but I'll leave that to the suggestion forum.
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